Places of Interest

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Fish Falls Apart

Smeagol Shade sits by the little pond that is secluded in the ruins near the Citadel. He holds his fish close and scoots down onto his stomach to hold the fish in the cool water and moves it about as if it is swimming, "Us likes it here," he says imagining the fish is alive, swimming and content even for the briefest of moments.

Smeagol Shade: His pursed lips, resembling a smile, opens wide as he sees a large chunk of the fish flake off into the water. "What is wrong with Us," he whispers holding the Fish close for an inspection. "What is wrong with Us?"

Smeagol Shade dips his bent and bony fingers into the water rescuing the bit of fish and sits there, pushing it against the fish, "Us will fix it. Us will fix it. Yes. Yes Yes." And once he is satisfied with the location of the chunk of meat, he pulls a string of hair from his head and ties it neatly around the fish. See Us fixed it. Us is all better now."

Smeagol Shade: "Us will be sneaky now and go find Us some food. Us is hungry," and he rises and moves through the forest looking for berries or anything that might fill his rumbling stomach.

Smeagol at the Ruins

Xella Steward sits at the falls below the Calenhad, humming as she works on her Lil Xella plushie.

Smeagol Shade pauses, sniffing at the air as he nears the Falls in Calenhad, "Us smells something fishy," he says holding up the fish so it can have a look around. And he begins to creep closer until he sees her.

Xella and the Doll

Xella Steward sews the doll happily, knowing that her nulma will enjoy his present.

Xella Steward looks the doll over, then uses her needle and thread to adjust the dress on her.

Smeagol Shade: "What? What?" he says looking at Fish. "What Us gonna do?" and then they both seem to stare straight at the mermaid and the little doll she is holding. "Us wants it? Us wants a new body," he whimpers.

Xella Steward looks at the plushie and smiles, "Yes, Ron will be pleased."

Smeagol Shade settles down and works at the string tieing the chunk of rotten flesh onto the fish, "Us fixed Us. Us is just fine. No. No. No. Us is fine! See!"

Smeagol Shade goes wide eyed when the chunk falls off yet again, rolling down the bank and out of sight. He cuddles Fish close and turns to look at the mermaid and the doll, "Okay. Okay. Fine. Us will get a new body. But Us not sure how. Us needs to think," and he turns and skitters back toward the ruins to hide hoping to find something to eat on the way back.

Xella Steward hums, unaware she was not alone.

*Smeagol is not the well known character of the famed LoTR books. His story is different, yet compelling. Most of his roleplay will be solo for as he said, "Us has no friend." His story will evolve slowly. We hope you enjoy getting to know Smeagol Shade.

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