Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Gabriel Collects His Wages

With the introduction of the Unity Empire System, we can now pay wages to those members of tRLs who are guilded or who hold positions in the lands such as farmers, dancers, etc. Soon, a player will be able to harvest ores and sell them to an NPC as a means of making realm coin. For instance, the blacksmith might be interested in any iron you collect. You can use your coins to buy food or pay rent on your IC home.
tRLs now has a working economy to make our community more immersive. The farm is completely set up for harvesting and cooking foods. Much more on the horizon.

Gabriel Raynecrier enters the infirmary and nods to his mentor, "G'day Lord Jaekob."

Jaekob Faolan smiles as he moves away from his desk, "Ah Gabriel. How fare you this day?"

Gabriel Raynecrier: "I am well. I came to collect my wages? It is payday yes?"

Jaekob Faolan chuckles and steps over to his desk, flipping open the wage journal.

Jaekob Faolan: "It is and hmm let's see.... Gabriel, Rank 1 Mage, correct?"

Gabriel Raynecrier: "Yes Lord Jaekob. But Audrey and I both are working hard at our tasks. It won't be Rank 1 for many more weeks."

Jaekob Faolan laughs, "Well let me see what you are owed hmmm?"

Jaekob Faolan flips through the pages to Gabriel's name and opens a small chest counting out some coins

Jaekob Faolan: "Three silver, five copper a week hmmm and I owe you for two weeks," he says offering the mage a small pouch of coins.

Jaekob Faolan: gave Gabriel Raynecrier 6 silver coin.

Jaekob Faolan: gave Gabriel Raynecrier 6 copper coin.

When you see this message, it means one person has given another player something from his pouch. These are not physical items, but your pouch remembers the items within and works with them accordingly.

Jaekob Faolan: "There you go lad. Well earned if I do say so. Now how do your tasks come hmmm?"

Gabriel Raynecrier: "Oh well enough," he says with a bit of a stammer, "Audrey and I are working through the first set you gave us, the histories of mages and magic."

Gabriel Raynecrier: "When will we be able to work on potions, milord?"

Jaekob Faolan: "Well, I have had a cauldron placed in the Mage Guild already. And soon, we will sit down and discuss some basic potions hmmm? But, lets not get ahead of ourselves. You and Audrey must prove to me you understand our rules, have attended the necessary classes and then we will talk of the next step."

Gabriel Raynecrier lowers his head, "Of course, I did not mean to rush you at all. I am thankful for your mentoring and we both wish to be the best mages we can be."

Jaekob Faolan: [[i have not begun putting out ingredients for making potions yet, but once i get them out, we can icly begin]]

Jaekob Faolan nods, "You have already proven yourselves, Gabriel. It will all come in time."

Gabriel Raynecrier: "Of course, milord. Now I will return to the Mage Hall and continue my studies. Thank you for my wages."

Gabriel Raynecrier turns and heads for the door.

Jaekob Faolan smiles and watches the young man leave.

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