Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Strangers in Bree

Copper and Andwise sat at the Bree Tavern bar sipping an ale after bringing a shipment of goods over the Brandy Mountains. The town was now full of refugees from Cheshire and the River Lands region. It seemed the locals were taking it all in stride. No major fights had broken out and the new people were settling in. Small shacks were going up to keep the newcomers dry and warm. Many had credit and were buying land all over the area. The Mayor, who was in charge of the land, was making a mint.

Copper and Andwise in the Tavern

Copper looked over people in the tavern. Most were working men and field hands. Some were people from the River Lands he knew. He noticed a couple of strangers that must have just gotten in from offshore. They looked shabby and disreputable. He noticed they were slyly looking around the tavern and he pointed them out to Andwise. “They be a seedy lookin lot”. Andwise checked them out unobtrusively and said “They do at that, see the way they is starin at the barmaid?” Copper hid a smile, since he had a history of yearning after women. But these men were acting in a disrespectful manner. He tried to hear them over the noise in the tavern. He caught a few words. “The boss says… we gotta be….oh she would be so….” After a bit Copper tuned out. But then the barmaid walked up to them and spoke quite clearly as they were not looking into her eyes. “Alright you two, you going to buy a drink or just sit there taking up space?”
At this the fat one grabbed the tall ugly ones arm and said “Yes, we is gonna have two ales.” The barmaid nodded at him and turned to go. Copper heard the fat one say to the other. “We is supposed to be …. the joint, not startin fights or beaten up some wench.” The other man muttered something that Copper didn’t catch, but he did see a murderous look on his face when he glanced at the barmaid.

The Barmaid Confronts the Strangers

After a while, Copper got up and told Andwise he had something to do for Fiesty. He left the tavern and went to the house of the town blacksmith. Copper knocked on the door and the blacksmith and his wife came to it. Copper knew them and, after some small talk, Copper came to the point.” Well sir, I am directed by Archdruid Fiesty to ask if you would take on an apprentice. There is a human shepherd boy in the Shire that needs to rejoin the human community. He is an 11 year old orphan and I am told he is very good with his animals. The situation he is in right now is, um, unstable.” The smith looked surprised but not negative. He looked at his wife. She said “That is young to begin apprenticeship.” Copper nodded. He said “I know it is young but he has already shown himself resourceful by keeping his sheep alive and healthy for the past year without parents to help him. This seemed to soften the woman.
Copper and Fiesty knew the smith and his wife had no children and guessed she might want one. Copper said “Tell you what, I will bring the boy over the mountain next time I come and you kin meet him. No strings and Archdruid Fiesty will be his sponsor, so she will vouchsafe him.” The woman looked at her husband and gave a tiny nod. The smith said “Well, it won’t hurt to look I recon.” He continued “We will be lookin forward to meetin him.”

Copper Talks to the Couple

Copper left them, knowing that the boy would be fine. He returned to the Tavern, and noticed that the strangers had left. He and Andwise then packed up to get over the mountain pass before suppertime.

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