Friday, November 25, 2016

Winter's First Day on His Farm in Bree

The light of early morn blossomed slowly from the eastern horizon. Winter lay on top of the blankets of his bed still in his pants and shirt from the evening before.

Yesterday was a long day of moving into his new home, a beautiful farm located in the western district of Brandyfields known as Bree.

Waking up at the New Farm

As the light crept into Winter's bedroom he opened his eyes, rolled over on his back and stared up at the ceiling. The sunlight reflected through the lead glass windows and onto the hay ceiling above casting a warm orange glow.
"It is time to get up" Winter said as he turned back onto his stomach, dropped his leg off the side of the bed and reluctantly pulled himself up to stand on his feet.

The fire was still burning, though down to a few well toasted chunks of wood, next to his bedside. "A good thing you stayed burning" Winter said "I felt a nip in the air when I went to bed last night. Oh so very tired, I'm still in my evening wear". Winter looked down at his disheveled green shirt "Still, not bad for sleeping in, those elven folk sure know how to sew a fine garment" he said.

Winter walked into the sitting room and glanced up at a portrait on his wall by the fireplace. A beautiful maiden in a long flowing gown looked down at him. "And how is milady this morning" Winter said bowing slightly to the painting. Winter stepped over to the cupboard took something from a jar and placed it into his pocket. "It is time to inspect the grounds I think milady" he said as he turned, stepped toward the door and with a gentle pull to open it, walked out into the front yard.

A set of waterfalls to the left glowed green in the early morning sunrise and a sorrowful call of a bird could be heard coming from nearby.
Winter stepped out into the grassy field in front of his farm and breathed in the cool morning air. Winter could feel the moist dew soaking through his pants to his legs as he walked around the cottage and into the back yard.

He stopped for a moment to pick one of the ripe red strawberries from a plant in his new garden. He took the walnut sized berry to his lips and bit into it. The crisp sweet flesh of the fruit told him that it would be soon time to harvest his garden. "A delight fit for a King" Winter said aloud as he munched down the berry.
Winter Tries the Strawberries

He glanced up at the roof of the barn toward a fluttering noise and saw a number of pigeons rustling about. He walked to the right, past a couple fences and a chicken coop "eggs this morn?" Winter asked the chickens. He reached down under a nearby hen and plucked two warm eggs from under its feathers. "Ah yes, good" he said.

He gently tucked the eggs into his pouch and continued his walk toward another fence. He came to a stop at a small pasture enclosing his cows and sheep. "Will I have fresh milk for my morgen-mete?" he asked his milking cows. The fine beasts mooed in unified response as if to say "Yes sir". "Good" Winter said "I will tend to you after my walk".

"I have not forgotten you" Winter said as he heard a neighing from a sleek black gelding. Winter reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of sugar cane and gave it to the horse. "Do not tell the vicar he will call such indulgence a sin for sure" Winter chuckled "in that case, here is a second piece for you".
Winter Tends to the Horse

The sun was rising quickly, already bright and white above the Sunset Inn Tavern and the sounds of commerce could be heard coming from the docks. "It is time to get my meal and get on with this day" Winter said as he made his way back toward his dairy cows. "I do love this farm I have chosen here in Bree" he said as he went on with his day.

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