Places of Interest

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Demon, the Drowess and the Shadow Lands

Ilmryn Xiltyn: A sweet rush of power swept through him as his breathed out and in and willed the lush land to begin  to darken. The bark on the trees seem to crackle and pop ad it thickened and cracked and began to show as dark as the fabric the demon wore.  He breathed out and power seemed to swell into the lands as the Shadow Lands were born. He gazed upon his work and begin his journey back to the drowess, hugging the walls and the shadows where they could be  found.

The Demon in the Shadow Lands

Ilmryn Xiltyn: He entered the dark caverns slowly, his body walking into the shadows, his hands reaching into it to meld it and make it his own.

Arianna Shadowdew leans on the edge lost in thought her eyes focusing on far beyond the space below her. One by one she taps her long nails on the stone, making clicking sounds that echo in the cavern.

Arianna Shadowdew leans on the edge lost in thought her eyes focusing on far beyond the space below her. One by one she taps her long nails on the stone, making clicking sounds that echo in the cavern.

lmryn Xiltyn climbed the steps of the ruined fort, a smile painted onto his pale and drawn features. Her closes the distance to the drowess in long, flowing steps and taking his coat in one hand, he does a flourishing bow, pulling his coat through the air, "Vendui, Jabress," he says impassively

Arianna Shadowdew turns with a start, not having heard a sound. She quickly regains her composure and greets him. "Vendui, Ryn"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "I come bearing good news, Jabress," he says moving a bit closer and whispering, "Very good news."

Arianna Shadowdew arches a quizzical brow, "Oh? Do tell"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "The land to the east begins to darken and soon will be ready for us to claim as ours."

Arianna Shadowdew her eyes sparkle with hints of a smile, and she looks genuinely pleased with the news. "That is truly excellent news. Well done Ryn"

Arianna Shadowdew takes a step closer to him, "What of the OTHER matter? The gypsy?"

 Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Ah, well I do aim to please, Jabress," he says with a bit of a smirk, his eyes staring at her as bits of power seem to emanate as she mentions the gypsy.

Arianna Shadowdew looks at him curiously, wondering why he looked so chipper at the mention of the human. "Did you retrieve the dagger?"

Ilmryn Xiltyn's hand moves in a fluid motion, clasps the dagger and for a moment the tip is precariously close to her flesh. Then a flip of the hand and he offers her the handle, "I reclaimed it, Jabress. As you can so..... readily see."

Arianna Shadowdew 's face looks like stone for a moment, not at all pleased with his display of the blade. She narrows her eyes then takes the blade by the handle. 'Very well then. It seems you CAN be counted upon to rectify your mistakes."

Ilmryn Xiltyn nods and laughs and his power seems to retract as his eyes lighten a bit, "I did not make a mistake, Jabress. I took a measured risk and it was successful. saddens me that you do not trust my good judgment in such matters," says with a bit of a low mocking growl from deep inside.

Arianna Shadowdew arches her eyebrow in a manner that shows she's less than pleased and doesn't believe a word from his lips. "We shall is earned, and ye shall earn it a step at a time."

Ilmryn Xiltyn looks at her smugly, crossing his arms, "But, I.... trust.... you. Why not just TRUST me?" he says mockingly

 Arianna Shadowdew places her hands on her hips, standing very strongly in front of him, "I highly doubt that Ryn, and if you did you'd be a fool"

Ilmryn Xiltyn lets out a low growl and paces around her much as if she were prey. Power swells up inside him and seems to rush out in sweet strands as he whispers, "I am NO fool, Jabrass. I have my own agenda as do you. But, our working together toward our goals mutually helps us both does it not?"

Arianna Shadowdew refuses to move an inch, not willing to back down in fear. "Aye we do have goals that work hand in hand. For the time being, we are allies, but I shall always keep in mind that once our goals are completed, there will be new negotiations of power in order."

Ilmryn Xiltyn's feature begin to soften and he inhales a deep unnecessary breath, "I will hold up my part of the bargain. You will have your underdark to thrive in. You just hold up your end of the bargain so that I may take the Druid's power for my own."

Arianna Shadowdew nods, "You can count on that demon. Just remember to grant me power over the darkness so I may rule the land."

Ilmryn Xiltyn nods, licking the tip of his tongue over his teeth, "But, of course Jabress. My word is a good as gold," he smirks

Arianna Shadowdew narrows her eyes at him, but all she can do is nod. She will have to trust him. FOR NOW

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "We have one small problem in the Shadow Lands though. But, nothing we cannot work around."

Arianna Shadowdew looks at him, "Problem? What problem?"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "The land is sorely unpopulated. Some farmers and hunters live there in relative isolation. The gypsy has moved to the easternmost border. And....and...."

Arianna Shadowdew ear perks up at the mention of the gypsy, "AND?"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Remember the old ranger hall we saw when we travel through the Shadow Lands? There is some kind of activity there, but am not sure what."

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "I know at least one has been there and it smells of ELF," he growls and makes a face.

Arianna Shadowdew looks pensive for a moment, "Hmmm, well I suggest you keep surveillance on that area. Watch closely who comes and goes and report back to me. If you have the opportunity to 'dissuade' the people from staying, all the better" grins wickedly

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Oh I can hurt them then?" he asks with a laugh.

Arianna Shadowdew lets out a low raspy laugh, "Oh may enjoy your fun"

Ilmryn Xiltyn rubs his hands together and licks at his teeth, "And what of the gypsy, Jabress?"

Arianna Shadowdew lets out a frustrated sigh, "What of her? She's a meaningless human. If you wish to kill her, by all means do! One less rodent to pollute my land."

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Oh, but she is FUN. And I am hoping she will tell me more about this Druid."

Arianna Shadowdew shrugs throwing up her hands, "Very well! Keep her as your pet, if you wish. Just make sure you don't make the mistake of letting her know of our plans. You have no idea how much those humans like to talk"

 Ilmryn Xiltyn laughs and nods and moves toward the stairs, "Any ORDERS, Jabress?" he sneers.

 Arianna Shadowdew looks at him as his commander, "Keep watch over the ranger hall area, and stay out of sight! We don't need people preparing for us before it is time"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "As you wish," he growls and seems to disappear as effortlessly as he had arrived.

1 comment:

  1. *claps happily*
    Oh, this is gonna be sooo exciting... poor Druid
