Places of Interest

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Fiesty Heals Smeagol and Fish

Arch Druid Fiesty Looks for Smeagol
Fiesty Lotus creeps forward. Starting every few minutes . This is fearful country and only her internal urging is keeping her moving.

Fiesty Lotus says to herself , "Where you be hobbit like creature? I feels ya in me bones."

Smeagol Shade raises his head a bit from where he lays curled up in his makeshift bed of grass. His eyes look empty and he feels lost. He moans a bit as he hears someone approaching.

Smeagol Shade: "Us hears someone," he whispers holding Fish upward to get a look.

Fiesty Lotus turns to see a stuffed fish waving lazily in the air.

Fiesty Lotus blinks and stares at the spot.

Fiesty Lotus quietly approaches.

Smeagol Shade: "Us sees her, Us does," and he quickly jerks Fish down to hold him tight to his chest, trying to hide.

Fiesty Lotus slowly approaches the creature, she can see him lying there, he looks terrified.

Fiesty Lotus calls upon the spirit o wind to soothe him.

Fiesty Lotus says in a gentle voice, "Please do not be afraid small one, I will not harm you."

Fiesty Lotus: "I come to help you get better."

Smeagol Shade curls tighter into a little ball, his eyes wide, Fish clutched tighter to his chest, "Don't hurt Us. Don't Hurt Us," and he tries to skitter back to a corner but is in to much pain to move much.

Smeagol Shade: "Help Us?"

Fiesty Lotus feels the hobbit bond and wonders how this creature can be any kind of Hobbit.

Fiesty Helps Smeagol and Fish
Fiesty Lotus: "I will - here I have brought you honey wine to sooth you."

Fiesty Lotus holds out a small jar.

Smeagol Shade lays Fish on the ground and pushes his friend toward the Druid. He points at Fish and whimpers, "Helllp Us, please."

Smeagol Shade looks at the jar and blinks.

Fiesty Lotus looks at the stuffed fish (which smells just awful) and reaches to touch it.

Fiesty Lotus: "You want me to take your fish?"

Fiesty Lotus blinks and considers.

Smeagol Shade looks at Fish and looks at her. Then he points to Fish, "Help Us first."

Fiesty Lotus pours a drop of honeywine on the stuffed fish (It couldn't get any worse anyway).

Fiesty Lotus looks up at the creature.

Smeagol Shade blinks and watches her, then pokes his finger at Fish, "Us better now?" he asks Fish and then looks at her, "Us thanks you."

Fiesty Lotus: "Do you have a name dear? And does your fish have a name?"

Fiesty Lotus smiles.

Smeagol Shade: "Us is Smeagol and Fish. Fish is Us and Smeagol is Us. Us is...friends."

Fiesty Lotus approaches closer and holds out the jar again.

Fiesty Lotus nods.

Smeagol Shade cringes a bit. He is not accustomed to kindness of any sort.

Fiesty Lotus: "Alright Smeagol and uh Friend fish."

Fiesty Lotus: "I would like to help your wounds- would you let me do that?"

Smeagol Shade blinks, his eyes a bit teary. Then he nods, "Us hurts. Us let you help Us."

Fiesty Lotus nods again and holds out the jar once again, "First taste this, it ill do you good."

Smeagol Shade reaches for the jar slowly and when his hand is close he takes it quickly and pulls it to him, "Us drinks it?"

Fiesty Lotus: "Yes."

Fiesty Lotus nods and tries to smile reassuringly.

Smeagol Shade: "Us never .....Yes, Us will drink," and he turns it up and as if he has not has liquids in forever, he gulps it all down and holds the empty jar out, "Us likes it. Us does."

Fiesty Lotus looks closer at Smeagol and sees he has lacerations that have become infected.

Fiesty Lotus smiles brightly.

Fiesty Lotus: "Now, is there a stream about -  water ?"

Smeagol Shade shifts and points to the little pond behind him, "Us has water hole and Us has river on other side of the walls."

