Places of Interest

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Arianna and Ilmryn after the Visiting the Gypsy

Ilmryn Xiltyn: Having left the Gypsy's cabin, he makes his way quickly back to the dark caverns, moving to their secluded lair hoping not to have to deal with her at least for this night.

Arianna Shadowdew sits quietly by the fire in the caverns, so still you'd struggle to notice she was there at all. She stares at the fire strategies for war running through her mind. She wonders what Ilmryn could be doing all of this time. She sit in wait, hoping for news of progress.

Arianna at the Caves

Ilmryn Xiltyn sees her, his lips a straight line on his blank face. He wanted to yell after his frustration with the gypsy, but he spoke to her quietly though anger filled his voice, "Vendui Jabress,"he says all but collapsing into the chair across from her..

Arianna Shadowdew she studies his face carefully. He's almost impossible to read. His face is like stone, revealing nothing, though the tone in his voice and the glow in his eyes would suggest he's angry. "Vendui Ilmryn. What news of the outside world?" she asks coldly

Arianna and Ilmryn, the Drow and the Demon

Ilmryn Xiltyn shakes his head, inhaling an unnecessary breath, "I fear they know my true identity, jabress or soon will," he hisses at her

Arianna Shadowdew narrows her eyes at him, "And HOW exactly did they manage that?"

Ilmryn Xiltyn rolls his shoulders, his eyes burrowing into her, "The Gypsy.... she took some ash from the lair I made for myself in the Shadow Lands," he says shaking his head. "If....I do not know if they have the knowledge to determine what it is."

Arianna Shadowdew takes a slow deep breath, staring deep into his eyes and speaks in a slow, deliberate pace. "The Gypsy....AGAIN. You let your PET get the better of you? How is it possible that a HUMAN can be a step ahead of you, hmmm?"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "She is not....." he lets out a low hiss, filling the room, "She got lucky is all and found the ash at my lair. And....and.... she gave it to the Druid."

Arianna Shadowdew slams her hands palm down on the table surface looking angry for a moment, then returning to the cold emotionless face. "Let me see if I understand this correctly. That human, not only found your lair, and removed proof of your existence, but she also gave it to the most powerful Druid we have seen these many years.

Arianna Shadowdew: "Is that all? Hmmm? Anything else I might have missed?"

Arianna Shadowdew: her voice filled with sarcasm

 Ilmryn Xiltyn covers his face with his hands for a moment and lets out a loud growl. then he tore his hands away from his face, his red eyes like fire burning into her, "Do not chastise me, Jabress. I could not have forseen the outcome of this."

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "I will get the ash tonight. Surely the Druid has had found anyone to examine it and am not sure he would recognize it for what it is and make the connection."

Arianna Shadowdew she begins to stand leaning on her hands, her face coming closer to his. "How are we going to be successful if we have to continue dealing with your incompetence?"

Arianna Shadowdew through clenched teeth she speaks to him in a low growl sounding voice, "You will NOT go after him tonight! The last thing we need is to rush our attack. We are NOT ready to take him on." she pauses

Arianna Shadowdew takes a deep breath, "Your presence was never going to stay hidden forever. It is a setback, yes, but we can recover. For now, do NOTHING. Not until we know more about him."

Ilmryn Xiltyn opened his mouth as if to speak, her insolence pushing hard at the anger that already filled him. He jerked up from the chair and began to pace, "Being at odds will get us nowhere, Jabress. Our success in this only lies in our working together."

Ilmryn Xiltyn waves a hand through the air, "Very well, I will do nothing, not tonight. But, I do need to retrieve the ash."

Arianna Shadowdew sits back down, crossing her arms. "you are right.....for now, lets just see what happens. It's possible he might not figure out what it is he has in his possession."

Ilmryn Xiltyn nods, beginning to calm, "Perhaps I give him more credit than he deserves."

Arianna Shadowdew arches an eyebrow..."Let us hope we aren't underestimating this Druid"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Eventually, I will get the information we need. The Gypsy is stubborn and selflessly protective of him. But, I shall get her to talk."

Arianna Shadowdew exhales loudly, "This human seems to have a fortitude that is hard to break. You might have to find better ways of getting the information from her. If you cannot, I shall be forced to kill her."

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "NO, you will not kill her, Jabress. I will sway her to our side soon enough and she will be invaluable to us."

Arianna Shadowdew narrows her eyes at him, "What is she that she intrigues you so Ilmryn? Someday I will have to meet this gypsy"

 Ilmryn Xiltyn laughs, a bit nervously, "Go meet her for yourself, Jabress. For a human, she has immense fortitude and I rather like her dedication to the Druid , however unjustified."

Arianna Shadowdew looks disgusted and bored, waving her hands in a dismissive manner, "Perhaps someday I might. For now, just handle it"

Ilmryn Xiltyn nods and moves toward the door, "I shall return to my lair now and rest. If you need me, you know where to find me," he says with a smug laugh.

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