Amethyst McMahon sighs and strokes the soft fur of the limp ginger cat, looking at Jaekob with caring eyes, "no, Druid. I will go to the Sword & Shield and see the barmaid there. You settle the Cat with Audrey and Gabriel."
Amethyst McMahon: "I have already apologised to Audrey for ignoring her at the Docks when you sailed..."
Jaekob Faolan nods chewing on his lips and lifting the basket into his arms, "As you wish then. When I am done, I will join you hmm?"
Amethyst McMahon takes a deep breath and continues wearily, "best you do that, Druid, for I am weary of you not doing as I wish and returning to me bloody and bruised... if but for a short time with your Elven blood. You could have been killed in Mirkwood!"
Jaekob Faolan offers her an innocent smile, "I did what needed to be done, my love. You signed on for the elf, but the business of Druid is part of the package. I promise to spend the evening with you and you alone? Does that make up for my um misdeeds?"
Amethyst McMahon scolds further, but her voice softens, "... well, it will do for now, but one evening hardly makes up for not explaining about your friend here," she strokes the Cat once again... "...and only afterwards do I learn of the history of the Cheshire Cat and can fully appreciate his import to you."
Jaekob Faolan nods, again chewing on his lip, "I made a promise long ago and I have tried to keep it. The fewer people who knew the cat was truly a person, the safer her was."
Amethyst McMahon reaches up to kiss him gently, "yes, I know Druid. Go now and give my best wishes to Audrey and Gabriel. I will see her in town later this week for sure and will wait at the tavern for you, my love."
Jaekob Faolan nods, returning the kiss hastily and moving toward the mage's home, turning to glance at her, "I will be there soon, my love. And then we will return to Calenhad together hmmm."
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Jaekob entrusts the Cheshire Cat to the care of the Mages |
Audrey Ashgrove turns her gaze to Gabe and furrows her brow, "the Aran said not to "experiment" on him, my darling. He is so weak as is and our job is to keep up with the books and try and get the poor thing to at least drink."
Gabriel Raynecrier: "I know that... I was just.... just looking for alternatives. What if we fail at keeping the cat alive? It might mean we fail at our task of becoming mages in these lands."
Audrey Ashgrove rubs her temples and stands to go kneel and stir the fire, not wanting the Cat to feel the chill that grows each day, "Gaberiel Raynecrier... that is really not so important just now. This creature is at our mercy, it needs our help and Lord Jaekob has so much trust in us that he gave it to your care."
Audrey Ashgrove steels her voice, "we will not fail."
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The Young Mages at Their Home with the Cat |
Gabriel Raynecrier closes the heavy journal and lays it to the side, goint to kneel by the cat and brushing his hand along its fur, "I am sorry little brother. For surely, we will do all in our power to keep you safe and eventually return you to health."
Audrey Ashgrove smiles, stroking the cat and crooning soft words before standing and putting her arms around her love, "aye, my sweet, I know where your heart is and I know you fear failure more than anything, but I think YOU could try a rejuvenation potion for the feline. I dare not as yet... my last efforts went ... awry."
Gabriel Raynecrier nods, "I do have all the ingredients now. Well, I think I do. But the Druid left a couple of potions for us to use. I will begin working at the cauldron right away and try my hand at the mixture."
Audrey Ashgrove gives him a reassuring kiss, "good, you start with the potion and I will continue to read that manuscript you found about magical objects and transmutation... maybe I will find something we have missed until yet"
Gabriel Raynecrier nods and smiles, beginning to fill his pack with supplies. I may be gone the rest of this day, but I shall return by dinner. Will you be okay alone here.... well... with the cat?
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Audrey Tends to the Cheshire Cat |
Gabriel Raynecrier grins big and leans down to kiss her softly, "Well, that is a big reward, indeed. For apple tart, I shall not tardy," he says lovingly to his wife.
To be continued...
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