Places of Interest

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Demon and the Drowess Plot the Druid's Capture

Arianna Shadowdew quickens her pace, anxious to return to their lair, deep within the caves of Calenhad. There is much to discuss with the demon, if her plans are going to start falling into place.

Ilmryn Xiltyn moves about the lair, his spirits heightened as threads of powers push through him. He moves along the walls, running his clawed hands over the stone. The sound is disturbing enough yet the image of him gliding effortlessly around the confines of the lair is something short of terrifying.

The Demon Clawing at the Walls

Arianna Shadowdew makes her way through the tunnels in total darkness, her eyes perfectly adjusted to the environment. She moves about stealthily until she finally comes up behind the demon.

Ilmryn Xiltyn turns to face her, a snarl on his thin lips as he hisses, *Jabress, you have returned. How did your journey go to the homeland?"

Arianna Shadowdew almost smiles, she has such a smug look on her face. "Rather well if I do say so myself. I have troops at my disposal, should I need them. Though after what happened just before I left, I think they might not even be necessary."

Ilmryn Xiltyn gave a small smile, "Something happened that pleased you? Do tell, Jabress."

Arianna Shadowdew takes a seat on the rocks, making herself quite at home. "You will never guess who decided to pay us a visit...and ALL alone"

 Ilmryn Xiltyn: "We had company, Jabress? And I wasn't home to greet them," he says as he settles into a crouch across the fire from her. "Just tell me, I am in no mood for... games."

Arianna Shadowdew arches an eyebrow giving the demon a displeased look before continuing. "The Druid himself! I found him lurking about in the dark."

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "The Druid? Well, well," he says flicking his tongue at the corner of his mouth, "What a treat that must have been for you, Jabress. How did reunion go?"

Arianna Shadowdew a wicked smile appears on her lips, "It was quite rewarding." she speaks in a growl. "Looking him in the eyes when I told him that his dear father was dead by my hand was utterly satisfying"

Ilmryn Xiltyn lets out a bit of a chuckle, "I do not think I have ever seen you so excited about anything, Jabress. And I have news of my own; I visited the castle and made nice with the foolish elf only last evening."

Arianna Shadowdew eyes widen, "Well it seems fortune smiles on us both!" lets out a low raspy laugh.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: He does not trust me, of that I am certain. But, he is off his guard and now would be an opportune time to.... " and he lets his words trail off.

Arianna Shadowdew taps a finger against her lips as she thinks, "You know Ryn, he was overly emotional when he met me so he was off his guard, but I doubt he would come down here alone again, knowing that I may be about." ponders for a moment, "He isn't a skilled fighter, though he does have magic, which I do not understand. "

Ilmryn Xiltyn nods as a hand plays with the coals in the fire, picking one up and letting it roll about like a toy, "Perhaps, I could distract him in the forests. Perhaps, you could subdue him and we could take him easily."

Arianna Shadowdew stands and begins to pace slowly as she thinks. "If you can lure him into an area where he is away from his guards, I can use a poisoned tip arrow to incapacitate him. Mind you, I know how much of my poisons to use, it would only make him unconscious and feverish, though it won't kill him, unless I continue to up the dose."

Ilmryn Xiltyn continues to stare at the fire rolling his eyes up to watch her as she paces, "That would work, Jabress. But, you will have to keep him unconscious while we have him. If he awakens, his magic could be our downfall."

Arianna Shadowdew nods, "Well I leave it into your capable hands Ryn. Bring him to me, and I shall take care of the rest."

Ilmryn Xiltyn nods, rising as his tongue licks across his teeth, "How soon do you want this done, Jabress?"

Arianna Shadowdew narrows her eyes thinking about Jaekob, "As soon as you are able"

Ilmryn Xiltyn nods, "So be it, then. He routinely goes out searching for herbs and we may be able to take him as soon as tomorrow or the next day."

Arianna Shadowdew: Very well, then we shall have our fun soon enough.

Ilmryn Xiltyn nods and says nothing further, he makes his way slowly out of the lair to go in seach of food.

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