Places of Interest

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Fiesty and Fit Heal Gabriel

Fiesty Lotus: "Fit! What has happened? Is that our Mage there so burned and bleeding?"

Fiesty, Fitheach and Gabriel

Fitheach Eun: "Yes it is Gabriel; the Demon burned him badly"

Fitheach Eun: "I just found out about it from Juste."

Fiesty Lotus: "How is he?"

Fitheach Eun: "He is very badly burned."

Fiesty Lotus shudders at the smell.

Fitheach Eun: "Yes, that must be from the demon."

Fitheach Eun: "I was wondering if there was anything we could do to help him."

Fiesty Lotus approaches the body, holding her breath.

Fiesty Lotus refreshes the water and looks at the bandages.

Fitheach Eun watches and studies Gabe's burns.

Fiesty Lotus pulls up some older bandages and applies her burn slave to the flesh.

Fitheach Eun mixes some comfrey and plaintain in warm water and washes some of the less burned areas with it carefully.

Fiesty Lotus remarks to Druid Fit " He sleeps soundly, that be a blessin."

Fitheach Eun speaks softly to avoid waking Audrey sleeping in the cot nearby.

Fitheach Eun: "Yes he seems to sleep peacefully, too."

Fiesty Lotus looks over at the cot.

Fiesty Lotus: "Oh- she be a friend?"

Fiesty Lotus modulates her speaking tone.

Fitheach Eun: "She must be. Allie said she has been here with him around the clock."

Fiesty Lotus turns to the stove and makes a tea of coriander and willowbark , sweetened with honey.

Fitheach Eun: "Ah yes, good idea; if he can drink some, it will help."

Fiesty Lotus cools the tea and spoon feeds it to the patient.

Fiesty Lotus: "It be good fer fevers- me granny say."

Fiesty Lotus: "Poor thing."

Fitheach Eun: "I wonder if some earth and water magic combined might help those burns heal better?"

Fiesty Lotus: "We gots ter get rid of this here demon."

Fiesty Lotus: "That be a good idea."

Fitheach Eun: "We really do; he has injured and killed too many and he is destroying our forest."

Fiesty Lotus: "I gots earth as me primary."

Fitheach Eun: "I am water."

Fiesty Lotus: "Ahh- a good healing element, that."

Fiesty Lotus: "Between the two of us we may make some headway."

Fitheach Eun: "Water can cool; earth can grow maybe together they would help?"

Fiesty Lotus: "Yes- water do run through the veins."

Fiesty Lotus: "Earth rules the solids."

Fiesty Lotus: "That be good."

Fitheach Eun: "Yes, how about if I try to cool his blood and you try to regrow some flesh?"

Fiesty Lotus: "Good idea."

Fiesty Lotus: "We can make a start for this poor Mage."

Fitheach Eun rummages in my bag for my silver bowl, pulls it out and fills it carefully with water.

Fiesty Lotus digs for her bag of earth and pours it into a small bowl.

Fiesty Lotus holds it out and begins intoning a chant.

Fiesty Lotus: "Spirit of Earth hear my cry."

Fitheach Eun stares intently into her bowl of water and slows her breathing; visualizing a soft cloud of cool blue enveloping the stricken Mage."

Fiesty Lotus: "Bring this man away from death by building his flesh to life."

Fitheach Eun intones softly: "Spirits of water, undines and nymphs, aid me to heal this person; cool his blood; reduce his fever."

Fiesty Lotus stirs the dirt and calls upon her element.

Fitheach Eun breathes slower and sends her focus into the bowl of water as it begins to dance and sparkle.

Fitheach Eun: Slowly a mist of blue rises from the water bowl; it appears to have small figures dancing in it as it rises and covers the sleeping Mage.

Fiesty Lotus: "Spirit of Earth - increase this man and make him whole."

Fitheach Eun intones again softly: "Undines, spirits of the water cool his fever, let his body heal."

Fiesty Lotus sends her essence into the earth and redoubles her efforts to bring the man's flesh alive.

Fitheach Eun: The blue mist swirls slowly around Gabe and his skin begins to look less red and fevered.

Fiesty Lotus sees the the water spirit has cooled the fever of the man.

Fiesty Lotus: "Good."

Fiesty Lotus: "He will be easier now."

Fitheach Eun takes a deep breath as her energy wanes and the mist fades but the Mages sleep looks easier and he appears less fevered.

Fiesty Lotus: "Yes."

Fiesty Lotus melts as her energy also goes.

Fiesty Lotus sits and smiles.

 Fitheach Eun looks closely and sees that less of his body is charred and bits of pink skin are showing.

Fiesty Lotus: "Good- That should keep him for the time bein'."

Fitheach Eun: "He looks better, my sister."

Fiesty Lotus: "He kin heal a bit more on his own."

Fiesty Lotus nods.

Fiesty Lotus: "Ayup."

Fitheach Eun: "Yes, I think we have done all we can for now."

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