Sunday, January 24, 2016

Jaekob Searches for a Way Home

   In the the cold, Jaekob lay free of conscious thought. How long had he laid here? How many days had passed since he left home to begin his quest which had fallen to failure. Now his dreams, when he had them, were of his sweet mate. He hungered to return to her, to return to his home and be in the arms of his mate and the company of his friends.

   There was something dreadful yet poignantly positive in this journey. He might never be able to explain himself, but somehow those who loved him would understand. But, it was time, past time, to return home. He pushed his calloused, dirty palms onto the floor of the Hall and pushed his way upward to stand. His legs were weak as thoughts of her filled his mind and he put his hands to his in a an agony unimagined. He let out a scream that surely shook the Halls of the Ancients and the lands in every direction. Something was wrong, terribly wrong and he knew it.

   The one we all know as Amethyst has left virtual worlds. In whatever manner you pray, please keep my sweet mate in your thoughts. Let us all remember what she has given to make our lands viable and believable. Though she told me early on that she was no roleplayer, her skill was brilliant and her love for the people of the River Lands unconditional. 

1 comment:

  1. This is soooooooo sad! From the moment I met Amethyst, I felt like I've known her forever. Her wit and charm were so unique and sincere! She will be sorely missed and will always have a place in heart and bring a smile to my lips when I think of her. Brilliant, she shines like the brightest star!
