Places of Interest

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

the Druid and the Gypsy at the ruins in the Shadow Lands


the Druid and the Gypsy at the ruins
Jaekob Faolan: The Druid passes over the expansive bridge into the Shadow Lands. His rucksack is slung over his should and his elven longbow at his back. It is unusual for him to travel armed, but recent changes in the lands he use to know as Emyn worry him. There is something amiss and he knows it. he just doesn't know what it is.

Jaekob Faolan sucks in a deep breath of air as his boot digs into the soil of the Shadow Lands and his eyes travel from tree to tree noticing the change in color, the darkness of the forest.

Kathena Mavendorf grabs a small bag and slings it on, along with her bow and arrows, just in case she needs to catch something for dinner and sets out in search for berries. The weather seems right and there should be some around here.

Jaekob Faolan makes his way to the northwest where he had found the burned ruins and stands there, his face pale and drawn

 Kathena Mavendorf comes upon a ruin, and as she makes the turn she spot him, Jaekob, looking....pale, worried.

Kathena Mavendorf she approaches, "Jaekob?"

Jaekob Faolan looks up seeing her, a bit of a smile caressing his drawn face. His hands dig into the burnt ground and he rises, slapping the dirt on his breeches, "Ah, Kathena my dear. What....a....surprise," he says rising

Kathena Mavendorf as she gets closer her eyes narrow and she furrows her brow, worried for her friend. "Are you alright? You ...don't look quite yourself today"

Jaekob Faolan nods chewing on his lip, "I am worried is all. There use to be an old stone building here and now.....just darkened ruins. I cannot fathom the meaning of it."

Kathena Mavendorf looks around, "feels like decay....almost"

Jaekob Faolan nods, pointing to the campfire,"And I do not know what to make of that/ Someone is camping here maybe?"

Kathena Mavendorf looks around nervously, "if it's lit they must be nearby, ....watching"

Jaekob Faolan nods chewing on his lips, his eyes darting through the forest for signs of anyone. "Have you..... have you seen anyone hereabouts?"

Kathena Mavendorf ponders for a moment, remembering Ilmryn, but he was only seen when she was at Calenhad, so she shakes her head. "Not seen anyone since I've moved here"

Jaekob Faolan: "The farmers have said nothing to you about things being..... different hmmm?" he asks hoping for some little bit of information.*

Kathena Mavendorf shakes her head, "No, I've not heard anything from anyone. Though....there seems something, I don't know....dark approaching. I don't know how to even explain what I mean. Like something you see out of the corner of your eye, but you turn and there is nothing"

Jaekob Faolan kneels down placing his palm hard against the earth and seems to be concentrating. then he looks up to her, "This spot seems.....lifeless. Though most of the land, though darker is abundant with game and still alive."

Kathena Mavendorf nods

Kathena Mavendorf begins to feel uneasy and nervous, "Can we move out of this area? I don't feel well here"

Jaekob Faolan nods and rises, "As you wish then. This is.....rather.... bleak."

the Druid and the Gypsy in the Shadow Lands

Jaekob Faolan looks around, "Now tell me about yourself, my dear. How have you been hmmm?"

Kathena Mavendorf taking a deep cleansing breath, she takes in the fresh air coming off the open water. "I've been well, thank you. to report on my end." pauses for a moment, her eyes meeting his, "You have been away much as of late, and seem somewhat changed for the better. What has changed?"

Jaekob Faolan turns his head to the side looking at her, "Changed hmmm? Well, I was not aware."

Kathena Mavendorf sighs softly, "I know you well my friend, and there is something significantly different about your demeanor."

Jaekob Faolan begins to dig his boot into the soft soil, "I have just been busy is all," he says softly not sure if his recent encounter with the human played a part in his demeanor. Certainly, he did not see a change.

Kathena Mavendorf watches him as he begins to look like a shy boy, trying to hide something. She offers a sad smile, "Aye very busy, that I have not seen my friend in these many days." pauses, "tell me, who is taking up your time?"

Jaekob Faolan: "Well no, one, most assuredly," he says as a boyish grin curls onto his lips. "Well, I did.... well......there is a human. Her name is Ame. I spent some time with her. But, otherwise I have been busy with the lands."

Kathena Mavendorf a soft smile appears on her face, as he finally reveals his secret and she nods at him. "Well I'm sure this woman, Ame, is a fine, elegant and kind person who will make ye very happy." she swallows hard the last words hurting just a bit, but she's genuinely happy for him.

Jaekob Faolan nods realizing she knew more than she was letting on and spoke softly, "She is someone who passes through our lands from time to time and I have always found her intriguing. I recall trying to get her attention and her....well....mostly ignoring me. But, then she visited again and she.....well......"

Kathena Mavendorf smiles looking away to avoid eye contact. "Well I'm very happy for you my dear friend. You could use something good in your life, after all that's happened."

Jaekob Faolan nods, his boot still digging into the soft earth, "Her time here will be limited most assuredly; she has obligations elsewhere. But.... well..... she is my chosen and I am more than content with our situation."

Kathena Mavendorf offers him a sincere smile and moves to hug him, but stops herself, patting his arm instead, then stepping back away from him. "I'm glad you are happy."

Jaekob Faolan bites his lip, "I am truly happy. But, I HAVE been remiss as a friend and have not called lately. For that, I am sorry. I should not rely on the rangers for your safety and your safety IS important to me."

Kathena Mavendorf shakes her head. "Don't worry about me! I'm quite capable of caring for myself. I've lived on my own my entire life. I can manage....just fine."

Jaekob Faolan: "Of course you can," he says softly, smiling, "But, you are my dear friend and we have a familial bond of sorts that cannot be broken."

Kathena Mavendorf her eyes begin to tear up and she pushes them back, forcing a smile on her face, "it's really quite alright my friend." pauses, "Now will you show me where to find some berries? I'd like to make something sweet later"

Jaekob Faolan nods and turns moving into the forest.

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