 Fiesty Lotus looks about for a water source.

Fiesty Lotus: "Ahh, good."

Fiesty Lotus: "I will be right back."

Smeagol Shade nods licking a bit of the liquid from his lips, "Us will wait."

Fiesty Lotus unloosens her emergency pack and goes to the stream to get water. She returns swiftly

Fiesty Lotus: "Now Smegol and Fish, in order to help you I need you both to lie down and let me clean your wounds, will you do that?"

Smeagol Shade looks at Fish as if to get his consent, then he looks at Fiesty and nods. He reaches for Fish and lays him down beside him and then he stretches out on his little bed of grass, laying on his back.

Smeagol Shade: "Us will be good like the ones you fix at the fixing place in town." And he takes a big breath and lays there holding it, a bit anxious.

Fiesty Lotus: "Very good, I see you had a nice mud bath to help yourself , and that was smart."

Fiesty Lotus: "It stopped the blood from flowing, but now its time to clean it up and get you some healing salve."

Fiesty Lotus: "Ahh, so you have seen the infirmary then?"

Fiesty Lotus gently starts washing Smeagol and the fish as well.

Smeagol Shade: "It made Us feel better," he nods. "But Us doesn't feel better long." And he tries to relax as his big eyes look up at her, almost teary and he whispers, "Us...Us...thanks you."

Fiesty Lotus: "Oh hon, I am pleased to be able to help you."

Smeagol Shade looks up at her, then rolls his eyes to watch her work. Then he looks at her again, "You are not afraid of Us?'

Fiesty Lotus finishes the wash and then gets her salve out made with yarrow and mint and beeswax.

Fiesty Lotus rubs the salve on the wounds and sings a small song of entreaty to the spirit of earth.

Fiesty Lotus: "As of your children are precious, help this one recover."

Smeagol Shade begins to relax, finding the salve almost as soothing as the singing and the presence of someone talking to him.

Fiesty Lotus puts a dab of salve on the tattered fish.

Fiesty Lotus: "Now, I will brew you a nice cup of herbal tea."

Smeagol Shade: "Tea? Tea. Us doesn't remember having tea before. But maybe.... Us forgets."

Fiesty Lotus looks about and finds kindling for a fire, She lights it and fishes up her small pan out of her pack, humming as she works.

Fiesty Lotus: "Ahh, yes. Do you remember being young Smegol?"

Smeagol Shade glances over to see Fish is doing and almost smiles, "Us is getting Us fixed. Us found someone nice to Us." Then he shakes his head in answer to her, "Us does not remember, Us lived alone for a long time since Us escaped."

Fiesty Lotus fills the pan with water and then adds coriander and willowbar.

Fiesty Lotus stirs the tea and adds honey.

Fiesty Lotus pours some in the jar and waits a bit for it to cool.

Fiesty Lotus: "And where was it that you escaped from Smeagol?"

Smeagol Shade reaches up the scratch at his scalp and appears to be thinking, "Us use to be a slave for someone in the tunnels. But, Us escaped and came to live outside. Us not see him for a long, long time."

Fiesty Lotus: "Do you know his name? Or where that was?"

Fiesty Lotus tensed at the word slave.

Fiesty Lotus blows on the jar and hands it to Smeagol.

Smeagol Shade shakes his head, "Us does not remember. Us been free and here for a long time. Us lives here."

 Fiesty Lotus looks around, it is dark,  ruins rise up and make it eyrie.

Smeagol Shade takes the jar of tea, "Us drink again?" and his fingers fidget at the warmth of the little jar, not use to drinking anything other than water.

Fiesty Lotus: "Yes, please drink it. You are welcome to come back to the Shire with me if you wish, There is a dark wood there that might suit you."

Smeagol Shade holds the jar in both hands and licks his tongue at the rim to test it and liking what he senses, he lifts the cup up and drinks a bit, "Us likes it."

Fiesty Lotus: "It is a bit bitter with the willow but the honey should help."

