Thursday, March 3, 2016

Jaekob Finds Kathena, Seriously Wounded

Jaekob Faolan walks along the dock toward the land way that leads to Kathena's home. He had not seen her since the mushroom incident and when he left her in the infirmary.

Jaekob Faolan moves slowly, whistling as he sees the sunset lower behind the small island home of Kathena.

Kathena's Island
Kathena Mavendorf lays on the ground motionless. Blood stains the ground beneath her.

Jaekob Faolan calls out excitedly as he rounds the corner and sees the familiar vardo. He picks up the pace and calls out, "Kathena, are you home?"

Jaekob Faolan: As he nears the vardo, his eyes catch her laying on the ground near the campfire, "Probably resting," he mumbles and moves closer. As he sees the blood he lets a loud cry and falls to his knees to gently turn her over, his eyes looking for wounds and intent on the massive blood on the ground.

Injured Kathena and Jaekob

Jaekob Faolan: "Kat, Kat he whispers as he sees her bloody face, the well of blood by her side. Instictively he throws his rucksack off his back and not taking his eyes off her, he digs a hand into it and withdraws a few clean clothes. Then he sits about gently wiping her bloody face to assess the wounds.

Kathena Mavendorf eyes flutter lightly as she begins to awaken. She tries to focus and sees Jaekob's face. "Jaek?" she whispers.

Jaekob Faolan: ""Oh Kat, what has happened here?" he says under his breath. Then as her face is wiped almost clean of wounds, he touches it gently, turns it side to side. He sees naught but small cuts and what appears to be bark.

Jaekob Faolan: Oh Kat, Kat, What happened to you my dear?"

Kathena Mavendorf eyes well up with tears. "The Drow." she whimpers.

Jaekob Faolan puts a finger gently to her lips, "Explanation can wait...hmmm? I need to look at the wound on your side.

Jaekob Faolan winces as he begins to clean the wound on her side and sees the flesh raw and bleeding. "SOMEONE attacked you with a dagger," he growls

Kathena Mavendorf whimpers and bites down hard on her lip trying to keep from crying loudly from the pain. She nods at Jaekob as an answer.

Jaekob Faolan: He moves swiftly toward the campfire and grabs a bucket of warm water, thankful there was water.

Jaekob Faolan grabs at his rucksack with one hand as he douses the clean clothes into the water, pouring the contents of the rucksack on the ground with the other.

Jaekob Faolan squeezes the wet cloth over the wound and begins to wipe at the bloody, penetrated flesh slowly.

Jaekob Faolan: "Oh, My dear friend," he whispers as his free hand reaches toward her cheek. Who...whoever....did this thing..... he will die for this Kathena." And as the wound is shown  cleaner, he examines the wound closely for any debris that might have been left.

Jaekob Faolan growls, "This dagger wound is deep, Kathena quickly he fumbles through the contents of his rucksack until he grabs a small amber jar of Yarrow root.

Jaekob Faolan sighs heavily as he dips his finger into the salve, heaping a large portion onto his fingers. He looks up at Kat, "This is going to hurt my friend." and he reaches for a small piece of well worn wood. "Let me put this... well bite on it..."

Jaekob Faolan bites his lip hard as he inserts the wood into her mouth,,,,,then his index fingers pushes into the depth of the dagger wound, letting the yarrow coat her broken flesh.

Jaekob Faolan: "Kat, Kat, " he all but moans, "This is not overly serious. I will... well you will be on the mend before you realize." And again he swipes into the jar, spreading a generous amount of the yarrow around the wound.

Jaekob Faolan: Done, he grabs a length of bandage and gently begins to wrap it about her waist, covering the entirety of the wound.

Jaekob Faolan sighs as he finishes, "Kat, I need to take you to your vardo, my dear," he whispers as he gently scoops her up into his arms and walks toward comfort and safety for her.

In Kathena's Vardo
Jaekob Faolan lays her down gently, his face looking broken and his eyes lost.

Kathena Mavendorf whimpers softly as the medicine begins to cut the pain. "Thank you Jaekob."

Jaekob Faolan sits on the edge of the bed reaching for her hand. His mind flashed on all the bad times they had endured together. Demons and more demons, possession, attacks. And he sighed. "Do you feel like telling me what happened Kathena?"

Kathena Mavendorf nods softly, the pain still reflected on her face. "Jaekob....I. I mean he. Uhh the Drow. The Drow is back."

Jaekob Faolan: "The... back... Are you talking about the Demon we exorcised?"

Kathena Mavendorf shakes her head. "The Drow himself. I thought I was hallucinating Jaek. I thought it was an extension of my nightmares."

Jaekob Faolan grasps her hand tighter, "I will...will..end him he growls. This is the last time he will hurt you. This I vow!"

Kathena Mavendorf: "Jaek I thought he was dead. I thought.....I was safe....from him."

Jaekob Faolan nods and bites his lip, "We all thought him dead. There has been no sighting of him for a long time."

Kathena Mavendorf eyes well up with fresh tears. "He's been tormenting me in my dreams every night, but I thought it was finally over."

Jaekob Faolan sighss and moves his hand to touch her cheek, "This will be over soon. That I promise. For now, you need to sleep," he says settling down in a chair near the bed. "And I will be here when you awaken, I promise."

Kathena Mavendorf nods softly and closes her eyes, letting herself drift away, feeling safe with Jaekob near.

Jaekob Faolan sighs as he reaches into his tunic for a small piece of parchment and quickly scribbles a note to the elves. He steps out of the vardo and as he begins to sing an elvish song, a bird lights on his should. "Go hastily my brother"

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