Places of Interest

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Arwyn and Kathena in Eyrie

Arwyn Falconer is pacing back and forth in her study, trying to think on the information she obtained from Fit, when a bird arrives with a message. "what do you have there little one?" she speaks softly to the bird, while retrieving the small bit of parchment attached to it's leg.

Arwyn Falconer: It's a message from Master Druid Jaekob. "Kathena saved from demon. Sending to you, keep her safe. She has information that might help."

Arwyn Falconer immediately begins to pace quickly. "I must make her feel like she's come home." speaking to her hawk, "Come Horus, we need to set up the old vardo and a camp with a nice warm fire for her. She should be here soon."

Arwyn Falconer makes her way out of the Arcane Library, quickly fetching her horse so she can pull the vardo and set it in place for Kathena's arrival. "Yes, I think this will make her feel welcome."

Arwyn Falconer calls to an owl friend that flies nearby, "Archimedes, please stay close to this camp and watch over our friend Kathena. That shall be your task." The owl hoots twice and takes his place near the campfire.

Archimedes and Arwyn

Kathena Mavendorf stands at the gates of Eyrie with the guards. "I can take it from here gentlemen. I am familiar with these woods and will be perfectly safe from  this point forward. Please return to your Master quickly and keep him safe. Let him know I am with Arwyn."

Kathena Mavendorf with that said, she rides her horse through the gates and makes her way to the other side where she knows her friend will meet her.

Arwyn Falconer hears Horus announcing Kathena's arrival so she makes her way to the Fae Glen to welcome her.

Kathena Mavendorf dismounts and leads her horse into the glen. She smiles brightly at seeing her old friend Arwyn waiting for her. "Greetings Arwyn! I am very happy to see ye again, though I wish it was under better circumstances."

Arwyn Welcomes Kathena to Eyrie

Arwyn Falconer smiles sweetly at her and embraces her friend, "Suilad Kathena. It has certainly been a long time. I see you have grown to a beautiful woman."

Kathena Mavendorf giggles and nods, "Aye, I was but a girl last time we saw each other. I am glad to be back in Eyrie."

Arwyn Falconer motions to her, "Please follow me. I have prepared a place for you, then if you feel up to it, I would like you to tell me all you can about the evil you face."

Arwyn Falconer leads Kathena to the camp.

Kathena Mavendorf follows her, leading her horse, enjoying the peace and tranquility she is feeling after so much torment.

Arwyn Falconer leads Kathena to a warm campsite. "I took the liberty of setting up this old vardo for you so that you may feel at home here." Motioning to a pretty owl nearby, "That is Archimedes. He will watch over you while you are here. If you need me, just send word with him, and I shall come immediately."

Kathena and Arwyn at the Vardo

Kathena Mavendorf smiles and nods, "Thank you M'Lady Arwyn. This is certainly a wonderful place. I appreciate your kindness." She moves to one of the tree stumps and takes a seat by the fire.

Arwyn Falconer follows suit and also takes a seat. "Kathena, are you alright?" she asks with genuine concern.

Arwyn, Archimedes and Kathena

Kathena Mavendorf nods looking a bit sad and worried, "Aye M'Lady. I am fine, but there is much I need to tell you about the demon and his Jabress."

Arwyn Falconer looks at her with wide eyes, "Jabress? So he does not work alone?"

Kathena Mavendorf shakes her head, "No M'Lady. It seems she is behind his quest to steal Jaekob's powers."

Arwyn Falconer listens intently, "Please tell me all you know."

Kathena Mavendorf takes a deep breath and stares at the flames of the campfire as she focuses her thoughts to remember every detail. "M'Lady Arwyn, the demon likes to wear the face of a Drow, but that is not his true face."

Kathena Mavendorf's face looks pained as she thinks back to the horrors she faced. "When provoked or angered he sheds that facade and becomes a monster. He is very powerful, and has used his blood to poison me. Thankfully Lady Fit was able to make a potion from the blood on the arrow they found and cured me."

Arwyn Falconer leans in completely engrossed in the story and details as she thinks on what she might be able to do to help. "I'm glad Lady Fit remembered what I told her about the blood magic."

Kathena Mavendorf nods, "Aye, Lady Fit is a gifted healer and very knowledgeable."

Arwyn Falconer nods, "Tell me about the Jabress."

Kathena Mavendorf continues, "She was very strong and seemed to be in charge of the demon, though they seemed to struggle for power on both ends. She was very cruel and cold in her demeanor and it sounded like they had bigger plans than just harming Jaekob. They seemed to want to strip him of his powers and bring all of the land into darkness."

Arwyn Falconer looked worried at the information given, "That sounds very grave indeed. I must research further and find if there is a way that someone could hold that kind of power over an ancient blood demon like him."

Kathena Mavendorf nods and covers her mouth trying to stifle a yawn. "That is all I know M'Lady."

Arwyn Falconer spotting the yawn she stands and makes ready to leave. "Kathena, you rest now. You are safe here and Archimedes will keep watch. I shall return to the library to do my work. Send word, if you need anything."

Kathena Mavendorf smiles at her friend, "Aye M'Lady." She makes her way inside the vardo and goes right to sleep, finally feeling peace within her mind.

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