Places of Interest

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Kathena Fights the Demon

Kathena Mavendorf rises early, wanting to make way before there are any people around that might stop her or try to derail her efforts. She braids her long black hair to keep it from obstructing her vision as she fights. She puts on black clothes and tall leather boots for protection, should she need to run on rough terrain. Finally she takes a one handed long sword and tucks a small dagger into her boot.

Kathena Mavendorf looks out of her Vardo cautiously, listening and watching for movement. Her hand moves to her amulet and feeling the new stone given to her by the Faerie is cool to the touch she knows he is not in the vicinity so she ventures out.

Ilmryn Xyltyn moved through the underdark, past a Drowess intent on demeaning her mate. He licks his tongue over his teeth thinking of Arianna whom he had not seen in a while and passes the couple, moving effortlessly through the larges gates to protect the caves.

Kathena Mavendorf takes a deep breath and begins to track the creature as she had done countless times on the road when trying to capture a prey. She takes in deep breaths letting the scents of the familiar fade away and concentrating on the scent he left behind. The scent of death and sulfur that makes her cringe.

Ilmryn Xyltyn moved about, his stave hitting at the bushes as if he is looking for something, someone. He growled thinking about the state of his rooms when he had returned home some night's previous. He was looking for..... the intruder.

Kathena Mavendorf she follows the scent and sees the bits of earth decaying and becoming withered the closer she gets to her target

Kathena Mavendorf she can feel her heart begin to race with fear, anger and anticipation as she crosses the bridge onto darker lands.

Ilmryn Xyltyn: "Some kind of animal, surely," he growls flicking his tongue in the air for an unfamiliar smell but detecting nothing.

Kathena Mavendorf she sees an unnatural mist on the ground, the area dark and menacing as though warning anyone to enter, but she knows she much. "Courage Kathena" she whispers to herself and pushes herself on

Kathena Mavendorf turns a corner to find a very dark cavern entrance and immediately is struck by the scent...HIS scent. Her face showing her disgust for him, her eyes glowing with her rage. She grips the hilt of her sword tightly as she quietly and slowly unsheathes it and begins to enter the caverns.

Ilmryn Xyltyn cocks his head, flicking his tongue in the air. His nostrils flare as he breathes in a deep unnecessary breath. He lets out a growl and as his mouth open wides, fangs push through tender flesh, blood dripping into his mouth. He licks at his fangs, taking the blood into his mouth and turns, looking first one way and then another thinking he has found the intruder who defiled his room.

Kathena Mavendorf's eyes struggle to see in the darkness. There seems to be a thick fog that makes it even more difficult for her to see in the black.

Kathena Mavendorf stops in her tracks at hearing the growl and waits trying to not make a sound. "this won't work if he knows I'm coming" she thinks to herself as she stands motionless trying to hear for him, her eyes desperately trying to adjust to the darkness.

Kathena Mavendorf doesn't hear him now, so she takes a few cautious steps forward, trying her hardest to be silent as she moves.

Ilmryn Xyltyn moves quickly now, moving closer toward the caverns that lead further outward, still beating his staff at the bushes as if he will find something. He raises his head and looks down his nose, his nostrils flaring as his tongue flicks at the air.

Kathena Mavendorf makes a turn and suddenly sees a form in the distance, moving in the darkness so she stops and presses her body against the rock wall trying to stay out of sight.

Ilmryn Xyltyn gaze turns in her direction a slight feral sound emitting from deep inside him .His eyes narrow and he pushes threads of power outward, thinking the thing he seeks is ahead.

Kathena Mavendorf takes a slow deliberate breath trying to determine if it is the thing she seeks and HIS scent nearly makes her choke, it is so strong. She shuts her eyes hard and grips her sword knowing full well the time has finally come. Her heart beats so fast that she fears its sound will echo through the caverns and give her away.  She swallows and pushes her body away from the wall and towards him.

Ilmryn Xyltyn sees her, a smile stretching onto his thin lips. "Jalil," he whispers softly, exuding charm. "How....what.... a surprise, Jalil. I have looked for you and...." he steps closer to her.

Kathena Mavendorf grips her sword tightly in her left hand, keeping it pointed at him and she steps cautiously trying to keep him always in her sights. "Aye, me. Did you think I would let you hurt my friends and not come for you? Did you think I would not come for your blood, Demon?!" she growls at him through gritted teeth.

Ilmryn Xyltyn: "Now, now Jalil, you are going to hurt yourself with your....puny weapon," he says with a smirk. "I thought... we... were friends," he says swallowing a dry throat as he realizes charm is not going to work on her.

Kathena Mavendorf narrows her eyes, seething rage reflected on her face as she trembles softly from anger instead of fear. She smirks at him, "I hear it's not the size of the weapon, but the force that wields it that matters, filth....and believe me, I have enough anger withing to move a mountain."

Ilmryn Xyltyn watches her, takes a deep breath as he opens his arms wide as if in greeting, "Show me your mettle, gypsy, if you must. I do NOT wish to...." and he remembers his promise to Xella. "I do NOT wish to hurt you, Jalil."

Kathena Mavendorf his words mean nothing to her as images of her dead friend flood her mind. She screams and attacks him, swinging her sword as hard as she can at him as she rushes towards him.

Ilmryn Xyltyn dodges to the left as she pushes toward him, a hand goes out to ward the sword, but it strikes his shoulder, deeply and he lets out a loud cry that seems to fill the dark.

Kathena Mavendorf blinks and is shocked to hear his scream as she manages to hit him. She grins and pulls back to keep him in her sights as she figures out what to do now. She looks about and figures she has the upper hand so she decides to go after him again. She swings her sword again, this time from her side trying to hit him squarely across his midsection.

Ilmryn Xyltyn is caught unawares as the sword pushes through him and he falls down onto his knees. The air is filled with the sound of bones breaking and resetting. Dead skin falls away as the Drow flesh is overwhelmed by the Demon. He rises, something of a squat and growls loudly, his mouth opening, his fangs his weapon and he moves toward her.

Ilmryn Xyltyn: The weight of his body, pushes her hurling backward and he stands over her leaning down. His head turning left and then right, his eyes intent on hers, "I WARNED YOU."

Kathena Mavendorf's eyes grow wide as her grin fades and is replaced by fear. She sees the Demon shed his Drow facade and appear in his true form. She falls hard against the ground dropping her sword, his weight pinning her, leaving her defenseless. "Do what you will you filth!" she screams and spits on him as her right hand desperately tries to retrieve her dagger from her boot.

Ilmryn Xyltyn leans down close to her, his face inches from hers. He wraps a clawed hand around her throat and begins to squeeze hard, his claws digging into soft flesh, like many small knives

Kathena Mavendorf pulls the dagger and tries to stab him but only manages to cut him slightly before dropping it, her hands rushing instinctively to her throat as she tries desperately to get his claw away from her. Her eyes tear up as she gets dizzy and is digging her nails into his flesh trying hard to claw for air. Her amulets suddenly becoming red hot against her skin, her eyes focused on his....her last though of her friend Dina. She loses consciousness and is left in the blackness filled with fear and rage.

Ilmryn Xyltyn growls as her body becomes limp. He squeezes harder to finish the deed and when he is satisfied she is about to breathe her last breath, he lets go his hold on her neck. He rises, grabs her near lifeless body roughly and throws it over his shoulder and takes to the air

Ilmryn Xyltyn moves swiftly through the air toward Cheshire. As he crosses out of the Shadow lands, he flies toward the farm and swoops downward, dropping her body onto the ground near the barn. He flies upward, upward and back toward the Shadow Lands, licking at his lips

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