Places of Interest

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Jaekob Talks to Fit About His Past

Jaekob Faola paces, back a forth, his shoulders slumped and a tired look on his face.

Fitheach Eun walks slowly into the study, wondering if Jaek is there. "Jaek? Are you in here," she asks peering around the corner.

Fitheach Eun: Jaek?

Jaekob Faolan turns to the sound of her voice, "Ah, Fit," he says softly, the words almost inaudible.

Fitheach Eun: "Quel undome, Master druid. How are you this evening?"

Jaekob Faolan: "My Druid Sister, suilad," he says motioning to a seat. "Come sit with me hmm?"

Fitheach Eun smiles back and sits in the corner of the sofa.

Jaekob Faolan follows her with his eyes and after she sits, he moves to sit across from her, pushing his back into the chair.

 Fitheach Eun: "You look tired, my lord; are you all right?"

The Druids, Fitheach and Jaekob

Jaekob Faolan shakes his head, rubbing his temple, "Fit, so much.....well....." and he leans in to speak low.

Fitheach Eun leans forward looking concerned.

Jaekob Faolan: "Something...well....Fit, I encountered a Drowess in the dark caverns several days ago. And... well.....this is no good thing most assuredly."

Fitheach Eun: "A Drowess?"

Fitheach Eun: "There is more than one of them around?"

Jaekob Faolan nods, chewing on his lip, "I had hoped to get some insight on the Demon, but suddenly there she was. And.... and... Fit, I know her."

Fitheach Eun: "You KNOW her?"

Fitheach Eun: "How on earth..."

Jaekob Faolan: "Yes, she the sister of the man who raised me. I had.....well... its been decades since I have seen her. And I think she is behind some of our problems."

Fitheach Eun leans closer, looking confused. "You were raised by a Drow? How can that be?"

Jaekob Faolan: "Well, it is a long story. I have never meant it to be a secret, but it was not important. He was kind to me and raised me to be the elf I am now."

Fitheach Eun smiles: "He sounds a most unusual Drow then."

Fitheach Eun: "Why do you think your ummmm aunt? is behind our problems?"

Jaekob Faolan pushes back into his chair, chewing on his lips, "He was typical as Drow go, my dear. But, with me he was...different."

Fitheach Eun looks seriously at the druid.  "He must have been for you have surely not turned out drowlike."

Jaekob Faolan: "Yes, I think she is behind what is going on. And I think her hated of me is what has brought her to our lands," he says as he swallows a dry throat. "Father would never have allowed it, but....but....she says that she has killed him."

Fitheach Eun sits up suddenly: "Oh no, that is evil; surely she could not slay her own kin?"

Jaekob Faolan: "It is not so uncommon for Drow, Fit. Their agenda is only to rise in power. And though he was male, he had a lot of sway in the community. She never forgave him for bringing a wood elf into their family and raising him... well, me....with kindness."

Fitheach Eun: "Ah, that would lower her status then?"

Jaekob Faolan: "It did. Having a woodborn elf in the family lowered the family's standing immensely. It made them appear weak."

Fitheach Eun: "Oh course it would...yes, you would normally be prey to Drow."

Fitheach Eun: "I do not wish to pry, but how did you happen to end up with the Drow?"

Jaekob Faolan sighs, "It is not prying. I will tell you the short of it."

Jaekob Faolan: Father, not my natural father obviously, met my mother and they fell in love. But, their love was an impossible one and they parted ways."

Jaekob Faolan: "I was the product of an unwanted attack on my mother and she died on the day I was born."

Jaekob Faolan: "Obviously, I was not wanted and would have been a bit of an outcast. Father knew that and because of his love for my mother, he came and stole me away and raised me as his own."

Fitheach Eun: "I am sorry to hear that, it is a sad way to come into the world. Although it sounds like you adopted father was a noble Drow to rescue you that way."

Jaekob Faolan nods, "But, now my past has come to haunt us in the form of his sister, Arianna."

Fitheach Eun: "I take she is is not at all noble in character?"

Fitheach Eun: "And she hates you for dragging down the family status?"

Jaekob Faolan: "Well, am sure she has a thousand reasons. But, yes, that is foremost I think. And now, she has discovered the elf she hated is a ruler and she is intent on destroying me."

Fitheach Eun: "Hmmm, a difficult situation to be sure. What do we do ; we need a plan to defeat her surely?"

Jaekob Faolan: "She is a proven warrior; I know none of comparable skill in our lands. But, she has no magic at all. So, she is....defeatable."

Fitheach Eun: "Ah, that sounds hopeful."

Fitheach Eun: "What do you think she intends to do? Surely she will not attack openly?"

Jaekob Faolan: "Something else Fit," he says with a worried look. "Xella's Drow friend, Ilmryn, came to visit earlier."

