Places of Interest

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Jaekob Meets the Wizard Arwyn Falconer of Eyrie

Arwyn Falconer watching the stranger make his way through the forest, she evaluates his demeanor. He doesn't seem to pose a threat, and there is a certain way with nature that pleases her so she allows him passage through unharmed. She lands before him, immediately tucking away her wings. She smiles softly at him. "Greetings M'Lord. Are you lost?" she asks quizzically.

Duchess Arwyn Falconer of Eyrie, Wizard

Jaekob Faolan makes his way to a clearing and a building and seeing the female, he puts a hand to his chest and inclines his head, "Greeting milady. I come in search of one called Arwyn/"

Arwyn Falconer looks at him curiously, "You have found her, it seems. How is it that you know my name M'Lord? I remember not, meeting you before"

Jaekob Faolan: "I travel from a far distant land Lady Wizard," he says softly as he takes in her countenance. "On a matter of some import and a friend.....sent me on this quest to find you thinking you might aid our lands."

 Arwyn Falconer moves a bit closer so she may see his eyes and determine his level of trust. Seeing the kindness in his face she smiles and answers him. "

Arwyn Falconer: "A quest you say? Who is this friend?"

Jaekob Faolan: "A gypsy milady, a gypsy called Kathena. She says she visited your land as a child."

Arwyn Falconer she ponders for a moment then a bright smile appears on her face, "Ah yes! She was a mischievous and curious little one. Is she well?"

Jaekob Faolan nods, breathing in a deep breath of air, "She fares well, milady." he says softly not sure how much to divulge yet.

Arwyn Falconer giggles a bit, "Where are my manners?! It has been at least a decade since I received a visitor. Please do come in. Follow me and we shall discuss what concerns you."

Jaekob Faolan nods and follows her

Arwyn Falconer turns and smiles to him..."Welcome to Eyrie M'Lord"

Jaekob Faolan: "You are most kind, mi'lady. And I thank you for that."

Arwyn Falconer motions to the chair in front of her desk, "Please have a seat"

Arwyn Falconer: Now M'Lord, what may I call you?

Jaekob Faolan nods and sits in the nearest seat, pushing back into it, crossing one leg over the other, "I am called Jaekob milady. I serve my lands as aran taur'amandil."

Arwyn Falconer smiles and nods, "Well met M'Lord Jaekob. I am Arwyn Falconer, Wizard and Protector of these lands. I am also the custodian to our ancient arcane library. How may I be of assistance?"

Jaekob Faolan leans in a bit, his arms propped on his legs, "Milady, something is happening in my lands, something of great significance and I fear darkness. A creature has attacked one of.... well, Kathena in fact."

Arwyn Falconer her eyes grow wide with concern, "Is she quite alright? Has she been harmed? What dark creature has attacked her?" she asked in rapid fire a bit nervous about the news.

Jaekob Faolan bites his lip, "Is is.... well... yes, she is alright though under guard for I fear a return of the creature. It was told me the creature presented itself as drow, but that on the occasion of the attack, his skin melted away and he was a monstrous thing with fangs and claws like a beast."

Arwyn Falconer 's skin is porcelain white with a slight shimmer to it, but as she heard the description of the creature the blush to her cheeks disappeared and she looked paler still. Her eyes teared up a bit as she began to consider what she just heard. She takes a deep breath to steady her nerves, before speaking. "My lord Jaekob, what you face is very grave indeed. I too have faced such a creature many decades ago, in another realm. At that time, the creature had invaded my dreams, thoughts, and finally it attempted to seize control of my consciousness so it could wield my powers as a weapon against the realm." she looks frightened then supremely saddened, "We fought it once and were able to free me, but it escaped."

Arwyn Falconer she pauses for a moment then continues, "I'm afraid what you are facing is a demon."

Arwyn Falconer 's eyes begin to tear up a bit and she looks wounded as if there was a pain running straight through her soul, "My husband and I fought it a second time, and ....I alone survived."

Jaekob Faolan stares at her, his face turned pale and drawn, "I....I.....but how can you be sure with so little information, milady?" he says as he fumbles in his rucksack, producing the handkerchief of what appears to be ash. *This was found in some dark ruins and and...* as he reaches over to give it to her his face softens at the mention of her dead husband. "I am truly sorry, milady."

