Places of Interest

Monday, March 30, 2015

The Demon Takes the Gypsy

Kathena Mavendorf awakens after the first night good sleep she's had in a long time. Somehow the peace and serenity in the cottage has calmed her mind and relaxed her. She doesn't dare go outside, for fear of being seen so she grabs a book and sits on the bed reading.

Ilmryn Xiltyn seems to pour out of burned walls of the ruins in the Shadow Lands. He pulled his cloak tight about his body and slipped into the shadows, became one with it as he made his way toward the Gypsy's cabin and the answers he sought.

Kathena Mavendorf grows uneasy so she paces about the room, finally sitting down at the desk.

Kathena at her Desk

Ilmryn Xiltyn moves lightly, quickly leaving the smell of sulphur in his prints on the ground. He neared her cabin and slipped close, pressed against the wall the shadow of his being seemed to penetrate the wooden planks and move inside.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: His eyes widen as his knees bend and his fist clench, pushing hard against the tender drow flesh. Rage filled his eyes as his anger flared and he let out a scream that surely could be heard for a long distance.

 Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Kathenaaaa," his voice reverberated sending his thoughts to her. Where are you my pretty?"

Kathena Mavendorf hears her name screamed as echos in her mind and she holds her head in pain.

Kathena Mavendorf begins to panic and stands up looking about the room, but sees nothing and no one.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: The skin on a slight hand begins to crack and peel, the sound of bones resetting pounding like his heart. He licked his tongue out as if to taste the air and fangs pushed through his gums as the visage of the drow began to be more the demon. He licked at the blood on his fangs and licked the air again, "The Druiiiiid," he hissed to himself.

Kathena Mavendorf runs downstairs in the cottage to check the bottom floor, but again, it was empty. "Oh gods, what do I do?!" she mutters to herself. "Surely he won't find me here" she says with little hope, the fear reflected on her face.

Ilmryn Xiltyn looks about the room, his eyes narrow slits, a look that burns and destroys and he grabbed at a pile of her clothing, things with her scent and he throws them into a pile on the floor. His head cocks almost mechanically as his eyes burn into the clothes and they are engulfed in flames leaving only a pile of black ash. He sucks in a deep breath of air and pushing it out toward the ash, pushing it to move and float on the air, *Follow her scent..... Find HER for MEEEEE, *he screams wildly into the air.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: And the demon melded into the shadows again following the trail of ash.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "I am coming, Jalil. How dare you try to hide from me.

Alastair Shadowbane hear the screams as he moved through the hills behind the Ranger Hall, his head lifting as he quickly pulls the bow from his back and notches an arrow. His movements swift and silent as he quickly heads towards the cabin.

Ilmryn Xiltyn moves like silence floating on the air, his every step effortless. He passes the ranger hall and the farms and moves ever onward, let the trail of ash guide him toward the gypsy.

Demon in the Fog

Ilmryn Xiltyn moves to the bridge and pushes toward the fog that lay over it as the last of the ash fell to the ground giving him what he wanted. He moved closer and as the soft flesh that hid the demon touched the outlaying fog, he screamed in mortal agony and was thrown backward through the air. The ward had melted the last of his disguise and the demon stood exposed, the drow flesh still burning on his demon body.

Kathena Mavendorf paces nervously inside the cottage, hoping the earlier echos do not repeat themselves. "I'm safe here. He can't find me here." she repeats to herself. Suddenly hearing a scream outside, she freezes in place from fear.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: He screamed again, this time pushing his voice over the bridge, through the fog and into her ."Come to me> I DEMAND it!"

Kathena Mavendorf screams as his voice pierces through her mind, the command pushing hard to make her comply. She stands there crying from the effort not to move. "I can't! I mustn't go! Oh gods help me."

Alastair Shadowbane moved to the cabin, his eyes moving over the place as he holds the arrow in place with one hand, his foot nudging the door to the cabin open as he listens for sounds of trouble. Pushing the door further open as he scents the air then shakes his head, releasing the draw and replacing the arrow in the quiver. Slipping inside he looks around at the cabin, finding nothing out of sorts at first, but as his trained eye moves to the floor he spots the burn spot. Crouching down he reaches out a hand then stops as he whispers low words in a tongue taught to his family long ago, calling to the spirits. Closing his eyes slowly as he waits for a spirit to come to his request, hoping one would come.

Alastair, First Ranger of tRL

Ilmryn Xiltyn: A scaled arm, thick, muscular reaches out toward where she lies in hiding and his clawed hand motions in the air, "Come to me, Jalil, Come to me. I just want to..... talk."

Kathena Mavendorf feels one foot step forward and she sobs, "no, gods, please...." then another foot moves forward to the door.  She cries desperately trying not to move as she sees her hand reaching for the doorknob.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Come, come," he whispers into her mind, his voice now calm and soothing as he tries to lure her to him.

Alastair Shadowbane feels his eyes shoot open as a spirit answers his request. The feeling of absolute evil pervading what caused the scorch mark able to be felt. His voice is low as he whispers to himself. "A demon, a creature of the shadows. It's good my family came when we did." Whispering in the same language he follows the spirit as it leads him to the remains of the ash trail.

Kathena Mavendorf 's hand turns the knob and opens the door. Tears stream down her face as she can feel herself moving towards him, like a puppet on a string.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: That's it.... come come, Jalil. Come to me, *his voice pushes toward her.

