Places of Interest

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Arianna Discovers the Gypsy is Gone

Arianna Shadowdew makes her way back to the caverns from her scouting expedition in neighboring lands. Stealthily she moves about the tunnels in almost complete darkness until she finds her way back to the caverns where they are hidden. She is coming around a turn, "I hope you are still alive little gypsy, because I'm ready to have some fun with you." she growls as she enters the cavern.

Arianna Shadowdew's eyes narrow and her face becomes twisted with anger as she sees the gypsy is gone and evidence of a battle. She screams a growl so loud it echoes through the caverns.

Arianna Shadowdew's rage is palpable. She paces through the cavern screaming obscenities in Drow.

Ilmryn Xiltyn cocks his head and licks his tongue out to lick at the corner of his mouth when he hears her. He drops the poisonous mushrooms he was gathering and makes his way to their liar. His chin is tucked against his chest as he comes into view of her. His eyes are rolled up to search her face.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Vendui, Jabress," he says in his most soothing of voices. But his eyes were  intent on hers now and the rage that spilled out.

Arianna Shadowdew sees the demon come into the cavern and focuses her rage on him. Her eyes narrowed, her mouth twisted almost bearing her teeth as she clenched her jaw. "YOU!  What in the hell happened here?! You better tell me that gypsy is dead and you consumed her body, because anything less than that will incur my wrath!"

The Demon and the Drowess

Ilmryn Xiltyn turned his face away from her and flicked his tongue into the air, "I cannot lie, Jabress. She is  very much alive and in the care of the Druids."

The Drowess Pulls her Dagger

Arianna Shadowdew draws her dagger and closes the distance between them, holding the dagger at his throat, "I should send you back to where I found you demon!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: Quicker than a heartbeat, he lets out a low growl, followed by a hissing sound that filled the lair and seemed to bounce off the stone walls. His right hand cracked and reset as his Demon's claw grappled about the wrist holding the dagger. His nostrils flared and his eyes seemed to emanate a power as he pulled her hand harder to his throat causing the dagger to draw blood. "Do IT," he hisses as his tongue flicks at the corner of his mouth. "DO IT, Jabress. And all your plans become nothing."

Arianna Shadowdew's clenches her jaw tightly her face showing her inner struggle of wanting to kill him a million different ways and her ambitions of power. She finally pulls back her dagger groaning loudly as she pulled against his claw. "Your incompetence is beyond explanation, but I expect a VERY good one for that woman to have escaped."

Ilmryn Xiltyn nods and begins to pace as his fingers wipe at the blood on his neck and he licks it into his mouth with slow deliberate motions. "I underestimated the Druid, Jabress. I underestimated him sorely, but then so did you or you FAILED to tell me how powerful he is. It seems he found the lair, am not sure how. But, he and a female Druid entered and were successful in defeating me long enough to rescue the Gypsy."

Arianna Shadowdew lets out a loud growl trying to defuse her anger. "You meant to tell me that bastard Jaekob got the better of you?! I should have killed him while I had the chance! If it were not for my brother, he would have died long before he became a problem!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Hindsight, Jabress," he says soothingly as his features soften. "We could, both of us, have played this differently long ago. But, we cannot dwell on your brother. You killed him already and soon you will have the Druid dead at your feet as you wish."

The Demon and the Drowess

Arianna Shadowdew takes a few deep breaths as she paces about. "It seems Jaekob has learned far more than what my brother taught him. I shall not underestimate him again. We must find a better way to approach him."

Ilmryn Xiltyn nods, licking at a fang, as he breathes in a deep unnecessary breath. "The Gypsy is useless to us. Neither of us could break her. Perhaps, I need to find a more useful... toy," he smirks.

Arianna Shadowdew looks at him quizzically, "Do you have another that might be useful in obtaining information from?"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "There is a mermaid that has my curiosity. Their nature is not usually inclined to be so inherently good. Perhaps, I could charm her into giving up some useful information."

Arianna Shadowdew's face takes on her usual cold features though a hint of a wicked smile creeps onto her lips. "How interesting. Perhaps this one won't be as stubborn." she pauses, "Very well demon, I shall give you this last chance, but do not fail me again." she arches an eyebrow giving him a look that would melt iron, her blood red eyes narrowed at him.

Ilmryn Xiltyn nodded as his lips formed a bit of a smile. His Demon's claw dug into the fabric of his coat and he pulled it around him swiftly, "As you wish then Jabress. I will seek out the mermaid right away." And a few quick strides and he seemed to vanish from the lair.

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