Places of Interest

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Gabriel Writes Home

Gabriel Raynecrier sits at a makeshift desk in the armory of the Citadel. He mumbles to himself, "Imbue these swords with some manner of hypnotic power, a power of protection."  He was a young Mage yet, young in his studies, but had a powerful mentor. To do as the Druid requested, he needed items from home and so he wrote this letter, took it to one of the ships and asked the Captain to deliver it to his sweetheart when they anchored in his home.

   "To my sweet Audrey. I have arrived in the River Lands already, but I find I came ill prepared. Our home lies so far on the other side of the mysts, but I also find I miss you. Can we kill two birds with one store, sweet Audrey. Might you travel here and bring the scrolls and books from my room. I would also ask that you consult with the ArchMagus, your father and my mentor.  Tell him that I have been tasked with enchanting swords to help in the defeat of a Demon. This magic skill I had just begun and I fear my skills are lacking and without advice and my scrolls, I will fail. As ever, Your Loving Gabriel."

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