Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Fiesty and Kathena Talk

Fiesty Lotus: "Well, Kat. Nice ter see you."

Kathena Mavendorf smiles softly at her. "Hello Miss Fiesty. It is lovely to see you too."
Kathena Mavendorf ponders for a moment, "I hope I am not disturbing you."

Fiesty Lotus: "No, No."
Fiesty Lotus: "I wuz jest picken some herbs fer me food and potions."
Fiesty Lotus: "I am happy ter have someone ter speak to. It's been a quiet mornin."

Kathena Mavendorf smiles. "I'm glad to hear it, as I am here in need of your help."

Kathena and Fiesty
Fiesty Lotus: "What kin I do fer you?"

Kathena Mavendorf looks a bit stressed as she paces a bit. "You see, I'm going on a mission to Falcon's Edge to gather information about the men who infiltrated Calenhad. I'd like to see if you have anything I could slip into someone's drink to make them, ummmm, share more information than they normally would."

Fiesty Lotus seems taken aback.
Fiesty Lotus: "Well, that is justified I expect, a little sneaky- but we gotta get to the truth."
Fiesty Lotus mulls over her options.

Kathena Mavendorf nods looking worried. "I fear lives are at stake."

Fiesty Lotus: "Did yer think of gettin some of those truth mushrooms from Fae Talia?"

Kathena Mavendorf: "Aye, I did, but those are too powerful. Using them would raise alarm and attention to my quest. Asking questions about this in general is already going to put my life at risk. I rather not call any more attention to myself, if I can help it."

Fiesty Lotus nods soberly.
Fiesty Lotus: "Well, I think I kin whip yer up some less intense truth powder."
Fiesty Lotus: "I will try to get it to yo later today. a couple of me Scouts will deliver it just as soon as possible."

Fiesty Agrees to Make the Potion
Kathena Mavendorf smiles and nods, "I very much appreciate it Miss Fiesty."

Fiesty Lotus: ""Yer just put a teaspoon of it in a warmed, but no boiling water and it should do the trick."

Kathena Mavendorf: "I can then use that potion to drop into someone's ale?"

Fiesty Lotus: "They will likely have a headache after."

Kathena Mavendorf giggles, "That would be the least of their worries."

Fiesty Lotus: "Hmm, in that case dissolve it in a little hot water and use that ter add ter the ale."

Kathena Mavendorf: "Great!"

Fiesty Lotus nods.

Kathena Mavendorf: "Thank you so much Miss Fiesty!"

Fiesty Lotus: "It be fer the good of River Lands. I be happy ter help."

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