Places of Interest

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Smeagol, Fish and the Body

Smeagol Shade sits at the murky pond hidden inside the ruins he calls his home. In one hand, he holds Fish. In the other, the Body he had so sneakily snatched on Market Day.

Smeagol, Fish and the Body

Smeagol Shade looks at one and then the other, unsure how to combine the two so Fish will have a new Body. He was almost a skeleton now, Fish was. Little by little, chunks of Fish had fallen off and Smeagol felt such angst at the decaying of his only friend.

Smeagol Shade reached up to scratch his head, his long thin fingers still wrapped around Fish. He scratched or moreso rubbed Fish against his scalp leaving an oily residue and bits of the remaining Fish on his scalp.

Smeagol Shade heaved a big sigh, then what might be called a smile crinkled in a curve around his lips

Smeagol Shade: His bowed and bent legs crept through the grass until he came to a large boulder. "Us has an idea, yes, yes. Us knows how to give Us the body, " and he laid Body on the rock and carefully positioned Fish on top, careful to have them perfectly together.

Smeagol Shade: Then he reached for another rock, a small one, just small enough to fit in his hand. He raised his hand high and slammed it into Fish. "Us knows. Us knows. Us will fix it." And he continues to pound until Fish's bones are pounded into Body.

Smeagol Shade: Finally, he drops the rock and picks up his precious friend, pulling it tight against his chest, mindless of the tiny bones pricking at his skin. "Us DID it. Us DID ITTT, " he says overly loudly. Then he looks around, "Us is alone. Us will go home now." And he skitters back to the ruins, his body bowed, his knees bent and Fish tight against his chest.

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