Places of Interest

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Druid and the Gypsy - Demon Ash has been found

Jaekob Faolan sighs and makes his way over the bridge into the Shadow Lands. It has been days since he has visited and no reports of any trouble. He passes through the dark forest slowly, his eyes cutting through the trees watching for the drow who had attacked Kathena.

Kathena Mavendorf eyes the guards, "Oh would you just sit already! I don't need help to WALK"

Jaekob Faolan nods to the elven guard as he passes by, handing him a sack of fresh fruit he had picked on his travels here. Then he moves into the clearing and speaks to Kathena so as not to startle her, "Hello my dear."

Kathena Mavendorf smiles sweetly at him, though you can tell she's frustrated with the guards, "Hello there my friend."

Jaekob and Kathena Talk

Jaekob Faolan smiles big seeing her in good spirits and closes the distance, "And how does this day find you?"

Kathena Mavendorf motions to the guards sitting by the cabin staring at her, "Would be better if I could ditch those two" she giggles

Jaekob Faolan bites his lip to keep from laughing, "Well.... maybe one day.... Have you seen our drow friend around? or has there been any trouble?"

Kathena Mavendorf frowns a bit, but shakes her head. She then walks closer so she can speak without being heard by others, and whispers to him.

Kathena Mavendorf: "I have not seen him, though I did find something curious the other night, when I gave them the slip....I mean, when I went for a walk"

Jaekob Faolan raises a brow, looking at her and shaking his head a bit. He takes in a deep breathe and speaks low, "And what did you find when you SLIPPED off?"

Kathena Mavendorf bites her lip knowing she's in a bit of trouble and tries her best to look like she's sorry, but fails miserably. "Well....I retraced my steps from where I first so him here...and well I found something."

Jaekob Faolan nods, "Well tell me, then. What did you find?" he says cutting his eyes over to the guards she had evaded at some point.

Kathena Mavendorf motions to over where the dying part of the land is and I found something strange on the ground. It seemed like an old campfire that burned out at first, but the ash seemed very strange and smelled of sulfur. I took some and put it in my pouch. Hold on and I will give it to you."

Kathena Mavendorf pulls out her pouch and the little handkerchief she used to wrap the ashes in and hands it to him"

Kathena Mavendorf: gave Jaekob Faolan 1 demon ash.

Jaekob Faolan swallows hard as he reaches out, taking the folded handkerchief. He didn't try to smell it; the smell wafted through the thin cloth and assaulted his senses and his face paled a bit.

Kathena Mavendorf she studies his face and sees his expression change very gravely, "Jaekob, what is it? What's wrong?"

Jaekob Faolan: "I... I ... really am not sure, but this thing.... this ash.....unsettles me."Then he looks at her,  "Did you feel anything when you had it? I mean..... well, I do not know exactly what I mean."

Kathena Mavendorf looks down avoiding his gaze. She'd hoped it was nothing, but must give him more details about it now. She swallows hard, then carefully considered her words to him. "As I came closer to the ash, a feeling of darkness, a sort of heavy weight settled upon me. It was as if the light of the day darkened within me."

Jaekob Faolan nods, biting his lip and looks down at the handkerchief, not quite ready to unwrap it and allow it in their presence, "I.....I.... have a feeling it is considering me. But, that does not make sense."

Kathena Mavendorf looks confused, "considering you? Like....evaluating you?"

Jaekob Faolan quickly tucks the handkerchief deep into his rucksack and nods, "Something like that. it does not like me, but its just ash."

Kathena Mavendorf looks pale for a moment, "Oddly I had a hard time giving it to you. As if I needed to keep it."

Jaekob Faolan:  "I will have to find someone to examine it..... but there is no one in these lands with such knowledge." He shakes his head, wiping his hand on his breeches as if they are stained.

Kathena Mavendorf looks far away for a moment as she paces pondering a thought, then stops for a moment. "Jaekob, I think I might know someone who can help. I haven't seen her in MANY years...not since I was a small girl, but she was very wise and knowledgeable in magic."

Kathena Mavendorf sighs deeply trying to remember, "Her name was Arwyn Falconer I think. I forget the name of her lands, but I remember the way there. I could write you a route"

Jaekob Faolan: "Who... who might that be? Arwyn, " he says letting the name roll off his tongue as if to remember it.  "I have never heard of such a person. And she knows magics you say?"

Kathena Mavendorf nods, "I camped on their lands when I was a child, on my way to another realm. The entire area was protected by her and her love the Duke. I never met him, but she I remember was a Mage or Wizard....something with magic. She spent most of her time in her library. She rarely came out, but she was very nice to me and my kind, as long as we were kind to the plants and animals on their realm."

Jaekob Faolan: "A mage, really?" his eyes widen, "Yes, yes I must travel to see her at once and plead our case so that she will help us."

Kathena Mavendorf smiles and nods, "I'll get a piece of parchment and write down the route you must follow. A bit of advice, do NOT stray from the path. The woods there can be very dangerous if you get lost in them."

Jaekob Faolan nods, biting his lip and he balances from foot to foot, waiting for the note.

Kathena Mavendorf runs inside and writes down very specific instructions and a map then rolls it up and brings it to him. "Here you go Jaekob. Feel free to mention my name. She seemed to have an excellent memory, though I have not been back in at least 10 years."

Jaekob Faolan takes the note and tucks it inside his tunic, "I shall leave immediately. I feel this is of the utmost urgency."

Kathena Mavendorf smiles sweetly at him and grabs his hand, "Do be careful please my friend"

Jaekob Faolan: "I will go to Calenhad first and give word of my plans. If you need anything, seek out the rangers. If there is trouble, go with the guards to Calenhad and wait for me."

Jaekob Faolan turns and begins to walk away, giving her one last smiles before he heads for the bridge

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