Thursday, September 29, 2016

Allergic to Purple Mushrooms, Part 1

Saphira is Hungry

Saphira Mistwalker stands in her cave in Taibreamh. Her stomach rumbles and she groans. Ever since parts of the River Lands vanished into the mist, she has been hunting further afield for food. Hobbit food may be tasty, but dragons need good red meat to survive and grow.

Saphira wonders if she should part with a few gold coins from her hoard and just pay a hobbit or human farmer for a cow? She leaves her cave with extra gold in her pouch and flies south to the Shire.

A bored Fae is a dangerous thing and Fae Talia was bored.

Looking for amusement, Talia flew to the market, only to find it closed. On the way, she spotted a cow, eating grass contentedly outside the barn.  "I need a steed to ride." Fae Talia flew lower and landed on the back of the cow. The cow mooed in surprise and dropped the grass from its mouth. "Giddy up, cow!" called out Talia. She leaned forward like a horseback rider readying for a race. The cow stood in place, only moving to look at the odd Fae. "You're no fun cow, and now I'm thirsty from trying to ride you." Fae Talia looked around and all she could see was the river and a well.

"Water. Phooeey! I want cream." Fae Talia slid off the back of the cow, and tried to milk it. Fae are usually not skilled with running a farm, and all Talia managed to do was to spill a few drops of milk on the grass.  "Are you empty, cow? I need something to drink." Talia searched her flower dress pockets for something to drink. All she could find were purple Fairy mushrooms. "I know cow, I'll feed you Fairy mushrooms. Their magic will make you produce gallons of purple cream."

Talia Feeds Purple Mushrooms to the Cow

Talia held a purple mushroom to the cow. The cow sniffed at it, and then took a few bites. "Now, where is the cream?" Talia tried milking the cow again, but only managed to find a few more drops of white milk.  "Still empty, cow? I guess the Fairy mushroom magic doesn't work on you."

Hearing voices, Talia walked away from the barn and down the path.

Saphira spies a camp in the northern part of the Shire and her keen eyes spot Archdruid Fiesty. She smiles and drops to the ground.  Myrtle Sackville: "Hello Archdruid. Who is that?" Myrtle wrinkles her nose

Saphira: "Greetings my lady. I am called Saphira Mistwalker. I am Ambassador from the Shadow Dragon clan to these lands."
Myrtle: "Well, um Goodday". Myrtle stares at the creature. 
Fiesty Lotus: "Myrtle, mind yer manners"
Saphira Mistwalker: "Quite the refugee camp you have here. Not near as many fled north to Taibreamh."
Fiesty: "Them humans came this way cause it’s on the way ter Bree"
Saphira nods. "I can understand."

Myrtle purses her mouth in a sour line
Saphira: "Perhaps you ladies can help me. With the River Lands vanished into the mist, my hunting opportunities are limited. Do you know a farmer here who might be willing to part with a cow for a couple of gold pieces?"

Fiesty: "Oh my, that is dreadful" 
Saphira sees Copper Lotus walk over. "Ah, greetings Master Copper."
Copper: "Greetins Ter you" 
Fiesty: "Oh, I may have a cow fer you ambassador"
Saphira smiles when fae Lady Talia comes into view. "Greetings Lady Talia. So good to see you."
Fiesty nods to Fae Talia. 
Talia Sunsong sings a song about purple cream as she waves a purple mushroom about. Greetings"
Saphira looks askance at the purple mushroom.
Fiesty: "May I introduce you to Myrtle Sackville?" 
Fiesty whispers "Myrtle say hello nice now"
Myrtle: "Greetins um Fae"
Talia: "Hiya Lady Hobbit"
Copper: "Good ter see you Fae Talia"
Talia: "Hello Copper want a purple mushroom?"
Saphira: "Lady Talia, I am hunting for dinner; have you seen any stray cows wandering about?"
Fiesty: "I got a likely one by the stables"
Talia: "I saw a cow that a way"
Fiesty: "We shure can't let the Ambassador starve"
Saphira: "Well let's take a look Lady Fiesty."
Saphira follows Fiesty to the Shire stables with the others trailing along behind.

A Crowd Gathers

Fiesty: "here be a cow I kin let go fer a paltry 10 coppers"
Talia tries to talk to the cow by "moooing"
Saphira: "Ten copper? that is quite reasonable. Is it in good health?"
Talia: "Moooooooo Moo Moooo"
Saphira: "I'm not terribly picky, but I wouldn't want to take a really healthy one if someone else needs it."
Myrtle tags along
Talia: "If you are hungry I have purple mushrooms I'll sell for a shiny"
Copper comes to see the show
Talia sings "Fae love cream, just like it seems. Any color will do, purple too". Talia dances about
Saphira looks critically at the cow, "Aye Lady Fiesty, I would be happy to buy this cow for 10 copper."
Fiesty nods. "done then"
Saphira hands Lady Fiesty a silver coin
Fiesty takes the coin
Fiesty: "You go to it then Ambassador"
Fiesty: "Shall we look away?"
Saphira looks around and nods. "You may want to look away. Not everyone wants to watch dragons devouring their meal"
Fiesty nods and averts her gaze
Talia: "Is it terrible?" "Will my heart stop beating from watching?"
Saphira: "Well, I am in humanoid form, so it won't be too bad."
Talia covers eyes with flowers
Fiesty turns around
Copper looks on curiously
Myrtle glares at the demon
Saphira waits for the watchers to look away, then draws her dagger and swiftly and mercifully dispatches the cow.
Fiesty flinches at the sounds
Saphira is starving, and immediately cuts and rips large chunks from the cow and gobbles them down.
Myrtle looks startled and tries to hide her trembling

Saphira pats her rounded stomach a few minutes later and smiles, since she has not eaten well in more days than she cares to remember. She lets lose a decidedly unladylike belch. She considers how or if she can transport the rest of the carcass home, because she is still in her humanoid form.

Talia hears the belch "Are you done? Can I remove the flowers from my eyes now?"
Copper looks on. "yer want some help with that?"
Copper: "I kin get me scouts ter take it where yer need it"

Saphira feels a strange tickling all over her body. She looks down amazed: her skin has turned a decidedly yellow cast, with strange purple dots appearing everywhere.

To be continued....

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