Places of Interest

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Demon Visits the Gypsy

Ilmryn Xiltyn lets out a low feral growl as he paces about the caverns, raking a claw into the cavern walls as he paces in the shadows thinking of her and his failed attempt to get retribution.

Kathena Mavendorf tired of dealing with the guards she orders them to stay outside, while she goes into her cabin to rest. Makes herself a cup of tea and decides to lay down for a nap, too tired to deal with the day.

Ilmryn Xiltyn makes his way from the dark caverns, hugging the walls and the shadows. His eyes are but slits of red as he moves through the mountain pass and toward the Shadow Lands and the gypsy

Ilmryn Xiltyn makes his way to her cabin, his journey almost effortless. He blends into the night, his eyes following the elven guards as they move about outside. He moves closer and as the one nearest him moves into his grasp, a claw reaches out and seems to pull him into nothingness. He growls and snaps the guards neck. The guard crumples to the ground like a rag doll. And as the insignificant power of the dead guard emanates into him, his eyes cut to the next. And he waits.

Kathena Mavendorf tosses and turns having a fitful sleep, something disturbing her dreams.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: His voice reaches out to her as she sleeps and seems to purr and pull her in as he closes the distance to the next guard, a claw reaching and lifting him from the ground as his dagger pushes in. He licks a protruding fang and lets the guard crumple to the ground

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "I am coming for you, Gypsy," his voice seems to say as he pushes his voice outward, toward her.

Kathena Mavendorf wakes with a start, hearing is voice echoing through her mind. She gasps for air looking around the room yet seeing no one there.

Ilmryn Xiltyn slips thought the door and slides into a corner watching her

Kathena Mavendorf sits on her bed trying to calm herself wondering if she should bother calling for the guards.

Ilmryn Xiltyn pushes his voice outward again, toward her, a gentle push of power, just enough for her to hear his word. "I am in your mind, Jalil. I have COME for you," he seems to whisper

Kathena Mavendorf she scoots back to the very back corner of her bed hugging her knees to her chest, terrified. She screams for the guards, "Guards! Guards! Please!" but she does not see them enter.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "They will not come for you," he hisses the words at her mind and then steps out of the shadows, pulling the power back into him and speaking as the Drow.. "They are....indisposed, Jalil."

Kathena Mavendorf cowers in the corner of her bed, shaking with fear, her eyes tearing up a bit as she sees her tormentor in the flesh before her. "Stay back! Oh gods! What have done to them?!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "I have sent them.... oh never mind. They are not important. It is only YOU that matters, Jailil."  Then he gives her a bit of a frown, his eyes opening wide.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "You are in MY power... mine to possess and control, Jalil. The guards.... were in my way."

Kathena Mavendorf tries to plead as quickly as she can. "Please Ilmryn, I'm sorry....I'm so was an accident." she cries, "you have to believe me"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "WHAT was an accident, Jalil? That you shot me? I must confess, you surprised me."

Kathena Mavendorf looks like a scared little mouse in a cage with a snake. Tears stream down her face as she trembles, her eyes wide with fear. "Please.....I didn't mean to.....please don't hurt me."

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "I intend you no harm, Jalil.... if you behave yourself. A price has been paid for your stupidity, paid he full, *he hisses, licking his tongue across his teeth."

Kathena Mavendorf looks at him with distrust, "If you aren't here to hurt me, then why are you here?"

Ilmryn Xiltyn closes the distance to her, leaning his face close to hers, "I have a curiosity about the Druid and you, Jalil, are going to satisfy my curiosity?"

Kathena Mavendorf shakes her head no...."Jeakob? leave him alone!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn sraightens up and begins to pace, "You are a stubborn one. Shall I show you what could happen to you, Jalil?"

Kathena Mavendorf she is terrified, but refuses to back down to him...."Kill me if you must, but I will help you hurt him!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn lets out a growl, his mouth pushing open as fangs push through tender gums, blood filling his mouth. He swallows as he waves a hand through the air in front of her pushing images of the dead guards into her mind

Kathena Mavendorf she screams in terror as she sees the deaths of the guards as HE saw it happen. She feels their fear, their pain, their horror! "Stop it!!!! Stop it!!!!" she cries out holding her head in her hands

Ilmryn Xiltyn's hand moves backward through the air closing the images off to her. He leans in and hisses as he rubs his hands on his arms as if he were cold, "Do NOT underestimate me Jalil. I do not wish to hurt you, but if you serve no purpose....."

Kathena Mavendorf sobs loudly on the bed, with imploring eyes she looks at him, "Please.....don't do this....please"

Ilmryn Xiltyn licks the last bit of blood from his fangs as they seem to disappear and he gives her a soft smile, "I have to wish to do anything to hurt you, truly. But, you will have to help me, Jalil."

Kathena Mavendorf slows her crying down and tries to control herself...."You must know....I will never betray my friend."

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "I AM your new friend," he hisses as a clawed fist pounds down into the table beside her, the table literally crumbling like paper. "You will do as I tell you."

Kathena Mavendorf jumps back startled at the destruction of the table.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "And the first thing you will do for me is return what you took from me, Jalil," and he holds out his drow hand, "Give me the ash."

Kathena Mavendorf her jaw drops open and she looks alarmed. She swallows hard and doesn't even know how to begin. She opens her mouth and no sound comes out at first, then her voice comes out as a whisper, "I.....I don't have it"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "WHAT do you mean you do not have IT? You took it from took it!"

Kathena Mavendorf gets defensive and tries her best to argue back at him. "Look! I didn't know that belonged to anyone, least of all YOU! I don't have it, it is accept it"

Ilmryn Xiltyn moves toward her before she can realize he moved, his claw clasping into her shoulder and pulling her up like a rag doll, "Where is IT?" he hisses at her.

Kathena Mavendorf screams at the pain of his lifting her with such force. "I gave it away!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "To who?," he growls, letting her body fall to the floor. He bends over her, "WHO has it?"

Kathena Mavendorf hits the floor with a thud, looking like a crumpled broken doll. Without looking up at him she answers in a low voice through clenched teeth. "HE has it! I gave it to HIM!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "The Druid?" he hisses, his eyes wide and penetrating as he pushes his thoughts into her mind.

Kathena Mavendorf she winces and holds her head in her hands trying desperately to block him out, but failing miserably. "Yes! I gave it to Jaekob!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn lets out a cry of anger that fills the room and seem to explode out into the forest. He grabs at his coat and in a flourishing way swirls it around him and seems to vanish leaving one last throught in her mind, that he is going to find the Druid.

Kathena Mavendorf sobs alone on the floor of her cabin, "Oh gods, please protect Jaekob!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn disappears into the shadows, a quick waves of his hand and the bodies seem to vanish from the landscape.

1 comment:

  1. My, my... but that Demon is a mean one! A career as an Elven Guard isn't quite an attractive option at this stage either :/
