Places of Interest

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Gathering at the Inn - William the Sailor Looks for Kathena

   We were suppose to be having our weekly storytelling, but it quickly evolved into a role play about the demon having absconded with the Gypsy. Enter William, our non believer friend in things fantastical and such wonderful comical relief. William is a sailor who resides in Oldwyck. (This roleplay was edited because of length. If you want to hear it ALL, join us at the River Lands for roleplay and camaraderie. You are welcome.

Jaekob Faolan: "And how is everyone this eve," he asks looking from one to the other.

William Kidd says, through a full mouth, "Ah, Fine, sir! Fine!"

Alastair Shadowbane shakes his head. "Uneasy, Aran. We have a situation that you may wish to hear."

William Kidd continues chewing

Xella Steward looks at Jae, then whispers to him "Is that sailor a friend?"

Aldina Gratly slides her glance at the white elf.

William Kidd looks to his left and almost bolts from his seat in surprise

Jaekob Faolan nods to Xella, patting her hand, "Yes, yes a frined." Then he looks down the length of the table at the ranger. "A situation? What kind of situation?"

William Kidd's mouth falls open, a half a fig dropping into his lap.

Alastair Shadowbane leans forward, his voice cool as he takes a breath. "I won't mince words, Aran. The Gypsy, Kathena, has been taken by a demon. I tried to prevent it, but the creature escaped."

Alastair Shadowbane: "Taking her with it."

Contessa Lacombe: "Greetings everyone."

Contessa Lacombe: Have we missed anything?

Aldina Gratly: "Not much."

William Kidd listens to the long eared man all in white.

Alastair Shadowbane: "I caught him with at least one arrow, wounding him but he still got away"

William Kidd looks over to his right, "Ah, evenin, Ma'am.... I see ye brung yer little girl to the bar again..."

Jaekob Faolan feels the blood drain from his face and he tries to swallow as he rises a bit from his seat, his palms pushing down into the table. "What do you mean Kathena was taken? The is impossible," he says as he rises and begins to pace.

Xella Steward eyes widen.

Aldina Gratly: "Wha... taken? We must go get her."

Contessa Lacombe: "Oh, Mister William, this is not my daughter."

Alastair Shadowbane: "It used a dark magic to find her. It burned something at the cabin where we first met, used it to somehow trace her. I followed a trail of ash that led to where she was. It was there that I found them."

Xella Steward hisses softly, small fangs showing.

Contessa Lacombe: "She is my a round about way."

William Kidd: "yar... Well, she be cute as a button, who e'r she be."

Jaekob Faolan cuts his eyes to the ranger, *Wh...when did this happen?"

William Kidd listens to the man in white's words... And moves his seat.

Alastair Shadowbane turning to look at Aldina he shakes his head. "We don't know where he has taken her. I can't trace them. The spirit that would have allowed me to track them was... I'm not sure if it was banished or destroyed, but something happened when it tried to save me." Giving a hiss of pain as he shifts, the burn in his clothing and the wound in his side can be seen.

Alastair Shadowbane: "It happened recently, not exactly sure on how long ago."

Contessa Lacombe looks over at the unfamiliar ranger.

Aldina Gratly "Oh my ...i should have been there for her."

Jaekob Faolan notices the ranger's discomfort and moves toward him, "Were you hurt Alastair?"

Contessa Lacombe: *looks at Celeste and shrugs*

William Kidd turns to the woman on his left, whispering "Ah Miss... Is there a... er... a... 'hospital' round about here anywhere?"

Xella Steward head tilts, fangs still showing "Hos....pital? you mean a healer?"

Aldina Gratly whispers to Will, "Well, if you don't move you will need one."

Alastair Shadowbane gives a nod, trying to shift but nearly passes out from the pain. "Burned, the spirit of my bow..." Reaching out he touches the bow reverently. "saved me from the worst of the demon's fires, but it still got me."

Contessa Lacombe hears William's inquiry, whispers, "Sir, there is an infirmary right here in Cheshire."

William Kidd sees some sharp teeth and quickly moves away.

Aldina Gratly: "You may sit next to me I will not bite."

William Kidd eyes the lady what spoke.

William Kidd instead takes a seat near the wall

William Kidd wonders where the infirmary is, and if he should go tell them that one of their patients may have escaped

Xella Steward looks over at Will, licking her lips slightly,

William Kidd feels for his dirk.

Jaekob Faolan: "Do I need to see to that" and he motions to the ranger'side  "that..... wound my friend?"

William Kidd watches the two lop-eared men

Xella Steward: are you sure it was a demon? not some other race........

Aldina Gratly  "Why didn;t you  tell me you were hurt Sir? I could have done something to help you."

Jaekob Faolan: Well.... I must....must.... *and he begins pacing running a hand through his hair,* We have to find them. Perhaps, your family could track the demon?

 Alastair Shadowbane shakes his head, hissing in pain as he slowly lifts his arm to let Jaekob see. "I wouldn't suggest jumping into anything yet. We don't know where it took her. There is something.... For some reason there feels like something familiar about it." Turning to Xella he nods. "I'm sure. the spirits of my weapons only react to demons. They were created specifically for fighting the creatures by the druids and mages of the kingdom that my family came from." Turning to Jaekob he gives a slight nod. "If we had something of his, or if the wolf spirit that was once linked to my bow was able to return, we might be able to."

