Places of Interest

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Gabriel Tries and Fails

   Gabriel Raynecrier looks at the small stone on his work table in the armory. His hand wavers nervously over the stone as he tries to bind his will into the small stone. He waits for a a sign: a glow, a grinding as the stone  reshapes itself to his will. But, nothing happens. The stone is still a stone. Nothing more.
  Gabriel Raynecrier: It had not occurred to him that he was completely bereft of skills. He had been a student for months. He had watched his mentor perform great things. And he had foolishly thought....yes, he had thought he could do a simple enchantment. But, try as he might, he could not bend the elements to his will. He was a failure.
   Gabriel Raynecrier picks up the stone and shoving it into a pocket, he leaves the armoury and heads for the Citadel's gates. He heads toward the open sea. He makes his way across boulders and seats himself, his gaze turned out to the open sea. "If you come.... when you come," he sighs. "If you can bring my things, surely I can do this simple thing for the Druid and prove myself to these people."

Gabriel Looks Out to Sea

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