Places of Interest

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

the Demon and the Gypsy Meet Again

Ilmryn at the Ruins

Ilmryn Xiltyn did not have to struggle to hide from them - the Druid and the Gypsy. He had created this place that lay in decay and ruin. It was part of  him and he easily melded into the broken walls as they talked. As they left, he slipped out of the shadows of the wall and followed, listening. And once the Gypsy was alone, he closed the distance.

Kathena Mavendorf makes her way back through the woods, carefully avoiding going through the dark place as it makes her uneasy.

Kathena Mavendorf makes it up the hill to a clearing. She can see her way home from here. She looks like she finally relaxes feeling slightly safe on familiar, yet new ground.

Ilmryn Xiltyn reaches for his coat pulling it tight around his body and seems to effortlessly move to her, leaning in to her back to whisper her name

Kathena Mavendorf she gasps and freezes in place. She turns very slowly and carefully, "Ilmryn? are you here?"

lmryn Xiltyn moved around her effortlessly until he faced her, a knowing smile on his drawn lips, "Did I startle? I did not mean to frighten you."

Kathena Mavendorf looks around nervously, "I.....I wasn't....I just, didn't expect....." pauses "I thought I was alone"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Oh? but you were not started when the Druid happened along,,," he says, his eyes dark and empty.

Kathena Mavendorf looks at him worriedly, "How do you.....know." the last word spoken almost like a whisper as it dawns on her. "You were watching?!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn nods, "Xas, jalil, I was.... watching," he says flatly. "Was that wrong of me? This is my home and you were.... in it."

Ilmryn and the Gypsy at the Ruins

Kathena Mavendorf she looks at the darkness and decay, " doing?!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn turned his head to the side, letting the length of his dark hair pour onto his shoulders and says with a bit of smugness, "What, jalil? You do not like my.....creation?"

Kathena Mavendorf frowns looking upset, and shakes her head, "You must stop this! Leave this place!" she looks flustered, "You.....can't be here!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Leave, jalil?" he asks biting his lip to the point of bleeding and running his tongue over it to lap up the blood. "I have no desire to leave. Why am I less welcome than ANY other?"

Kathena Mavendorf swallows hard fear starting to build. She doesn't know what to do. "You are killing the land. You...."she doesn't know what else to say, so she starts to pace, "Oh gods help us."

lmryn Xiltyn reaches out to grab her arm, a low animal growl coming from deep inside, "I am.......well maybe, I am, jalil. But black is so inviting do you not think?"

Kathena Mavendorf a chill runs down her spike her skin reacting to his touch. She looks at his red eyes with wonderment and fear, and shakes her head, "'t do this." pauses, "you mustn't"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Oh but, I want to so I must," he growls and releases her arm with a bit of a push.

Kathena Mavendorf stumbles back a bit with his push. "You can't do this! Please Ilmryn, just leave"

Ilmryn Xiltyn looks at her and growls a bit, his look that of sullen anger, "Why SHOULD I? I like it here."

Kathena Mavendorf looks at him with determination on her face, "because I won't let you ruin this place"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Oh I am not going to RUIN it jalil, I am going to make it better," he says with a smirk as he goes from pacing to walking around her slowly

Kathena Mavendorf looks at the ashen ground, the dying trees, and watches him as he walks around her. "This is not better.....this decay....dead's darkness."

Ilmryn Xiltyn flips a hand in the air, "A matter of preference, jalil. I rather like the new look. Can't you imagine when ALL the land looks like this?"

Kathena Mavendorf looks horrified. "You can't! I won't let you!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "And you will stop me how?" he asks looking at her rather smugly, his arms crossed.

Kathena Mavendorf looks flustered, "I'll.....ummm....I.....will find a way." pauses "Jaekob....." stops herself from speaking not wanting to involve him in this

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Oh the Druid," he says, his lips forming a smile. "Tell me all about this... Druid. I have a curiosity about him."

Kathena Mavendorf in a stupidly desperate move she pulls her bow and arrow and point it clumsily at him. "I will not! And you will stay away from him....and me!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Oh, but I thought WE were friends, jalil," he says soothingly to draw her back in. "I have only been kind to you. Did I not help you with that OTHER matter?"

Kathena Mavendorf she lowers her bow a little, visibly shaking a bit. "That...well....yes and I'm grateful....but you, are...." she pauses realizing for a moment she doesn't really know what he is..."what ARE you?"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "I CAN be anything you wish me to be jalil," he says amused at her.. Then he crosses his arms and asks smugly, "Have you never seen a Drow?"

Kathena Mavendorf shakes her head, "I've never come across one as yourself before"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Well, I am a simple elf,"he nods and smiles. "My kind prefer to live underground or in the.... dark. This....this.... " and he waves a hand "brightness is a bit uncomfortable."

Kathena Mavendorf she looks around dropping her guard a bit, her bow lowering some, "so go find some nice caves, and leave us be then"

Ilmryn Xiltyn laughs and moves as if to walk away from her, then turns to look over his shoulder, *"I will make a deal with you jalil."

Kathena Mavendorf she looks worriedly at him, still not putting away her bow..."what kind of a deal?"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Invite me to your cabin this evening, jalil. Let us share a bottle of blood wine and tell me about this druid."

Kathena Mavendorf takes a small step back and slips a bit, her arrow flying at him before she could do anything to stop it. Her eyes wide with fear, "Oh gods!"

Kathena Mavendorf she drops the bow terrified

Ilmryn Xiltyn's eyes go to slits at the attack,  as the arrow penetrates his side. He puts a hand to the entrance and grabs the arrow securely, yanking it from his flesh. He looks at her, his eyes narrowed into slits and hisses, *Not very nice, jalil," and as he tosses the bloody arrow to the ground he moves toward the ruins and vanishes.

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