Places of Interest

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Kathena and Morganza Meet

Kathena Mavendorf sits by the campfire, sharpening her dagger, muttering and arguing to herself. "Of all the things to believe! The nerve!....I mean! Gods! He's a demon!" Sparks fly as she continues to strike her blade with the sharpening stone.


Morganza Spellway "Oh my, I am so lost," sighs. "Guess I should not have come. Gisele warned. Is that someone talking?"

Morganza Spellway looks and sees a gypsy camp, "Hmmm I think I will ask her."

Kathena Mavendorf puts down the stone and sheathes her dagger, sliding it into the holster on her thigh. She stares into the fire, her thoughts running to the memories of Dina.

Morganza Spellway flies up to the human, "Hello."

Kathena Mavendorf is startled having not noticed the Fae until she was very near. "Oh! My apologies little one, I did not see you there."

Morganza Spellway twinkles and says, "It is okay mighty one,"

Morganza Spellway: "I am lost here,."

Morganza Spellway: "Can you give me direction?"

Kathena Mavendorf looks at her with narrowed eyes, "I didn't think I'd seen ye here before."

Morganza and Kathena

Morganza Spellway smiles.

Morganza Spellway: "Well, I usually don't leave my realm."

Morganza Spellway: "Tell me what is your name."

Kathena Mavendorf nods, looking intently at her, "I am Kathena, M'Lady. And who might you be?"

Morganza Spellway: "I am the Princess of the Isle of Breena."

Morganza Spellway "Soon to be queen."

Morganza Spellway "So nice to meet you Kathena."

Morganza Spellway: "Tell me I thought you were talking to someone earlier?"

Morganza Spellway: "I do not see any one."

Kathena Mavendorf eyes widen, " didn't realize I was addressing royalty M' Grace....umm, your royalness."

Kathena Mavendorf looks a bit embarrassed, "I, uhhh, was just angry M'Lady. Someone has done a great wrong that I will soon do my best to avenge," she says her jaw clenching with anger.

Morganza Spellway twinkles when I laugh,  "Call me Morg."

Kathena Mavendorf looks a bit uncomfortable but forces a small smile, "Ummm, very well M'....I mean Morg"

Morganza Spellway:  "And what has been done to you?"

Kathena Mavendorf looks around, "Much M'....Morg. There is a great evil in these lands that is very dangerous and has already cost the life of a dear friend." her eyes become glassy with fresh tears that she fights back. She looks around the area. "Morg, are you traveling alone?"

Morganza Spellway "May I call you Kat"?

Kathena Mavendorf nods, "Yes of course."

Morganza Spellway: "Yes Kat, I am but, have no fear for me."

Morganza Spellway: "So your friend was killed?"

Kathena Mavendorf stands quickly as if alarmed, "Morg you don't understand! You aren't safe here. No one is! My friend, Dina, thought she was, and paid with her life."

Morganza Spellway: "And I know about the evil in these lands, I can feel it and see it."

Morganza Spellway: "I am I promise you."

Morganza Spellway: "The evil is effecting my lands as well."

Morganza Spellway: "That is why I came."

Kathena Mavendorf walks closer and speaks in hushed tones as she looks about worried that she might be overheard. "Morg, there is one, that appears to be a Drow male but is not. He is a demon and he means to destroy us all."

Morganza Spellway: "You are not going to do anything rash are you?"

Kathena Mavendorf stands tall with a look of stubborn determination, "I will do what I must!"

Morganza Spellway: "And does your King know this?"

Morganza Spellway: "Ahh I suppose he does."

Kathena Mavendorf crosses her arms in front of her looking a bit defensive, "The Druid King knows all too well what we are dealing with, but he has not done enough to deal with it."

Kathena Mavendorf paces a bit, "I will make that filth pay for what he has done! Even if it is with my last dying breath."

Morganza Spellway walks up to Kat and enfolds her in a hug my wings bending to wrap themselves around her and whispers, "I have something for you."

Kathena Mavendorf freezes in place not sure what to do about the Faerie hugging her. "Ummm, what would that be Morg?" she asks cautiously.

Morganza Spellway "If you insist on doing this thing,  take this," digs in my pouch, "Ahh here it is," brings out a piece of obsidian, a small piece to press into the amulet.

Morganza Spellway: "It is blessed with a tiny bit of fairy magic."

Kathena Mavendorf takes the small piece of obsidion from her hand and looks at it. "What does this do?"

Morganza Spellway: "When the demon is near, it will get red hot."

Morganza Spellway: "But, if he appears in some other form it will not."

Kathena Mavendorf looks at it with narrowed eyes inspecting it. "So if he is near, this will warn me."

Morganza Spellway: "Yes."

Morganza Spellway: "It only works on demons."

Kathena Mavendorf nods softly, "Very well."

Morganza Spellway: "Oh and by and by, if you need a place of refuge you are welcome into my lands."

Morganza Spellway gives Kat a piece of wood that is shaped like a bird.

Kathena Mavendorf looks at her with a small smile, "Thank you Morg. I thank you for your kindness, and your hospitality. In return, how may I assist you in finding your way?"

Morganza Spellway: "Give this to the guards at the gate."

Kathena Mavendorf takes the bit of wood and places it in her pouch. "Thank you M'Lady."

Morganza Spellway: "I fear I have been too long gone from my lands."

Morganza Spellway: "My guards will come looking."

Kathena Mavendorf nods, "Perhaps it is best that you return another time."

Morganza Spellway twinkles, "I love annoying them," giggles.

Kathena Mavendorf snickers, "Glad to see even royalty can misbehave."

Morganza Spellway: "Rest easy Kat,  the stone is not hot."

Kathena Mavendorf nods, "Thank you Morg. Safe paths back to your lands."

Morganza Spellway: "Oh my, yes, I do misbehave. I am not the normal type of fairy."

Morganza Spellway: "Rest, my dear, you need it."

Kathena Mavendorf grins, "I hope to see you again."

Morganza Spellway: "And thank you and good night."

Morganza Spellway: "Oh you will."

Kathena Mavendorf watches the Faerie fly away.

Morganza Spellway shoots into the sky and its home for me.

Kathena Mavendorf stares at the stone and presses it into her amulet. "Lets hope this actually works" she says to herself then goes into her vardo for the night..

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