Places of Interest

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

An Interview With the Gypsy - Kathena Mavendorf

Jaekob Faolan: Good morning, Kathena and thank you for sitting down with me today to discuss yourself and how you conceptualize your character

Kathena Mavendorf grins, "My pleasure Jaek"

Jaekob Faolan: So, we have been roleplay acquaintances for a bit now But Jaek and Kathena never had the opportunity for any roleplay dynamics. Now we are off on a whirlwind, chasing and being chased all over the Unified Lands. How are you feeling about this possession that has you and Jaekob in its grips?

Kathena Mavendorf: That's a great question!

Jaekob Faolan leans back into the overstuffed chair, listening.

Kathena Mavendorf: Well, I am absolutely loving the excitement of it all. I enjoy RP that is challenging in it's scope and theme. Dealing with tough villains, major problems for my character and having to figure out what my character would do in such a situation is a wonderful way to explore your imagination.

Jaekob Faolan: Our readers are curious am sure, how much of what is currently happening in the Unified Lands with Jaekob and Kathena is preplanned? Is there a script of sorts?

Kathena Mavendorf ponders for a moment, "Well, there is an overarching goal that is set up by our villain in this case. However, Jaekob and Kathena don't know what it is. We are both reacting to what is put in front of us. Therefore, it is primarily unscripted and improvised. The key is, to know our characters well enough to know how they would handle any given situation and see where it goes."

Jaekob Faolan nods and bites his lip, *I am sure readers are wondering. What is the relationship between Jaek and Kathena?

Kathena Mavendorf giggles, "Well, it's complicated. They are friends and care deeply for each other. She might have feelings for him, but she feels like she would never be worthy of him, so she keeps her distance"

Jaekob Faolan: Fair enough, *he smiles and nods.* Now moving on from the Druid and Gypsy roleplay, let's talk more about Kathena. Can you tell us a little bit about Kathena, the gypsy.

Kathena Mavendorf nods, "Not much to tell, really. She was born in the hot lands to the south to gypsy parents. They moved around a lot growing up. Her mother taught her how to read fortunes and belly dance, but died when she was just 13 years old. Her father taught her how to pick pockets. He was not a good person. He sold Kathena to a man for a few coins and a vardo when she was 15. Thankfully, she knew how to pick a lock and escaped her captor. She has been on her own ever since."

Jaekob Faolan: A seemingly tragic story. Is that typical for roleplayers? And do they actually sit down and create their history as you have?

Kathena Mavendorf nods, "Many roleplayers chose tragic stories as backgrounds for their characters, because they feel it gives them depth. There is no experience without some heartache behind it. Though it doesn't apply to ALL. Some characters do have happy and positive pasts. It all depends on what kind of character you want to play."

Jaekob Faolan: So, how do you personally separate your character from the typist? Is that difficult?

Kathena Mavendorf thinks on it for a moment, "I won't lie, sometimes when my character is hurt emotionally, I feel the pain. However, I keep it strictly to my character. Just because my character might hate or love someone IC does not mean that I the person behind it does. I have many years experience in RP so I have learned how to keep real life and IC life separate. "

Jaekob Faolan: I imagine that is very difficult. I confess I have much less experience than you or some of our friends and it is not always an easy task. Does one learn over time to separate what is out of character and what is in character do you think?

Kathena Mavendorf nods, "For example, in another "life" I had on a different character, my avatar was in a madly passionate love affair with a pirate. In the RP they were crazy about each other and were like fire. While RPing, I was in IMs with my very good friend (LOL who was a girl playing him) laughing about the scene while discussing what we were going to make for dinner. The trick is to keep one foot in REALITY at all times. Of course, we also would check in private IM if it was OK for our characters to go down this road and how far to go into details."

Jaekob Faolan: Is that normal, being in IM talking out situations with those in a current scene with you?

Kathena Mavendorf: Absolutely! Keeping in mind that the scenes are improvised, sometimes you want to check with the other players if it's ok for you to take a certain action or if they prefer to go a different direction. You have to remember that the story belongs to all of you not just yourself, so be polite and share the space. Let others have some say in the direction and make sure everyone agrees before doing something that changes the dynamic of a relationship.

Jaekob Faolan: I could not have said it better, *smile softly.* Tell me Kathena, where do you roleplay?

Kathena Mavendorf: This character plays in the Unified Lands and makes her home currently in Chanwood.

Jaekob Faolan: Can you tell me a bit about Chanwood and the Unified Lands?

Kathena Mavendorf: Of course. The Unified Lands is a co-op of fantasy sims that are connected in their roleplay, giving the players a vast world in which to play and explore. Chanwood is one of the realms in the Unified Lands. It is a medieval fantasy city with amazing players that make it a blast to roleplay there.

Jaekob Faolan: And lastly, what is your advice to our readers, well anyone, who has a curiosity about roleplay?

Kathena Mavendorf smiles, "Just try it! No one starts out an expert. We all started at zero. Just decide what life you would like to live today and go explore the possibilities!"

Jaekob Faolan: Well, I thank you for taking the time to talk to us today. One last question and you can get back to your roleplay, *Are the Druid and the gypsy really possessed? I know folks are dieing to know.

Kathena Mavendorf grins wickedly, "I guess you'll have to wait and see!"

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