Places of Interest

Friday, July 10, 2015

Gabriel Awakens

Gabriel Raynecrier awakens to realize he is in the infirmary, not quite sure what has happened. His last memory was of being in the blazing forest. There was a vague awareness of the Druid showing up and elves and....and the Demon. There was an awareness of Audrey holding his hand, speaking to him in hushed tones.

Gabriel Raynecrier rolls over, moaning a bit from the residual pain.

Allie hears Gabriel and turns from where she is making broth at the hearth. "Mister Gabriel," she says rather loudly. "Yer should not be moving about."

Allie, Healer Apprentice
Gabriel Raynecrier catches his sweet Audrey sleeping on the cot beside him, "Audrey, my sweet," and he tries to get up to go to her.

Allie: "Miss Audrey is jus fine, Mister. She has been here with you ever since the Demon done attacked you." And she literally goes to him and forcibly pushes him backward onto the bed.

Gabriel Raynecrier relents, "But, she is okay? Just...sleeping?" he says realizing his energy level was waning quickly and he settles back into the bed.

Allie: "She is jus fine, Mister Gabriel. She jus worried senseless about you like all of us been worried. But, the Arch Druids come last night and whatever it is they done did, they fixed you up right good. You jus lay there and rest. I have some broth cooking and will fetch you a bowl."

Gabriel Raynecrier nods, glancing over one more time to check on Audrey, "I need to see the Master Druid, Miss. I need...." And Allie shuts him up by pushing a big spoon of broth into his mouth.

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