Places of Interest

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Jaekob Meets Morganza

Jaekob Faolan: The Elf King dismissed his elders and sat alone in the Great Pavilion of Calenhad. He rubbed his fingers against a temple, his face impassive as he awaited the arrival of the Faery.

Jaekob, Aran Taur'Amandil of the River Lands

Jaekob Faolan rises and begins to pace, strolling to the fountain, dipping his fingers into the cool water to seek balance.

Jaekob Faolan looks up as the Faery enters the pavilion, a simple nod, no expression on his face, "Vedui, milady," he says softly. "You wished to talk with me?"

Morganza Spellway "Yes, Aran, I did."

Morganza Spellway "I sense a strong darkness in these lands."

Jaekob Faolan nods, chewing on his lips, "And who are you to come to my lands telling me what you sense? What business is my business of yours hmmm?"

 Morganza Spellway "I fear for my people. We have been here for quite sometime now and when the mists started disappearing from my lands, I knew something was wrong."

Morganza Spellway "What you say Druid"?

Morganza Spellway "It is not only your lands affected Aran."

Jaekob Faolan: "I see," he says pacing a bit, his face still impassive as he takes in her countenance. "And why do you think there is some connection between what happens in my lands and in yours? What changes do you see in your lands?"

Morganza Spellway "The flowers are fading, the mists are leaving, and I am losing a few mushrooms. You, sir, are rude."

Morganza Spellway: "You are talking to a princess, soon to be queen."

Morganza Spellway: "You have offended me."

Jaekob Faolan: "Rude? you find me rude when you arrive and address me as druid and fail to introduce yourself as any visitor should, particularly one who claims to be a royal?"

Morganza Spellway narrows her eyes at the druid, not a good idea.

 Morganza Spellway gasps, "Oh, Aran forgive my error , but I gathered you knew my title from my missives."

Jaekob Faolan waves a hand through the air, "Then leave if you are offended. I have been pleasant enough. I granted you a meeting, did  I not, allowed your presence in my lands to hear your concerns. I will not be called rude in my own pavilion," and again he waves a hand in the air and two elven rangers appear.

Morganza Spellway: "I am Princess Morg from the Isle of Breena."

Jaekob Faolan nods and points to a divan, "Sit, Highness, if you will. But, do watch your tongue while you are visiting hmmm."

Morganza Spellway "I have shown you nothing but respect."

Jaekob Faolan moves past where she settles and seats himself on his throne, not overly impressed with the faery princess.

Jaekob Faolan: "Now, shall we begin over hmmm?" he says putting a hand to his chest. "I am Jaekob, Aran Taur'amandil of these lands. Well met, Morg, Princess of Breena."

Morganza Spellway looks around and thinks, "Nice place for a rude man."

Morganza Spellway: "Well, Aran, as I was saying I have problems in my lands from the darkness exuding from this land."

Morganza, Princess of Breena

Morganza Spellway "What are if anything are you doing about it?"

Jaekob Faolan cocks his head, "And what makes you think your problems stem from anything happening in my lands hmm?"

Morganza Spellway stares at him in utter amazement, "You are a Druid are you not, please do not tell me you dont sense the darkness."

Morganza Spellway "For I will not believe you."

Morganza Spellway "I am not here to agitate you Aran. I am here to offer my help, in any way I can and I would propose an alliance between us."

Jaekob Faolan pushes back into the cushions, crossing one leg over the other, "I do not know you, surely, so am remiss to know why you would think I am going to discuss my troubles, if they exist, with a stranger." And he almost smiled at the faery's bravado, but bit his lip to hide the smile.

Morganza Spellway "What don't you understand Aran? If this spreads more, my lands will be next and that I cannot allow."

Morganza Spellway "I wish to join you in this fight, for there will be a fight."

Jaekob Faolan nods, sitting quietly for a moment watching her, "I will send one of my Druids to your lands, to inspect this darkness you think has invaded your lands. Does that suit you?"

Morganza Spellway "Yes.  Give her/him this wooden carved falcon. It will let her get past my barriers."

Morganza Spellway "And if you find what I say to be true, what then?"

Jaekob Faolan rises and moves to her, taking the carving, fingering it slowly, rubbing a thumb over the smooth wood. He nods, "Expect someone soon."

Morganza Spellway stands.

Morganza Spellway: "Thank you, Aran, for this time to meet with me," smiles. "You are a privileged man. I do not leave my lands for nothing."

Morganza Spellway "I shall be waiting for your envoy."

Jaekob Faolan lays the carving on the table and begins to pace about, "I do not have an answer to your question. Once my Druid has visited, perhaps, then hmmm."

Morganza Spellway bows head ...and departs.

Jaekob Faolan sighs and goes back to his seat, settling down with a heavy sigh.

1 comment:

  1. ooh, the Fae glamour surely failed on the Druid... and Princess Morg was being so nice! ;-)
