Friday, November 6, 2015

Evienne changes her spots

Evienne duLac glides towards the poised spires of the Citadel. Her magnificent wings flutter in the cool breeze and a throaty laughter bursts from the statuesque Fae and floats around her as she admires the rythmical swishing of the bright azure feathers...

Evienne duLac delights in her new outfit and her melodious voice sounds against the mountain peaks surrounding the walled city, "Pretty woman, I don't believe you, you're not the truth, No one could look as good as you..."

"Well", she lets out dramatic sigh, "...if I had known that a change of clothes would make my world right itself, I would not have dallied so long among those boring humans looking for fun! Now to claim a new member for my court."

Evienne duLac gracefully grazes the soft leafy tops of the trees as she circles towards the town walls, peering through the thick blanket of foilage to make certain that the guard who usually took up his post on this luscious grassy hilltop, was focused on the sea and Docks, as per usual.
She lights to the ground behind a pair of peacocks and nods regally in their direction. Neither bird had ruffled a feather at her appearance... they were (since yesterday at least), intimate acquaintances.
"Good evening, my friends," the Fae lilts in an enticing tone and flashes her bewitching smile at the animals. "What do you say to my new gown?", she continues, whirling on the spot, her voice questioning and her eyebrows arching charmingly.

Evienne duLac tilts her head as if she is listening for an answer and smiles encouragingly at the female peacock, resplendant in similar colours. She deliberately chooses a spot nearest to the blue-green bird and lowers her lovely form to the ground, fluttering her wings invitingly and turning her back on the other peacock, a male and partner to the Fae's chosen respondent.
"We fine females are simply too ravishing for words, my dear," Evienne duLac coos in a complimentary manner. "Would you be so good as to consent to accompanying me to my Otherworld today perhaps?"

Evienne duLac picks nonchalantly at a blade of grass, all the while watching the peacock pair conversing silently from underneath her lowered lashes. She tugs at the grass impatiently, pulling out a clump of earth which scatters over her skirt, just as the female peacock turns her attention back to the brazen guest.

The Fae hastily brushes the dirt away, a frown forming on her otherwise smooth forehead and interrupts pertly, "Oh really, you cannot truly believe a MALE who will tell you any fairytale to keep you here cooking and cleaning for him!"

Evienne duLac rises speedily, soaring upwards, but descending again far enough to address the colourful birds, her voice frosting over, "Naturally, the life I was offering you among my admirers is beyond magical, but if you choose to credit the nonsensical utterings of a mere male of your species, then I doubt you have what it takes to serve me anyway!"  

The capricious Fae nods majestically from the air and twirling with a flourish, directs her flight back towards her Otherworld refuge, grumbling under her breath, "Such a load of codswallop... silly fowl actually believes her meddlesome partner who attests that a bird cannot exist underwater in my sanctuary for too long without drowning."
Evienne duLac flicks her hair self-importantly over her shoulder and recommences her mutterings, "... of all the stuff and nonsense! Shows how much he knows! What about all those "water fowl"? They didn't get that name just because they enjoy a warm bubblebath!"

The Fae shakes her head at the obdurate creatures populating the Lands and floats wearily into her Otherworld home, settling onto her settee, where her head rests on a silken pillow. She waves her attendants away and is soon overwhelmed by a deep sleep and extraordinarily lavish dreams... 

Song text: Pretty Woman by Roy Orbison

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