Fiesty Lotus nods.

Smeagol Shade drinks a little more, use to eating whatever he can find regardless its taste, he is quite pleased with the warm liquid, "Us never had anything like this. Us likes it a lot."

Fiesty Lotus: "I cold bandage the wounds but I think air should get to them."

Fiesty Lotus: "Please Smeagol- do not scrape yourself, don't scratch the wounds."

Smeagol Shade: "Us is better too?" and he points at Fish with the brittle bones poking through his plushy form.

Fiesty Lotus: "Please Smeagol, do not scrape or scratch the wounds until they are healed."

Smeagol Shade: "Us be good. Us won't scratch."

Fiesty Lotus looks at the fish and delicately pulls out all the fish bones she can find.

Fiesty Lotus: "There."

Smeagol Shade tilts his head watching us, "Us fixed now?"

Fiesty Lotus: "He is soft now."

Smeagol Shade: "Soft?" he asks poking at Fish. "Us is soft now and Us is healed."

Fiesty Lotus: "You are on your way. May I bring another person to see you tomorrow?"

Fiesty Lotus: "We will make sure you are all well."

Smeagol Shade begins to look frightened, "Us... Us....not sure. Us is scared of people."

Fiesty Lotus looks at Smeagol, judging his comfort level, "She is a Druid too."

Fiesty Lotus: "Well, I will come soon and we will get you used to people that way."

Fiesty Lotus: "Do you have a blanket for cold nights?"

Smeagol Shade: "She won't hurt Us?" he asks almost pleading, almost fearful. "Us will....try. Us likes you." and he looks at Fish for confirmation, reaching to hold him close.

Fiesty Lotus: "She is a fellow druid- she heals people too."

Smeagol Shade: "Us has leaves and straw from the farm. Us took them for a bed."

Fiesty Lotus unwraps the spare blanket and lays it on Smeagol's knees.

Fiesty Lotus: "That is smart- here is a blanket to keep you warm."

 Fiesty Lotus looks at his spindly body and puts down a loaf of bred and cheese on the blanket.

Smeagol Shade looks down at the blanket and then up at her. He looks back at the blanket, much like a child being given a gift. He touches it with his fingertips, strokes it and shows it to Fish, "Us....." and he is just speechless and tucks Fish in his lap, covering him with the blanket. Then he looks up at her, in awe of such kindness being bestowed on him.

Smeagol Shade: Then he almost gently tears a bit of bread from the loaf and pokes it in his mouth before looking up at the gentle woman, "Us thanks you."

Fiesty Lotus: "You take care Smeagol, You can visit the market or infirmary or the Shire to see us. I will return soon to see how you are."

Fiesty Lotus blinks, "OH here- take this jar of salve and put a little on the sores every day."

Fiesty Lotus: "Try to wash up before you do that and you will be well in no time."

Smeagol Shade curls up and pulls the blanket over him, 'Us will wait for you. Us...." and he reaches for the jar only to sit it down. He reaches under a pile of leaves, where he has a little stash of pretty rocks and takes out his favourite, offering it to her. "Us gives you this."

Fiesty Lotus grins and takes the pretty rock.

Fiesty Lotus: "It is lovely Smeagol, Thank you."

Smeagol Shade nods and almost smiles and curls up under the blanket, "Us will wait."

Fiesty Lotus: "Eat the bread and cheese I left and I will bring more."

Smeagol Shade: "Us eat more, but now Us rest," and he closes his eyes, snuggling Fish under the warm blanket.

Fiesty Lotus: "Goodnight Smeagol."

Fiesty Lotus tiptoes out of the ruins and makes her way home.

Smeagol Shade mumbles and falls off to sleep, his first peaceful rest in a long time.


  1. Aww, I cried for joy to finally see poor little Smeagol get some healing and kindness. Thank you.

  2. *wipes away a tear* - What a heartwarming RP. Smeagol showed lots of courage and Fiesty's compassion is legendary! Well done!