Fitheach Eun: "Xella has a Drow 'friend'?"

Jaekob Faolan: "Yes, she seems rather taken with the fellow. And since, we seem to have this Demon who presents himself as Drow, I asked her to arrange a meeting with him."

Fitheach Eun nods thoughtfully: " And what did you learn; is he the demon? "

Jaekob Faolan: "I cannot say one way or the other, in truth. He was pleasant enough, even cordial. He was relaxed and not nervous to meet me."

Fitheach Eun: "Really? That in itself seems odd...Is Xella safe with him?"

Jaekob Faolan: "I asked him outright, actually. And he said he had no intention of doing her harm. So, he kind of skirted my questions with.....well.... what I wanted to hear, I think."

Fitheach Eun: "Do you believe he is connected with the Drowess?"

Fitheach Eun: "It seems out of the realm of all coincidence that we should suddenly have 2 unconnected drows here."

Jaekob Faolan: "I cannot prove it, Fit. But, how likely is it that these two are here at the same time hmmm? Yet, until he does something wrong, we cannot condemn him as a Demon."

Fitheach Eun looks resigned: " Yes, I guess we will have to wait until he slips. But what about this drowess, surely we need a plan for her?"

Jaekob Faolan nods, "There is only one solution, I fear. If she attacks any of our people, we will have to retaliate in kind."

Fitheach Eun: "Do you think she plans to capture you?"

Jaekob Faolan: "But, again she has done no harm in our lands. Well, she did give me a rather hard blow on the head; but, when I was down she left instead of going further."

Jaekob Faolan: "I don't think she is foolish enough to think she could go up against my magic, Fit."

Fitheach Eun looks sternly at Jaek:  "And how did she manage to strike you; where did you encounter her?"

Jaekob Faolan: "In the caverns," he says biting his lip hard.

Jaekob Faolan: "When she told me she had killed Father, I attacked her. It was provoked on her part, I suppose."

Fitheach Eun: "The most powerful Mage or Druid can be felled by an arrow or dagger from distance with no change to throw a know that."

Fitheach Eun sighs "And why were you in the caverns, alone?"

Jaekob Faolan: "Yes, I know that. We will have to have extra patrols on the borders and particularly in Calenhad since we are so close to the caverns."

Jaekob Faolan: "I was looking for signs of the Demon hmm."

Fitheach Eun: "Some armor might not be a bad idea."

Fitheach Eun: "You went into the caverns, looking for the demon...alone?"

Jaekob Faolan gives her a nervous grin, "I suppose I did."

Fitheach Eun shakes her head, "You know you could have sent for me or at least taken a guard with you."

Fitheach Eun: "It took two of us to take that demon down and we did so only by luck."

Jaekob Faolan:  "Well, in the end, " he chuckles a bit at her chastisement, "It was a good thing that I discovered the Drowess."

Fitheach Eun raises my eyebrows: " A good thing? Well yes the known evil is always preferable to the unknown one, I guess."

Fitheach Eun: "Since we now know about her, we can plan."

Jaekob Faolan pushes back into the sofa, "Yes, we can. But, we need to know if there is a connection between her and the Demon."

Fitheach Eun: "How about a nice mithril mail shirt? You could wear that all the time?"

Jaekob Faolan me sighs, "Very well, I will wear mithril for a bit if it will satisfy you."

Fitheach Eun nods: "It will help."

Fitheach Eun: "How do we learn if there is a connection?"

Jaekob Faolan nods, "And, perhaps, you could talk with Xella and sway her to spend less time with her Drow friend?"

Jaekob Faolan: "Maybe, he has spoken of the Drowess to Xella?"

Fitheach Eun: "I can try, yes; she can be quite stubborn, though."

Fitheach Eun: "Ah yes and I can see what he has told her."

Jaekob Faolan: "Good. Good. Maybe this friendship of theirs could prove advantageous."

Fitheach Eun nods dubiously..."Perhaps..."

Fitheach Eun: "I worry about Xella; she is too trusting."

Jaekob Faolan: "So, talk with Xella and find out what she knows hmm? Then we can figure out the next step."

Fitheach Eun: "Yes I will go and look for her as soon as I can."

Jaekob Faolan: "But, I remain firm in that until she does a wrong, we cannot take the offensive."

 Fitheach Eun: "I agree, however reluctantly."

Fitheach Eun: "It is not our part to attack first."

Jaekob Faolan smiles a bit, "That is why you are my right hand, my Druid Sister. We do think alike."

Fitheach Eun smiles back: "We do seem to much of the time, my lord."

Jaekob Faolan chuckles and rises, "So, let us meet again when you have talked with Xella. I must go find my....mithril shirt," he says laughing."

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