Places of Interest

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

the Druid and the Gypsy, Part III

   Bored yet hmmm? Well, let me share some of yesterday's happenings using the actual text from the roleplay. So, to set the scene, the gypsy had left the castle and returned to Chanwood (her actual home in the Unified Lands of the North Sea) and removed her vardo to the farthest reaches of the Austurwood forests.  At the time, she possessed the entity I have mentioned earlier or should I say, IT possessed her. But, it was apparently reeking havoc with her mind.
   The Druid worried about her safety, left his home and began a journey, trudging through heavy snows of mountains and then forests. He sailed across the North Sea Straits toward Chanwood veering toward the east as his small skiff maneuvered the shoreline. And there begins the roleplay!

Jaekob Faolan makes his way through the underbrush, using his staff to dig into the snow and pull him forward with each slow step. His nostrils flare as he catches the scent of smoldering wood and he hastens his approach to Kathena's campsite

Jaekob Faolan: Kathena *he gasps, letting her name pour out quickly as he tosses his staff down and rushes to her crumpled, unconscious body, now covered here and there with a fine mist of snow

Kathena Mavendorf moans in her sleep, unable to open her eyes

Jaekob Faolan jerks off his cloak, muttering her name over and over again, *Kathena, Kathena....* and he begins to brush away the snow and kneels down to cradle her in his arms as he wraps the cloak around her

Kathena Mavendorf hears Jaekob's voice in the distance and fights to awaken, finally opening her eyes slowly

Kathena Mavendorf is shivering cold, and barely able to move.

Jaekob Faolan: My ghods, what has happened here, *his eyes dart to the burned vardo as he leans in close to see if she is breathing when she opens her eyes

Jaekob Faolan lifts her, taking her closer to the fire, the pit but embers. He settles her down, his cloak tight about her and manages to toss some logs onto the fire

Kathena Mavendorf: Jaek?...she whispers, "Is that you?"

Kathena Mavendorf she blinks a couple of times trying to focus on his face, then she thinks back, "The shadow tried to get me" she says very softly

Kathena Mavendorf:  The warmth of his cloak and nearness to the fire, she starts to thaw out and slows down her shivering.

Jaekob Faolan nods, his face paling like the snow that lays in drifts about the burned vardo. His hands rub briskly up and down her arms trying to warm her, *What do you mean the shadow tried to get you

Kathena Mavendorf still in her confusion, "It was everywhere! In the woods, behind me, in front, in my vardo." she pauses looking confused, her eyes tear up as she looks up at him, "I tried to kill it with the knife but it wouldn't work."

Jaekob Faolan sighs and shakes his head, strands of red hair falling into his face. He brushes them behind his ear, *Well that just does not make sense. It has never tried to harm us before.

Kathena Mavendorf looks over his shoulder and thinks she sees it in the puff of smoke coming from what is left of her home and she gasps...."It's there! It's back!"

Kathena Mavendorf cries, "but I burnt it! I burnt it in my vardo"

Jaekob Faolan jerks his head in the direction she is looking and reaches for his staff, realizing he dropped it some too many feet away. Then he looks harder and realizes there is nothing there, *Kathena, are safe, I promise you.

Kathena Mavendorf scrambles backwards terrified, "Don't you see it?!"

Jaekob Faolan: We have to get you fit for travel, You are returning to Calenhad with me, *he stutters looking yet again.* I see nothing. Now sit there stay warm and I am going to make you some tea and and....
(Excepts from a roleplay printed with permission of all participants!)

   More? you want more, hmmm. Well, that would be something akin to telling you the end before you read the book would it not? Their tale has not ended surely and there is much more to be told, but I would invite you to participate in the excitement to know all the details of everything hmmm? Until the next time then, *A smile curls onto the Druid's lips and he gives his readers a wink, walking away to begin his day in the River Lands.

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