Thursday, November 19, 2015

Evienne evades the Drow and discovers an old friend

Evienne duLac shimmies and flutters her wings, the frothy skirt of her new "pastoral" outfit tickling her legs... "ooh, how delicious that feels", she exhales with a breathless giggle.

Leaving her Otherworld sanctuary, she moves fluidly through the cool water, paying special care to avoid the naiads converging for their frolicksome gathering under the nearby waterfall. 
Evienne duLac scowls and mutters in a low tone, "...bothersome creatures! The only companions who currently seek me out and I simply loathe their mooning about and constant appetite for new love affairs!". She shudders and breaks through the water's surface, shaking her wings and spraying droplets like diamonds in the air, ".. and mostly mortal lovers being their chosen prey too! Simply ghastly!"

The discerning Fae steers her course towards Taibreamh, which suits her flowery costume and floral ambitions on this day. She skirts the high walls of The Citadel where she had witnessed those hideously drab Drow skulking during the darkest hours of the previous night. She chose to ignore such base creatures, only intent on misery and terror and if they were encroaching upon the Citadel, as guarded as it is, she could only wonder that the Elven King had chosen such an in opportune time to disappear and leave the townsfolk so open to the Drow's grim mischief. 
"I will go and favour the unicorns with my presence this morning," she nods vainly, her thoughts soon swerving away from Drow and the danger they present. "Perchance they know where that Elven King has disappeared to. I rather fancy another audience with him. He amuses me somewhat..."

Evienne duLac reaches a sylvan glade and smiles benignly at the brilliant white creatures lazily enjoying the late afternoon sunshine among luscious meadows covered with wildflowers.
"This land Taibreamh is such a delightfully peaceful place," her attention is captured by the tumbling waterfall nearby, her true element drawing her gaze and making her long to return to the cool flowing rivers around her refuge. She lets out an impatient breath as a petite Faerie flutters past her, her eyes widening in wonder as she catches sight of the powerful Fae.
Evienne du Lac waves a hand listlessly, as the tiny Fae nervously squeaks a reverential greeting to the famed, yet reclusive, Lady of the Lake.
"Yes, yes, it is I," she sighs wearily, inclining her head in greeting. "Please simply go on with whatever it is you are doing and do not concern yourself with my appearance here."

The wee Fae glances uncertainly from Evienne to the unicorn standing at attention nearby, the bowl of water in her hands shaking, some of the liquid seeping over the sides onto the grass below. She gasps and her whole little body begins to shake, her wings drooping as she lights on the ground between the two mythical beings. The other Faerie flittering among the unicorns nearby pause in mid flight, in awe at the visitor and anxious for their nervous sibling.

Evienne duLac arches her eyebrows, her patience dangerously thin, but the rebuke on her lips dies as she peers down at the shivering Faerie, whose tear-filled eyes stare up at her appealingly. "Oh, do get a hold of yourself, Wee One," the Lady of the Lake addresses her small kin, not unkindly. "Yes, it is I. You have likely been fed on tales of my wondrous deeds your whole life... but as you see, I am very real and have graciously chosen your home to visit today... and... I do not bite."
She turns and scrutinises the area, convincing herself that the unicorn population is healthy and well served by the Faefolk of these parts and returning her gaze to the tiny Fae, she finishes in a soft tone, "May your efforts be rewarded with generosity and kindness, Wee One. I have seen enough and will visit again when I next feel the desire to immerse myself in flora and fauna.

A little annoyed at having her plans disrupted by her kinsfolks tending of the unicorns, she sets her sights on an Elven Tower in the distance and hovers over the balcony before smoothly landing and surveying the glistening sea stretching before her.

Evienne duLac twirls around, enjoying the vista when she lets out a sudden shriek of glee as a long sinuous neck emerges from the waves, "Nessie!", she squeals, immediately taking flight and speeding towards her ancient friend and confidante, glowing with anticipation at renewing an old attachment and catching up on the gossip of the high seas! 

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