Saturday, December 3, 2016

Galdor Delivers the First Scroll

Galdor Passes the Mysts

Galdor of the Trees passes the mysts surrounding Tailbreamh, his speed and agility startling the woodland creatures as he races towards the dwelling of ArchDruid Fitheach. Upon reaching her home, he knocks once on the door, retrieving a shimmering scroll from his pack and waiting patiently for the door to open.

After a few moments, the door is opened and surveying the willowy Elf before him, Galdor asks plainly, "ArchDruid Fitheach?"
Galdor Waits at the Door

Fitheach nods and looks quizzical. “Amin sinta lle?” (Do I know you?)

Upon receiving confirmation, he silently passes her a scroll, a smile touching his lips as he addresses her in the elven tongue and delivers greetings from Elbereth Elentari.

“Quel undome, Hiril vuin. Mae l’ovannen!” (Good evening, my lady. Well met.)

Fitheach regards him with surprise and replies “Creoso a'baramin (Welcome to my dwelling) Lle anta amin tu? (Do you need help?) Mani naa tanya nat'? (What is that thing)?”

Galdor points to the scroll. “Melda Heri Elbereth ( Beloved lady Elebreth) sent you that. Please read it.”

Fit stares at him in wonder. “Mani ume lle quena? (What did you say?) Elbereth? Elbereth of the Valar? Elenion Ancalima (Brightest of Stars)?”

Archdruid Fitheach Holds the Scroll
 Galdor nods and turns as if to go.

Fitheach steps back from the door and gestures, “Tolo anin naur (Come near the fire)”

He politely refuses her invitation to enter and rest, citing the urgency of his task as his reason, but he does request of her directions to the Forester Can.

The archdruid considers and points towards the northwest; “Can is in the forest by the river right now.”

Listening carefully, he nods in understanding and departs soon afterwards.

Fitheach watches him run nimbly away still confused, but calls after him: “Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel I Vala tielyanna nu vilya.” (May the Valar protect you on your path under the sky)

Fit looks at the scroll gleaming in her hand and wonders what it might contain. She carries it over to the desk and carefully unrolls it near the candles.
Fit Reads the Scroll

She reads the message over carefully, and sits staring at the words. The Valar have evidently decided to interest themselves in Middle Earth again when all had thought they were long gone; it was disturbing and exciting. The proposal was disturbing as well. Although all on Taibreamh had managed to live peacefully together this was not always true of the rest of the River Lands. Yet Elbereth was suggesting that all races form a council to rule the lands together. It would require an unheard of degree of cooperation.

“…and yet, a new formation and conferral of power and authority is necessary in order to connect the various races in the different parts of these regions.”

“Thranduil, Woodland King of Mirkwood, will also been informed. It is in my knowledge that the Elven King shall play a vital part in an alliance among the races of these Lands.”

“The peace and safety of your folk lay in your hands, Fitheach.”

And Thranduil…what involvement would the elven king have? He was as remote as the Valar in her experience, though word had reached Taibreamh of his generous reception of the elves that had fled to him after the fires.

Fit’s mind was in turmoil and she headed out immediately to the peace of the Lady’s grove to gather her thoughts and seek a direction. She stood silently in front of the statue of the Lady balancing the sun and the moon and considered the opposition of dark and light it represented.
The Lady with the Sun and Moon in Balance

Suddenly she was moved to stand before the scrying basin in the grove. It was magic she seldom called on, though it lay in the water and was within her province.

Staring into the surface of the clear water, she strove to steady her thoughts and slowly an image formed in the basin. A round table came into view and seated around it were peoples of all the races in the River Lands. They appeared to be talking reasonably, nodding to each other in agreement. Was this the future of the council?
The Vision in the Scrying Basin

The path was clear, they must join together and the sooner the better. Fit turned and ran from the grove to find Can and make plans.

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