Arwyn Falconer reaches over to take the handkerchief with what looks like ash. The pungent smell of sulfur hits her nose before she even touches it. She grabs it carefully then takes a little finger and lightly touches it. A flash of the creature that tormented her dreams is brought back to the forefront of her memory and she gasps startled, putting the handkerchief down carefully on the table. She looks at him with the look of dread on her face, "This, M'Lord is demon ash. I have come across it before, in the caves where we hunted our demon. Though I do not think this is the same creature that haunted me. It does remind me of the creature I encountered." Ponders for a moment, "You say he looked like a Drow?"

Jaekob Faolan swallows hard as she speaks, "Kathena had met him on another occasion and claimed he was drow, yes. It was on when he attacked her that he exposed himself as another creature. Two rangers were there and all said his drow skin seemed to simply melt away."

Arwyn Falconer ponders the matter looking very serious, yet determined, "This is definitely a different demon. This one seems to be able to shift his shape at will." she stands up quickly and starts to look through the books on the bookcase behind her, "I shall have to do more research M'Lord. I need more information about this creature. Where he was seen, what he said, who he's coming in contact with...if you found a lair."

Jaekob Faolan: "A lair? Well there is a bit of darkness that has overcome part of the land. There was an old building there, but there is nothing but black walls and ash. It was here the.... demon ash was found."

Jaekob Faolan: "And the only ones to have seen him is Kathena and a farmer. All say he makes inquiries about me..... about my power."

Arwyn Falconer turns at the last comment and looks at him, narrowing her eyes in examination, "About you? M'Lord....have you powers it might covet?"

Jaekob Faolan rolls his shoulders as if to shrug, "I am a master druid milady and I do have magic, but they are connected to the elements and not mine alone to wield."

Arwyn Falconer chews on her lips, nodding along, "I'm afraid, you might not think yourself mighty, but if this creature decides to take your powers, believe me, it shall be magnified in ways you never expected them to. Follow me, I'd like to run a test. Let's go to the library. I have my alchemist cauldron there, and can gain more knowledge from this ash."

Jaekob Faolan nods and follows her

Arwyn Falconer she grabs the handkerchief carefully and makes her way to the mage center at the library. "M'Lord Jaekob, this is my arcane library. It is very ancient and well protected. You are welcome to come here as you need in future to study all you might need. I shall help you in this quest."

Jaekob Faolan nods, "Thank you milady for surely I am in a quandary about this and how to protect my lands and people from this thing."

Arwyn Falconer opens up the handkerchief and pinches a tiny bit of ash, pouring it softly into the cauldron before her. She softly speaks and incantation in an ancient tongue her hands flowing softly above the cauldron. The liquid that had been a bluish green suddenly began to turn RED as blood. Her eyes widen in fear. "Oh gods! M'Lord he delves in blood magic."

Jaekob Faolan: "Blood magic?," he says as he clutches a hand onto the corner of the table.

Jaekob Faolan: What...what does that mean?

Arwyn Falconer she looks at him with a very concerned look upon her face. "It means you face a very ancient and very dark and powerful demon M'Lord. One I don't think anyone in this age has faced before." she pauses thinking for a moment, "I shall have to do a thorough search of our most ancients texts to find information regarding this creature."

Jaekob Faolan: "What should I do? Should I seek its lair, try to get more information, milady?"

 Arwyn Falconer nods, "Aye, seek it's lair. Find out as much as you can about it. Search it out. See if it works alone or if there are others that do it's bidding. The more information we have, the better." sighs deeply, "If you can find it's true name, it would bring us closer to defeating him."

 Jaekob Faolan: "It's true name?"

 Arwyn Falconer nods..."It will LIE. It will pretend to be something or someone it is not. We need to discover who it truly is."

 Jaekob Faolan nods, chewing on his lips, "I will return to the River Lands immediately and find out what I can. And will return to you as soon as I know, milady."

Arwyn Falconer nods, "Safe paths M'Lord."

Jaekob Faolan: "Namaarie, Lady Wizard," he says softly as he turns and makes his way out of the room.

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