Places of Interest

Friday, June 12, 2015

Winter Reflects

Please meet Winter Silversmith, latest member of the River Lands Medieval Fantasy Role play Community.

Winter Silversmith

Winter Silversmith stops to observe a small snake slithering through the tall lush grasses "Blessed Be Mister Snake, tis a beautiful day."

Winter Silversmith: "A beautiful day indeed."

Winter Silversmith kneels down, places his hands cupped into the water and brings the silky liquid up to his lips for a taste.

Winter Silversmith continues to kneel on the mossy shore and thinks back to a time when he found himself along a riverbed, very much like this one, in a darker time of Men.

Winter Silversmith: A sound in the distance catches hold of his ear "Is that the sound of battle?" he pauses for a moment, holding his breath to halt all sound. Listening more intently he only hears the anxious thumping of his heart in his chest.

Winter Silversmith: Tears glisten in his eyes as his thoughts wander back to a morn that will live in his mind for the rest of his days. "No, no Deven... it is just the wind" he says and stares with eyes wearied by time across the rippling diamonds of the river.

Winter Silversmith: "I wonder where Mister Toad is off to today?" he asks, then looking confused at his own question he remembers it was Mister Snake he had just spoken to.

Winter Silversmith: "Ugh, the mind she plays tricks on me again" he says to the line of black ants passing by his ankle.

Winter Silversmith looks up at the golden sunlight filtering through the branches of the majestic oaks towering above. "It is a beautiful day indeed" he says and plunks down on his bottom to watch the river and listen to the birds singing to the heavens.

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