Places of Interest

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

the Druid, the Gypsy and the Dragon, Part II

  Seriously, did you like that cliffhanger? A druid and a gypsy riding a tidal wave out of town to escape the mob mentality is pretty epic eh? Well, settle back, there is more to this tale and I am ready to share it.
   Well, it just so happens, the Druid lives in a magnificent shimmering city - in a castle, no less. Okay, well he IS a Druid and has a very modest cottage in the River Lands and he prefers that. But, to make this story rock, the Druid and the gypsy made their getaway and went to the castle in the Elven city of Calenhad. There they begin to recoup from their perceived ill treatment and set out to devise a plan to convince the masses, *Hey, we are not crazy. We are just.... well... not crazy.* (And, no, when I am roleplaying I do not talk like that. Jaekob is a bit smoother and blends style and language into his medi fantasy environment.) But, this is for fun and well..... I can tell my story as I wish.
   So the two devise a plot with a third person who shall remain nameless. It is a very simple plot. First you make a poison and put it in your tea tin, next you have someone of good authority vouch for the poison. And now you find someone with a good sniffer (in our environment that would be a Lycan or a Faun) to determine who has been touching your tea tin. And then, DRINK some of the poison. Yes, you drink it. And send for a cleric to discover you poisoned with something that affects your sanity ie you become paranoid and hallucinogenic. That said, the cleric can cleanse you and go out into the world and say, *Hey folks, they are not crazy. They are just sick.* But, it backfired, terribly. It is, after all, roleplay, and you cannot be sure to get the outcome you want no matter how hard you work.
   So what to do? The gypsy is bored hiding in the castle and throws caution to the wind and returns to her vardo in another land. The Druid is distraught and thinks to just run away and so he packs his rucksack, grabs his staff and takes off.

(excerpt from the beginning of a roleplay)
Jaekob Faolan: His only friend, or so it seemed, had left, returned to her vardo to find a bit of peace in her life. And now, he stood upon the mountain just outside of Calenhad. He looked down upon his lands, the mist laying low and quietly wrapping the River Lands in its gossamer veil.

Jaekob Faolan drew in a deep breath, wrapped  his cloak tight around him and began to make his way down the mountain. He was leaving these lands as he had found them, an old cloak and a staff. He bit his lip hard to abate the tears and whispered goodbye and vanished down a mountain trail.
(excerpt ends)

   Well, wouldn't you know? After half a day's travel, mostly through dark caverns, he found himself LOST!! Yes, even Druid's can get lost, I suppose. Then he hears something. It sounded much like an elf walking might sound to an ant, I would suppose. Then a HISSING and oh Gods, it was a Dragon, a strikingly magnificent black dragon which stood some twenty foot tall and sixty feet long.

   Well, the Druid had seen Dragons before, lots of them. Most of them were pretty decent sorts if you did not bother their gem stash and took the time to pay them the respect an Ancient Dragon would expect. So the Druid fell all over himself. Seriously, he tripped and fell and then began to ply the dragon with compliments and such and agreed to tell the Dragon his tale. The Dragon was astounded that a Druid King would leave his home and fear what lay behind him more than, well, the Dragon that stood before him.

   The Dragon moved toward the Druid, the earth seemed to tremble beneath him and he pushed a claw into the Druid's boot and took a big sniff. And.... and.... the Dragon laughed and said the Druid was no more evil than honey.

   So I ask you, why did the Druid have to travel to a far away land, get lost and have a stranger tell him he wasn't evil? Why couldn't one of his people or friend's figure that out? Well I guess the moral here is THAT Dragons's truly are smarter than most people.

   So the Druid turned around and made his way home to the River Lands. He felt vindicated by the Dragon and was ready to just chill out and do what Druids generally do which is pick flowers, hugs trees and that sort of thing.

   ( And there ends this part of the story. If you have a interest in medi-fantasy roleplay, our community would welcome you and I would be delighted to give you a personal tour. We roleplay in Inworldz. Look up Jaekob Faolan or the River Lands and I will introduce you to dragons and gypsies and duchesses and can meet the Druid.)


  1. How about some photos, Druid King? ;D

  2. Oh I aim to please, milady, surely I do, *he gives the human a broad smile and a wink.* Photos are coming when I wrap my head and um fingers around this new endeavor of mine and try to figure out what it is exactly I am doing.
