Places of Interest

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Kathena Dies!!!!

Jaekob Faolan leans down near the large tree, plucking a few leaves from a bush, careful not to harm the bush, but only to take what he needs to make a few jars of salve.

Kathena Mavendorf lays unconscious in the grass by the farm. Her breath barely hanging on, raspy and shallow through her crushed throat. Her skin bluish in color, her neck bloody with puncture marks and dark purple bruising. Her mind already traveling, trying to find its way back to her ancestors.

Jaekob Faolan holds a leaf up to breathe it in, the rich camphor like smell filling his nostrils. He wraps the leaves in a bit of cloth, tucks it in his rucksack and makes his way across the elven bridge toward Cheshire.

Jaekob Faolan nods to a farmer near the bridge, "Vedui, friend," he says softly, rubbing his fingers at his chin. "Ah, I should speak to Can while I am near his farm," and he quickly changes his direction toward the farm.

Jaekob Faolan: As he nears the farm, he blinks his eyes, seeing something in the tall grasses. A smile curls onto his face as he moves closer to see what manner of animal it is.

Jaekob Faolan: "Wha...WHAT?" he cries out and moves quicker as he sees the lifeless body, kneeling down, instictively putting his fingers against her neck despite it's injuries. He swallows hard and as he feels the faintest sign of life, he gently rolls the body over.

Jaekob Faolan's head slumps and he pales as he sees his dearest friend's ashen face. He wipes the back of his hand over his cheek and slowly begins to check for injuries.

Jaekob Faolan bites his lip, now mumbling to himself, "Oh Kat, what has happened to you?" And as he determines there are no wounds save the hideous marks on her throat, the signs of strangulation, and small bruises and scratches on arms and face, he begins to lift her ever so gently, supporting her neck and walks toward Cheshire carrying her limp body.

Jaekob Faolan quickly passes the guards, through the gate and heads for the infirmary.

Xella Steward relaxes at the edge of the pond in Cheshire, heart heavy over her fight with Kat.

Jaekob Faolan moves to toward the infirmary and kicks the door open, moving inside and laying her gently on an empty bed.

Xella Steward sees Jae rush over to the infirmary carrying someone, she runs over to see if she can help

Xella Steward rushes through the open door, then freezes as she sees Kat on the bed.

Jaekob Faolan all but barks to the apprentice healer (NPC), "Water, Cloths. NOW!" And he sits on the edge of the bed, leaning in close to examine the wounds on Kathena's neck, unaware Xella has arrived.

Jaekob Faolan shakes his dead, tears beginning to run down his face, "Don't you DIE, Kat. Don't you dare die."

Xella Steward silently walks to the Druid and her friend, lightly touching Jaekob's arm.

Kathena Mavendorf is unable to wake, but hears her friend's voice in the distant darkness she finds herself in.

Jaekob Faolan startles as he feels the touch on his arm and turns to see Xella, shaking his head as if to say he is not very hopeful.

Xella Steward swallows, "It was the demon.....she went after him.....alone..."

Jaekob Faolan: "Get the water and some cloths, help me Xella?

Xella Steward nods and goes to gather them, bringing them back for him.

Jaekob Faolan grabs his rucksack, "Clean her wounds hmmm" and he begins to dig for familiar items - a small bowl, a flask of water, some worn stones and a few worn twigs.

Xella Steward's face is full of guilt as she does so, using her magic to make sure the water cleanses.

Jaekob Faolan pours the contents of the flask into the bowl, adds the stones and the twigs and kneeling at her beside, he holds the bowl cradled in his hands.

Jaekob Faolan closes his eyes, visualizing the contents in the bowl, willing his breathing to become slower and slower.

Xella Steward whimpers softly, feeling how close to the abyss her friend truly is.

Kathena Mavendorf's breath becomes less frequent and more ragged. Her body showing signs of giving up.

Xella Steward: "Don't.....die on me Kat, don't."

Jaekob Faolan: Then he begins to speak, in a very hushed tone, as he opens his eyes to gaze at the bowl, "Hear me, you within the rocks and stones, the trees, the beast and the waters. Hear my plea and help us to heal Kathena of that which is natural and unnatural."

Xella Steward wills Kat to breath, knowing if she dies,,,,,,,she is even more alone.

Jaekob Faolan: And as he speaks, his breathing seems to stop and he visualizes the water in the bowl swirling and dancing, "Aid us, oh mighty elements. Aid us in healing Kathena," he whispers as he blinks and realizes the water is stagnant, there is no response.

Xella Steward looks at the druid, looking for hope.

Jaekob Faolan swallows hard, drained of his energy, "HELP ME! I IMPLORE YOU," he cries out, his eyes intent on the bowl which does not change.

Kathena Mavendorf takes one last ragged breath, exhaling softly as her body goes completely still. Her spirit ready to return to her ancestors. She watches her friends from a distance unable to speak to them or touch them. Their pain as real as her own.

Xella Steward feels her breath stop, and feels tears pour.

Xella Steward "Kat.........NO!"

Xella Steward grabs onto her, "Don't you die on me!"

Xella Steward hisses, trying to force her to come back.

Xella Steward lets go of Kat, whimpering.

Jaekob Faolan cuts his eyes from the bowl to Xella and then to Kathena, letting the bowl crash downward and shatter as he leans over her, his fingers wrapping around a wrist, "NOOOOOO." he screams as tears begin to flood onto his face. "NOOOOO, I won't let you die. I WON'T!!!" and he drops to his knees, face looking upward, arms outstretched, palms upward.

Xella Steward looks at Jae "Ryn will pay."

Xella Steward runs out the door, heading to the Shadow Lands.

Jaekob Faolan cuts his head to look to the south, "Hear me, YOU,  the fire that burns without. Help ME!!

Jaekob Faolan looks quickly to the east, "AIR," he shouts "HELP ME!"

Jaekob Faolan: Then to the north and he invokes the earth and finally to the west where he screams, "I am YOUR DRUID. HELP me! BRING HER BACK!"

Jaekob Faolan: And he collapses, energy spent, gasping for a breath as his hand holds tight onto Kathena's hand.

Kathena Mavendorf feels as is she is being pulled with great force back into her body. Wind, earth, water and fire feel as they are wrapping her up and bringing her back into the world.

Kathena Mavendorf  The feeling of enormous pain in her body forces her to moan softly as she finally gasps for her first breath, as if being born once more.

Jaekob Faolan bites his lip hard as his hand senses life and he looks to the apprentice healer. "Find Fitheach or Fiesty. I am...unable....." and his words falter as he grasps her hand tighter and sits there, leaning his head onto the side of the bed.

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