Places of Interest

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Druid King and the Demon Meet

Ilmryn Xiltyn left the darkness behind as he made his way from the dark caverns into the dusk of the evening. He had been invited to meet the Druid, a thing which intrigued him. All his attempts to draw information about the Druid from first the Gypsy and then the Mermaid and all the others in between had proved fruitless.

Ilmryn Xiltyn wound his way up the narrow passages to the top of the mountain. And for the first time, he cut to the steps going upward, toward Calenhad and paused only when he came upon the elven guard at the city's big gate. "I have been....." and he flicks his tongue at the corner of his mouth. He wondered if the guards had been told he was coming or if a bit of persuasion might be needed.

Elven Guard stands at attention seeing the Drow, his face giving away no particular message.

Ryn and the Guard at the City Gate

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "I have been.... invited to meet His....Majesty," he says with a bit of a distasteful hiss.

Elven Guard nods and motions toward the gate, "He is expecting you mi lord. Can I have your name to send word to him that you are arriving?"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "I am known as Ryn. Tell him...Ilmryn Xiltyn comes to visit and meet him on promise of safety."

Elven Guard nods and waves a hand, "Follow me," he says and leads him directly to the castle gate. He whispers to the guard at the turn and turns back to Ryn. "You will be escorted to the Druid's Library, mi lord. Might I ask you to leave your weapons at the door?"

Ilmryn Xiltyn gives the guard a bit of a smirk and removes his bow and quiver of arrows, offering them up. He slides the dagger from his leg sheath and flipping it in the air offers the silver handle to the guard.

Elven Guard takes the weapons and steps aside with a nod, " Thank you, mi lord." And he returns to his post at the front gate.

Jaekob Faolan sits quietly, in his study. He had talked to no one since his encounter with the Drowess and when the guard approached with news of the Drow's visit, he simply rubbed his temple and nodded, "Of course, show him to the library."

Ilmryn Xiltyn follows the guard up the steps from one floor to the next, matching his long strides until they arrive at the library and he is face to face with the Elven King. He grabs the skirt of his coat and bows low to the elven king, "Your Majesty, I am honored."

The Druid and the Demon Meet

Jaekob Faolan chews on his lip for a moment, taking in the Drow's countenance before motioning to a seat, "Please sit. Join me, Lord Xiltyn.* And he wiggles his finger at the guard, "Tell the kitchen servant to bring us wine hmmm."

Ilmryn Xiltyn inhales a deep unnecessary breath and moves toward the sofa, "Thank you Your Majesty." and he sits down, crossing one leg over the other.

Jaekob Faolan moves over to his seat and settles back into his usual spot, pushing comfortably back into the overstuffed sofa, "I thank you for coming so quickly, Lord Xiltyn," he says softly, his eyes narrowing a bit watching the male who appeared quite relaxed and not at all on guard.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Ah, please. Let us dispense with the niceties. I am not titled, Your Majesty. My friends call me... Ryn. Or Ilmryn if you prefer," he says with a bit of a snicker wondering which choice the king will choose.

Jaekob Faolan nods, still chewing on his lips. "Thank you, Alice," he says as a servant arrives with two glasses of wine.

Jaekob Faolan: "Ah well, yes," he says dancing around the two options. "Our dear Xella has taken quite a liking to you, calls you her friend."

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Xella," he says her name slowly. "And, yes we are... friends of a sort, I suppose. I do enjoy talking with her from time to time. But, it seems, I am mistaken for someone else Your Majesty. And it seems further there are those who think I will do her some harm."

Jaekob Faolan inhales deeply, watching him, "You are right on both counts. There is trouble in our lands and it seems a Drow is at the root of that trouble. Now, considering I have seen no other Drow, it is a safe jump to thinking YOU might be him hmmm?

Ilmryn Xiltyn laughs, a thin smile appearing on his lips as he watches the Druid, "Well, a logical assumption certainly. I have to admit that if I were you or any other, I would jump to the same conclusion, Your Majesty."

Jaekob Faolan: "So is she in danger, Lord Xiltyn," he asks softly as he lifts his goblet for a sip of the wine. his eyes rolling up to watch the Drow. "Is Xella safe calling you friend hmmm?"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "You know bloodwine is much better than...this...," she says sitting his goblet on a small table. "Will I offend you if I do not drink it Your Majesty?"

Jaekob Faolan shakes his head, long strands of red hair falling into his face. He reaches up to push it behind his ear, shaking his head, "Ah,of course not. But, you did not answer my question. Is my friend SAFE with you?"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Perhaps, one day we can share a glass of bloodwine, but for now, I must beg my leave Your Majesty." And he rises slowly, moving away to stand behind the Druid. He turns his head slightly to look over his shoulder. "I can be accused of doing no wrong in your lands, Your Majesty and would appreciate the kindness of being treated as any other until I am GUILTY of some thing."

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "As for Xella, I have no intentions of harming the gentle mermaid, Your Majesty. I do thank you for the wine and the... company," and he moves away, his every step so fluid he seems to be floating.

Jaekob Faolan sighs and watches him go.

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