Places of Interest

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Interview with a Dragon - Pak Haedong

Jaekob Faolan: Hello Pak and thank you for taking time to sit with me today. I am anxious to hear all about Pak the Dragon, as are my readers am sure.

Pak Haedong: Hi Jaekob, thanks for the invite. I'm not sure how much I can divulge about the Dragon, as he's a bit of a loner.  That's just as well, because he can become irritable and mean at the drop of a hat.

Jaekob Faolan: I am curious, Pak. What brought you to IW and what plans do you have up your claw, er sleeve?

Pak Haedong: Well, I originally came to IW about 4 years ago, but at the time the physics were terrible, so I lost interest very quickly. I spent most of my time since then either in the OSGrid, where I had a nice little 25 region cluster, or on my own stand-alone worlds - which can get lonely~
What brought me BACK to IW was hearing that it had become very stable - moreso even, in my opinion, than SL.   That, and the fact that a couple dragon friends of mine were hanging about here.
I have some plans that I think will take RP a bit further than what exists now. A bit more towards realism, and moving away from the too rigid setup adored by other realms which results in almost an arcade experience.  The bottom line is not how well you handle an imaginary sword or bow, after all.

Jaekob Faolan: How long have you been involved in medi fantasy role play, Pak? And WHY a dragon?

Pak Haedong: I've been involved off and on for about 8 years now.  I created the Mage Guild in SL's Sylvhara, the sim which created the Great Alliance. The hallmark of the Guild was that it required intelligence and real effort from the players to join and advance. Not everyone's cup of bloodwine, I know, but little things like this make all the difference.
Why a dragon? Well, because they are the most perfect of creations!  :)  And, I feel that if done properly, a dragon can add a huge amount of interest and opportunity to a community.  It is a beast of pure magic and myth, usually out of sight and out of mind, but when it DOES show up - look out!

Jaekob Faolan: Wonderful! Now tell us about this dragon and what we might expect if we met him ICly.

Pak Haedong: What you can expect will be the unexpected. Pak can be neighborly, or terrible - he's a dragon and sometimes a loose cannon. He will also be somewhat scarce, and especially in dragon form... Leaving Oldwyck only when he has a good reason. That reason MIGHT be wrath, but not necessarily. The Elf King (Jaekob) survived his meeting okay, with just a hole in his boot to worry about, but that was a rare occasion.
There is talk that he's amassed great wealth, but none know where he's hidden it.

Jaekob Faolan: Now, you have a new roleplay Sim, yes? Can you tell us about Oldwyck and your vision for it?

Pak Haedong: Yes, Oldwyck.  It was discovered ages ago by Pak, and he made a home there, due to the wealth of gems and other riches in the ground. Men have also discovered it, and there's the remains of a bustling community. It is not so bustling anymore, though - not since the mines of Oldwiyck intersected with the caverns and tunnels of Orcs.  Most of the humans fled, but there remain a hearty few. There's rumours also that there are Fair Folk - Fae and Elves on the island, but of course, the humans don't give those rumors much credibility.
My vision for Oldwyck is to develop it and grow with a group of RP sims and create the most interesting and enjoyable community in IW.

Jaekob Faolan: It seems we share the same vision, Pak. And I am more than pleased that Pak and Jaekob have met ICly and that Oldwyck and the River Lands are joined so that players may go from one to the other and enjoy a very rich and immersive experience. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me today.

Pak Haedong: Thank you Jaekob.

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