Places of Interest

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Demon Hellfire Rages and the Mage is Struck Down

Gabriel Raynecrier moves through the desecrated ground slowly, shaking his head, as his fingers dig into the fabric of his satchel. He had never seen anything like this though his master had told him tales that made the hair on his neck prickle.

Gabriel Visits Calenhad

Gabriel Raynecrier wrinkles his nose at the smell as he moves deeper and further into the lush forests. And he stops short as the smell of sulfur attacks his senses as suddenly flames begin to shoot up around him, almost walling him in. He stands still, the hairs prickling, sweat beading on his forehead.

Ilmryn Xyltyn sees the Mage before the Mage sees him. The demon body is blazing with Hellfire and blends into the flames that encircle the Mage. He lifts a hand and with a feral growl, hellfire coarses through his arm, his fingers and a ball of fire propels itself toward the young, inexperienced Mage.

Ethram (NPC): "Aran, quickly, this way," the elven ranger shouts, his steady strides increasing to a run as the Druid King and another ranger follow in pursuit. Like water, their movements are swift and determined as they race through the forests of Calenhad. Like deer, they move in sync with the forests.

Gabriel Raynecrier lets out a loud cry as the fireball grazes his side. He will ill prepared for confrontation. His cry was so profoundly painful that as he fell to his knees, he did not see the elves in their approach.

Jaekob Faolan sees the fallen Mage and quickly runs to his side, kneeling, his hands rolling the now unconscious Mage over to expose his heavily burned corpse. He bites his lip hard realizing they are too late. About him the rangers, bows drawn and at the ready, stood guard over the Druid King and the fallen Mage.

Ethram (NPC); "Aran, the demon!" he shouts as he releases an arrow through the fire toward the demon spawn.

Ilmryn Xyltyn raises his arms toward the ranger and a flash of fire shoots from his fingertips barely missing the agile elf. And yet another arrow penetrates the flames and he jerks his head to the other elf as a loud thud is heard and an arrow penetrates his shoulder.

Ethram (NPC) dodges the bolt of fire and releases another arrow. Both elves, one to the left of the Druid, to other just to the right, sending arrow after arrow toward the Demon spawn.

Jaekob Faolan jerks up to a standing position, his nostrils flaring, his face taunt and drawn. He lifts a hand upward and clenches it into a fist as his voice fills the forest, "Water, Aid me!!" he shouts. "Aid me to rid my lands of this unnatural being," and as his arm, his clenched fist move down and point in the direction of the demon, the nearby rivers seem to swell and a great flood of waters pushing itself landward toward the demon.

Ilmryn Xyltyn snarls, a low, feral growl from deep within as his head seems to mechanically cock toward the surging water. And like a wild animal, he drops to all fours and makes his escape. "The time has come," he growls to himself as he enters the refuge of the UnderDark. "They....all....will....burn," he hisses.

Jaekob Faolan leans over the Mage, examining is extensive burns, "Gabriel, Gabriel, can you hear me?" he asks in words almost too calm, too soft. Yet, his features speaks differently. The Druid gently lifts the mage up into his arms and together the entourage make their way through the forest fires, across Remembrance Bridge and toward the infirmary in Cheshire. "Wha...what?" he says as the Mage begins to mumble in his pain, in his delirium.

Gabriel Raynecrier feels himself being lifted, has a vague awareness of what is going on. Every fiber of his body is screaming in immeasurable pain. Yet, he has only one thought and the words the Druid did not hear was the Mage whispering her name, "Audrey, Audrey, I am there."

1 comment:

  1. Oh my such an eXciting espisode! I was on the edge of my seat the whole read! so happy to hear the Mage survives!!
