Places of Interest

Friday, March 13, 2015

The Druid and the Human

   Behind every good man (and I am not saying I am such, that is for you to decide) there is a very good woman. And the woman who stays mostly behind the scenes (doing a tremendous amount of work for the lands) as I role play and create and work to enhance the River Lands Medieval Role play Community is Ame. She is my best friend, my partner and my soul mate.
   It is not often that Ame joins me in the River Lands, but recently she did. And what happened was enough to curl the ears of any good elf. You see, Jaekob is(was) single in character; but in true elvish form, the Druid and the Human had a wondrous moment wherein they became mates in character. Still she will not visit often, but each visit will be magical and wonderful. My friends, please meet the human behind the elf - Ame.

Amethyst McMahon gazes across the water as the sun slips beneath the horizon. She takes the Druid's hand and begins leading him towards a more heavily wooded area of the Lands.
"Thank you for guiding me around the Shadow Lands, it is quite beautiful here", she says, smiling and looking into his eyes.
Upon reaching a mossy, lush clearing she stops and turns, taking his other hand within hers and glancing up shyly.
She softly begins to speak, her eyes bright, her cheeks flushed as she waits, unsure of his reaction... "It may not be customary in these Lands to speak and act so freely... I mean, when we are not so very well acquainted, my Lord, but where I was raised, I was taught to seize the moment when I was sure of what I want...", she pauses for a moment, drawing in a breath before continuing, struggling to hold her gaze, whispering softly... "well, Druid... it is you that I want."
Amethyst McMahon raises her face to his, closing the gap between them and brushing her lips lightly against his, her body beginning to tremble, her small hands shaking within his.
Jaekob and Amethyst
Sensing him hesitate, she deepens the kiss, her hands moving upwards to entwine themselves in his long hair, pressing her body against his, hoping to show him just how deeply she feels for him.

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