Places of Interest

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Druid and the Gypsy Part Ways? How Can That Be?

   So thing's were looking up in the River Lands; well the shadow was gone and the Druid and the Gypsy were getting back into a normal routine. But, seriously, what's normal in roleplay where the thread can take you off in any direction at any given minute. How many weeks had they been secluded in the castle? Afraid of the demon that possessed them? Afraid of friends who had that gang mentality and wanted to charge up the mountain and burn them at the stake? I elaborate, surely, because some of their friends held true to them and supported them. Just not ENOUGH to be safe outside the castle.
   And who was this fellow Ilmryn who has come along and helped the Gypsy with a bit of sage advice? Was he a friend or a threat? What in the world was happening in the River Lands? One demon gone only to have Ilmryn and the Jabress, Ariana, show up?
   So the  day was bound to come when the Gypsy was ready to return to what she loved - the wide open spaces. The demoness was gone and there was NO reason for her to stay in the castle.

(excerpt from the roleplay)
Kathena Mavendorf smiles sweetly at him and takes a deep breath before beginning. " are sincerely the only true friend I've ever known, and I care for you very much." mumbles under her breath "too much" She swallows hard, then continues. "I am truly grateful for your kindness, protection and hospitality." pauses for a moment

Kathena Mavendorf: "the thing much as I love being near you....I ....don't belong...." motions with her hands to the room" a place like this. I need to be in nature, open spaces, feel the breeze move through my hair."

Kathena Mavendorf looks down to the floor, "and it would be best for you also, so that people don't keep saying things about you having a gypsy in the castle."

Jaekob Faolan growls a bit and rises, beginning to pace, "What are you saying my dear? I....I......are you leaving the castle?"

Kathena Mavendorf looks a bit sad and lost, but stops talking.

   And, yes, the Druid found her suitable lodgings, a quaint cabin overlooking the eastern sea. She moved out that day and individually they began to rebuild their lives. But CHANGE was coming! Big CHANGE was in the air and the feel of the land as Emyn turned darker and became the Shadow Lands. Surely their destinies were so intertwined that the Druid and the Gypsy would be thrown together yet again. Or would they?
   Continue to follow us, my friends, as I chronicle the tales of the Druid and the River Lands. Even better. Why not drop in at the River Lands Medieval Mall and Welcome area and learn things first hand? Interested in role play, let's talk 

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