William Kidd turns his head to face the  wall and rolls his eyes.

Jaekob Faolan: Wolf spirit? bow? *he asks raising his eyes to meet the rangers.

Aldina Gratly puts her hand to her mouth, "I need to quit spying."

William Kidd listens to the talk of a demon taking a girl and thinks of his old friend McGurk... He was a big man... Some might think he's a demon when he's on a week long bender.

Alastair Shadowbane reaches out and gently touches the bow almost reverently. "This bow was passed down from the time when my distant ancestor destroyed a great demon that had been trying to take over my home. The weapons were created for the Rangers of my family by the ancient druids and mages that were lost in the war. The weapons I carry and my sisters carry are all that remain of those weapons out of ten sets that were made, only three sets remain. The druids worked with the mages to give the weapons guardian spirits that were tied to them to protect the wielders when dealing with creatures such as the demon."

William Kidd speaks up, "Yar there... Ye be sayin that a demon done took a lady?"

Alastair Shadowbane: The Mages enchanted the weapons to be bane to be demons.

Xella Steward looks at will, "They......took Kat, one of the few humans iI like."

William Kidd stands and walks a bit closer.

Alastair Shadowbane looking to Xella he gives a chuckle. "I know of your kind."

Jaekob Faolan: And those spirits are gone now hmmm? Well, what if we could somehow return them? Our wizards abound in knowledge and just......maybe

William Kidd: "Okay now, everbody calm down."

Xella Steward looks at the white elf "and what do you know of my kind?

William Kidd: "Now, what's this demon feller look like?"

Alastair Shadowbane: the spirit of my bow is somehow gone, I'm not sure if it is destroyed or what, but I can't sense it tied to my bow.

Aldina Gratly turns around slowly and gives the ignorant man a look that would kill.

Alastair Shadowbane glancing to Xella he gives a grin. "I know of your fondness for sweets. I also know that some have been known to lure sailors to their doom." He says as he turns to look at William.

William Kidd: Did he have red hair? An old mate o' mine - Johnny McGurk - he's a good lad, but the poor sumbitch is large... and maybe a tad drunk...

William Kidd: "I can find that lass - I know Johnny."

William Kidd walks out the door.

Jaekob Faolan shakes his head and looks at William puzzled and watches him go to the door before returning his attention to the table

Alastair Shadowbane: "Unless this 'mate' of yours is able to throw fire, turn into darkness and vanish, it isn't him."

Xella Steward head tilts, thinking that description sounds familiar, someone she ate lately?

William Kidd: "JOHNNY!"


Xella Steward: "he sure swears like a sailor......."

William Kidd: JOHNNY McGURK!

 Alastair Shadowbane gives a nod as he slowly stands then walks over to Jaek, taking his bow with him before holding it out.

William Kidd shouts: "JOHNNY!"

Jaekob Faolan rises to stand before the ranger, reaching out a hand to let his fingers lightly stroke along the curves of the bow. His eyes close as his breathing slows and he feels the elements working through him


Contessa Lacombe: "I think I had better go find Celeste and make sure she goes straight home. What with......"

Jaekob Faolan swallows as he envisions the making of the bow and the Druid who brought it to life. This was no simple thing, this had once been empowered and now only a faint sense of its possibility seeped into his fingers

William Kidd enters and sits down again.

Jaekob Faolan: "This....this.... is amazing," he whispers as he pulls his hand back.

William Kidd: "Well, folks... I'm afraid ye'll have t' just forget about the lass.. She'll prolly be a mum by weeks end."

Xella Steward eyes widen at William.

Alastair Shadowbane glances at the Aran, raising an eyebrow at his words then bites back his own chuckle at the sailor's words.

William Kidd: "My fault"? I looked for the lowdown dog."

Jaekob Faolan turns, "And we thank you William, but this is a demon's work not a drunks."

 William Kidd: "Alas, once Johnny gets him a tart, he holds onta her for a spell."

William Kidd: "Ah, 'tiss the demon rum, yes - more's the pity."

Aldina Gratly "Take off your blinders man."

Xella Steward looks at Jae "Now can I eat him?"

Jaekob Faolan shakes his head, "No, Xella. He is our......simpleminded... friend."

Alastair Shadowbane grins over at Jaek before walking back to his seat slowly, nursing his wound.

Xella Steward sighs, "Simple is right.......properly all skin and bones,"

Jaekob Faolan pats Xella's hand, "He just is not accustomed to.... well us."

William Kidd nods to the man in white, smiling.

William Kidd: Sorry sir, I couldna find yer lass

Xella Steward sighs "Its that I'm no longer pretending to be a human."

Aldina Gratly: "He gives humans a bad name."

Jaekob Faolan: Ah, Dina, am sure he is a fine fellow

Xella Steward: "Just a non believer of the races."

Alastair Shadowbane: Sir, the woman that was taken, she wouldn't have been taken by some simple fellow.

William Kidd looks to the nan in white, "Well, Johnny is a simple feller, that's fer sure. Mean as a pissed off rabid dog, but not too clever, like me."

William Kidd finishes his drink

William Kidd stands, a bit wobbly

Jaekob Faolan: "Alastair, I will make arrangements for you to meet with the High Wizard Wicced as soon as she returns home. Perhaps, she can help you with the... bow."

William Kidd: Well, I'll be saying a good night to all....

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