Places of Interest

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Kathena Survives and is Sent Away

Jaekob Faolan stops at the door to the infirmary and rubs his fingers against his temple. He reaches out and curls his fingers about the latch on the door and moves in slowly. There had been no word during the night of Kathena's condition so apparently the apprentice healer (NPC) had not needed him.

Jaekob Faolan glances over to the apprentice who seems to be resting at the desk and quietly passes her and moves toward where Kathena lays.

Kathena Mavendorf's fever had broken, but the nightmares had continued to plague her all night causing her to toss and turn for most of it. However, she could now hear clearly the opening of the door and footsteps. She willed herself to force her eyes open, as they felt heavy and her mind wanted to drift away. Her eyes open softly and begin to focus on the face before her. "Jaekob?" she asks softly

Jaekob Faolan: A smile curls onto his lips and he takes a deep breath, "You are awake my dear hmm? And yes, is me come to check on you."

Jaekob and Kathena

Kathena Mavendorf smiles sweetly up at him, then tries to sit up. "The poison? How...." she says weakly as she tries to sit.

Jaekob Faolan walks to the work table and pours a glass of water from the pitcher, "Fit, created an antidote and it seems it worked,"  he says softly moving back to her and raising her up a bit so she can drink

Jaekob Faolan: "Drink this, my dear," he says softly, smiling at her.

Kathena Mavendorf grabs the cup and lifts it gently to her mouth taking a long sip, letting the cool liquid soothe her dry throat. "Thank you Jaekob. And please pass my gratitude to Fit when you see her."

Jaekob Faolan nods and sits the empty cup off to the side, "Now tell me how you are feeling hmm?" he asks placing the back of his fingers against her forehead.

Kathena Mavendorf smiles up at him, "I'm OK, just feeling very weak and a bit foggy at the moment. " she says in a low voice. She looks at him with concern, "Jaekob, I confirmed it is your powers he seeks, but he is not working alone."

Jaekob Faolan: "Wha... what do you mean? Who is he working with?" and he begins to fidget a bit upon hearing this news.

Kathena Mavendorf looks very serious and worried, "A female Drow, he kept calling her....ummm...Ja....bress, I think?"

Jaekob Faolan: "A female Drow? How can that be?" and he begins to pace, running a hand through his long hair. "Did you actually SEE her?"

Kathena Mavendorf reaches a hand to her face where she remembers the horrible pain from being struck by her and nods. "Aye, I saw her alright. She tried to beat me into submission." she grins mischievously, "but she found that only made me rebel" she giggles

Jaekob Faolan let out a little chuckle but the look on his face said that he regretted that action. "And....and.... well, was she in the same place as the Demon? Well where we found you?"

Kathena Mavendorf smiles at hearing his chuckle, then nods, "Aye, she was there, and she was NOT happy at him bringing me there."

Jaekob Faolan nods, still pacing, "Jabress is not a name, Kat. it''s well it is drow for mistress. So for some reason, the demon deflects to the Drowess as his mistress and THAT is very odd."

Kathena Mavendorf looks at him curiously, "You speak Drow?"

Jaekob Faolan stops pacing and nods a bit, chewing on his lower lip as his back is turned to her, "A bit, yes."

Kathena Mavendorf watches him carefully, noticing his nerves and wonders if he's holding back something, but dismisses it as fear for the safety of his lands and people. "Jaekob, when I was there they seemed to be at odds with one another. Like they were struggling with who was in charge for some reason."

Jaekob Faolan turned on his heels to face her. He nodded as brief images of his childhood visited him and his face softened for a brief moment. "They would be at odds am sure, Kat. The female.... well she would culturally be in charge of the male who is property at best. Yet, this male is a Demon and I cannot fathom why he would give her such sway over him."

Kathena Mavendorf furrows her brow, "I have no idea, but she seemed very angry."

Jaekob Faolan: "Well, am sure everything will be made clear in time. For the moment, I have to consider how best to keep you safe. And..... and.... there is only one thing I can think of."

Kathena Mavendorf looks at him with a stubborn, yet resigned look on her face, "You aren't going to lock me up in the castle again, are you?"

Jaekob Faolan bites his lip hard, "No, but you will not be keen on what I have decided am sure. I am sending you to Eyrie to be in the care of the Wizard Arwyn. She....well," and he swallows hard. "I do not want to send you away, but it is the only way I know you will be safe, Kat."

Kathena Mavendorf looks at him with visible sorrow as her eyes begin to sparkle with fresh tears, but she nods. "I know Jaekob. It is best if I am far from here, from you. I have brought enough danger to your lands with this monster. I know Arwyn will be able to protect me on Eyrie."

Jaekob Faolan swallows a dry throat and licks at his lips, "You will go today, immediately. I have them waiting outside to escort you safely."

Kathena Mavendorf wipes away a tear from her cheek quickly and tries to look strong for her friend. "Yes, of course Jaek. I will go as you wish." She stands and wobbles a bit, but holds her hand on the table. "Please promise me that you will be careful."

Jaekob Faolan nods, "I do promise and though I will not visit, I will send word to you through Fitheach as often as I can

Kathena Mavendorf bites her lip trying to keep from crying. She hugs him tightly wanting so much to have the power to keep him safe, but knowing she can't. "I shall write you often, and will look for word from Fit."

Jaekob Faolan walks toward the door, opens it and nods to the elven guards, "Take care of her, my cousins." And he walks away, his chin tucked into his chest, sadness assaulted his lithe frame.

Elven Guards Escort Kathena to Eyrie

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