Places of Interest

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Demon, the Drowess and the Gypsy in the Lair

Kathena and the Demon

Arianna Shadowdew wanders around the deep dark caverns that have become their temporary home, while gathering information before attacking this land. She makes a turn down one corridor, then another; her face like the stone the walls are made of....expressionless and cold. She makes another turn and sees light up ahead. Her eyes narrow in interest. "What do we have here?" she hisses in a whisper to herself. She quickens her pace and makes the next turn at the light source.

Arianna Shadowdew eyes widen in surprise to see Ilmryn and the GYPSY both there. She quickens her pace even more and walks up to the demon. "What is the meaning of THIS?! How DARE you bring that...that...human here!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn turned his head to stare at her, small mechanical jerks. And as his eyes met those of the drowess, he flicked at the corner of his  mouth with his tongue before running his tongue slowly across his teeth, "Not a very nice greeting, Jabress. And here," he waves a hand at the gypsy, "I brought you a present."

Kathena Mavendorf is exhausted from her ordeal and barely conscious. Her arms and shoulder ache from being shackled and stiff in the same position for hours. Her eyes are closed, as she listens hoping to keep herself from being harmed, while learning more about her captors.

Arianna Shadowdew arches an eyebrow as she narrows her eyes looking down at the Gypsy. "You call THAT a present?! Why have you brought her here? You do realize, she can never leave?"

The Demon, the Drowess and the Gypsy

Ilmryn Xiltyn hugged his arms around himself as he paced about the small lair. As he neared the Gypsy, he prodded her with the tip of his boot before turning to the drowess. "She was being no help above ground. In fact, she tried to hide from me, but well, that did not work so well. Both of us together might get the information we need. I am tired of playing with her."

Kathena Mavendorf feels the nudge and moans at the pain it causes, revealing she is in fact awake. She opens her eyes slowly letting them adjust to the light, then looks up at them. She finally sees the female. She is tall and slender and seems to be also a Drow...her skin very pale and ashen. Her features are strong and rough, as if carved in stone, but it's her red eyes that catch her glance as they seem the color of blood.

Arianna Shadowdew leans down at the Gypsy seeing that she watches her, and grabs a fist full of her hair and pulls her head back so Kathena's face is facing up at her. "Did you get a good look deary? This is the last face  you will ever see" she hisses at her, letting go of her hair and standing to face the demon.

Arianna Shadowdew closes the gap between them, putting her face close to his in a defiant manner. "So she was too much for you to handle, huh?"

Ilmryn Xiltyn reaches out for the Gypsy and as his hand moves toward her, the bones begin to break, the skin melting away into his demon's claw. He literally lifts her from the ground and dangles her there, "She will not leave here. Let her see what she will and know the fate of the Druid," he growls.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Perhaps, I like to share, Jabress," he hisses at her

Kathena Mavendorf gasps as the female pulls back her head, now getting a full view of her, and is relieved when she releases her. Sadly, it is replaced by intense pain as the demon lifts her roughly and she dangles over the ground.

Arianna Shadowdew narrows her eyes at him..."Share? Really? Very well, then you won't mind when I start carving away at her delicate little body for amusement"

Ilmryn Xiltyn laughed at that and opening his claw, let the gypsy crumple to the ground. He raised his claw up to rake it down his cheek, "Just don't kill her YET Jabress. I am not quite done with her."

Kathena Mavendorf lands with a thud on the ground, every part of her body in intense pain, she cries out softly, trying her best not to make a spectacle of herself.

Arianna Shadowdew laughs sarcastically, "Very well," she purrs to him in a low raspy voice, "You have your fun first....then let me have mine."

The Demon and the Drowess

Ilmryn Xiltyn turned a half face to the Gypsy, his eyes still intent on the drowess, "A ranger came along..... a.......something was familiar about him. He tried to stay my attempt to take the Gypsy, but failed. And.... and later I found this caught in the skirts of my coat."

Ilmryn Xiltyn slips a single arrow from inside his belt and holds it out to her.

Arianna Shadowdew grabs the arrow inspecting it closely. She exhales loudly as her frustration builds. "Is there no end to your incompetence?! Now you have caught the attention of a ranger!" Sniffs the arrow, and feels it...."there is something rather unusual about this arrow. We will have to take extra care!" She snaps the arrow up against his chest, "Keep this, we might need to seek more information about this ranger"

Kathena Mavendorf remembers the lady elves that helped her before and can't help but let a small smile creep onto her face for a moment, satisfied that he at least was hit, and someone will come for her.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: A small grunt emits from his lips as she pushes the arrow against his body. He takes it, running his tongue across his teeth as he is want to do. A razor sharp claw slides along the runes on the arrow, very familiar runes. Yet, he is unwilling to speak of it until he knows more of the ranger, "The ranger may cause some problems, Jabress. But, it is nothing I cannot handle, I assure you."

Arianna Shadowdew shakes her head...."Yes, nothing you cannot handle, like the Gypsy" she spots the smile on Kathena's face, so she bends down and grabs her face hard, "Something amusing you?! Or do you just enjoy us hurting you?" she growls at Kathena.

Kathena Mavendorf winces and for a moment looks panicked, but then her face turns to that of defiance, "I'm amused at the fact that your days are numbered!" she speaks back not letting herself show weakness.

Arianna Shadowdew releases her face only to bring her hand back and slap her hard, cutting her lip, making her bleed. "And who's going to stop us? You?" she laughs wickedly as she watches the Gypsy trying to regain her composure.


Ilmryn Xiltyn looks at the drowess and then at the Gypsy, his usually cold features smirking a bit as he watches them.

Kathena Mavendorf her head receives a hard slap making her head hit the stone wall, and cutting her lip. She shakes her head trying to get her eyes to focus again, as blood drips from her lip. She licks the blood and sucks on her lip briefly then looks up at them both. "If not I, there are others in this realm that will surely make you pay for what you have done" She spits blood at their feet defiantly

Arianna Shadowdew narrows her eyes at the Gypsy, obviously becoming more angry at the human's insolence. She kicks the Gypsy hard across her stomach. "Perhaps you will learn to keep quiet for a while now!"

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Now, now, Gypsy.Such unkind words to such.... benevolent hosts," he smirks, leaning over to wipe the blood from her lip with his thumb.

Kathena Mavendorf crumples over in pain as she gasps for air after the kick.

Ilmryn Xiltyn growls and pushes his clawed hand toward the drowess, "ENOUGH for now, Jabress. We do not want to kill her.... yet."

Arianna Shadowdew looks at him with such hate and anger that it could melt iron. She growls back at him, "Then keep your pet under control!" She takes a deep breath trying to regain her composure. "I shall leave you to it then. Get the information....then leave her to me." She narrows her eyes at the Gypsy before turning to leave.

Kathena Mavendorf looks up at her with such defiance, you might think she was stronger than the demon himself. She  is still gasping for air, so she doesn't speak, but doesn't have to. The look on her face is enough to let the Jabress know that she would rather DIE than ever give into them.

Ilmryn Xiltyn looked up from where the Gypsy sat, his eyes following the drowess as  she left. He made a small hissing sound as she turned the corner and was out of sight.

Kathena Mavendorf: (Saved Tue Mar 31 12:46:01 2015)/me looks up at him, finally able to speak again. "I see even YOU have someone that torments you" she speaks in a raspy voice filled with strength through the pain."

Ilmryn Xiltyn growls at her, waving his claw through the air and moves toward the entrance, turning to look over his shoulder as rage fills him and he disappears.

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