*** The next Chapter :Great Canadian Grid ***

The River Lands roleplay community has moved it's main roleplay region with the hypergrid from InWorldz to the Great Canadian Grid.

With the metaverse of Open Sim at our feet, we are looking forward to traveling around the many wonderful hypergrids hosting stunning medieval communities and welcoming new members to our River Lands roleplay community.


Come and visit, explore at leisure and maybe you'll decide to stay! Everyone is welcome.


  1. This is really nice Jaekob, love how it opens up unto your calendar! Really looking forward to visiting again on the 13th .... :)

  2. Aww, thank you Sunbeam. I enjoyed showing you a bit of our roleplay lands today and also look forward to you and your friends visiting on the 13th. If I may be of service in any way, just whistle. Yes, whistling works. I have elf ears and good hearing," he says with a smile.