Kathena Mavendorf takes a step, then another, and she can see that she is walking strait out of safety and towards what she fears most. She knows she cannot stop herself, but continues to fight against it, the pain reflected on her face.

Alastair Shadowbane follows the remains of ash, not realizing this was what remained of the Ash trail that the demon had created. Pulling his bow from his back, he once again nocks an arrow as he heads in the direction that the trail, and the spirit lead him.

Kathena Mavendorf is at the gates and can see the creature on the other side of the bridge. She reaches the gate and pulls it open, stepping through and walking unharmed through the fog.

Kathena at the Gates

Ilmryn Xiltyn reaches his clawed hand a bit further as he stands there some eight foot tall, his knees bent, his scaley body ashen like the shadows. He licks a fang as he sees her and pushes the drow image to her mind so she will not see the creature he is.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: "Come, come, Jalil," he croons to her, "Take my.... hand."

Kathena Mavendorf sees the Drow hand outstretched and against her own will, her hand grabs his. There is no escaping him now, she thinks to herself as she sobs.

Kathena Sees the Demon Through the Mist

Ilmryn Xiltyn: The facade fades away as his large clawed hand wraps around her small hand. His mouth open and he roars at her, his mouth wide, his bloody fangs threatening her.

Kathena Mavendorf screams and trembles in fear, "please, just let me go.....please!" she begs the terrifying creature before her.

Alastair Shadowbane as he follows the trail to the island he slows down even more. Slipping off in the distance he stops as he sees the demon, his eyes focusing as he draws the arrow back so that the fletching is in line with his ear. As he's about to release the arrow he stops as he sees Kathena, not wanting to risk hitting her he shifts his aim, hoping that he could break the demons focus and concentration for her to get away.. Speaking a few words calling on the limited magic of the wild that he can call on without his sisters he releases the white arrow, watching the faint, weak lines of green energy trail from the arrow.

Ilmryn Xiltyn growls and hisses like the beast he is and jerks her hard to him, wrapping an arm about her waist and he prepares to leave with her.

Alastair Shadowbane pulls and nocks another arrow, releasing another one at the creature of darkness before having to shifts his aim again to keep from hitting the gypsy.

Kathena Mavendorf gasps and winces in pain as the creature grabs her close.

Ilmryn Xiltyn screams as his massive head cuts to the direction the arrow had come from His eyes are burning slits full of anger, directed toward the ranger as a clawed hand pulls an arrow from his shoulder and tosses it to the ground

Alastair Shadowbane once again pulls an arrow and nocks it firing at the demon before he quickly slings his bow onto his back, his hands going for his twin blades.

Ilmryn Xiltyn pulls her closer, holding her like a rag doll, her body dangling in his arms as he looks for the intruder. He cocks his head and flicks his tongue into the air and with a swiftly movement of his free arm a bolt of fire leaves him and barrels toward the ranger.

Kathena Mavendorf squirms, desperately trying to get free from the creature, but her feet do not even touch the ground. She pounds her fists against it's chest, but it seems like she's hitting a wall of stone.

Alastair Shadowbane moves towards the demon, his blades flashing as he tries to dive out of the way of the bolt even as the spirit that had been assisting him, his friend from back in his home, moves in the way of the bolt, taking the damage, a small streak coming and flashing across his side, burning through his clothing, losing his grip on one of the swords even as he gasps, fighting to keep from blacking out as the spirit is destroyed.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: AS the ranger closes the distance, the demon lets out a loud cry that seems to shake the ground. he pulls his cloak around him and the Demon and the Gypsy seem to vanish into the shadows.

Kathena Mavendorf gasps as if the air was suddenly gone and darkness replaced it. She finally breathes again as she feels them appear elsewhere. Darkness all around, except for a fire and some torches. She looks around, still disoriented from the travel., finally looking at the creature. " she manages to say weakly."

Alastair Shadowbane slowly shakes his head as he comes to, his eyes moving around as he shakes his head at the lost of his quarry.. Sheathing his blades he moves to where the demon had been, letting out a trickle of energy to try to find the energy link that had been attached to the arrow that was taken out. Concentrating he finally finds a trace of the magic before he stops and looks around, spotting the arrow and giving a sigh. "Damn, gone."

Ilmryn Xiltyn growls as they appear in his lair and moves to the corner where he drops her body in a crumpled heap and quickly clasps a pair of manacles to her wrists, ignoring her completely.

The Demon and Kathena in the Lair

Ilmryn Xiltyn turned to face her, his anger at her overwhelming his every sense. He cut his eyes down the dark corridor of the caverns and flicked his tongue out. The drowess was no where close he was sure of that.

Kathena Mavendorf panics feeling the manacles close around her wrists, tying her arms behind her back. She fights desperately trying to free her arms, but the metal cuts into her wrists with every movement. She finally stops looking defeated.

Ilmryn Xiltyn: As the huge beast paces the small lair, his body begins to change. The massive creature becomes smaller and the drow skin seems to layer upon his body, his face once again showing the softer drow features. He cuts his eyes at her, the slits widening as his voice comes out soothing and alluring, "This is your fault, Jalil. You should not have.... hidden from me," he whispers as his tongue licks over his teeth and he vanishes into the shadows of the caves.

1 comment:

  1. Oh noes!!! Poor Kathena... that poor woman can never get a break! ;)
