Places of Interest

Monday, June 29, 2015

The Druid and the Mage Meet

Jaekob Faolan makes his way through the Elven city of Calenhad. His strides are long and steady as he takes the steps downward two at a time and finally enters the lush forest of the elves. He makes his way along the path toward Remembrance Bridge and as he nears it, he also nears the land that was defiled by the Demon. He swallows hard as his head cocks a bit to the side, his face expressionless. Finally, he moves onward. He bypasses the human settlement of Cheshire, He nods almost casually to the farmers and peasants who cross his path. Then he comes to the walkway to the Great Citadel, a walkway of large stones spread out over the seas and rivers that encircle the Citadel.

Jaekob Faolan: "The Citadel," he all but whispers to himself. He knew this great castle would be the last defense of his people - Elves, Humans, Hobbits, all of them. Should the Demon come to hold sway over the lands, they all would retreat to this great castle which was protected first by the moat of seas and rivers which surrounded it and second by the vast stone walls which had stood for centuries unpenetrated.

Jaekob Faolan moved quietly through the bustling courtyards where soldiers already were prepared for the possibility of an ensuing war against ONE Demon. He entered the huge gates and made his way along cobble stone roads until he came to the castle proper. Then he passed through the Great Hall, slipped through the back entrance and paused as he stood before the armory.

Gabriel Raynecrier stood quietly in the armory, awaiting the arrival of the Elven King. They had not met before and he was surprised when a messenger arrived asking him to journey to the Citadel and meet the Elven King. "Why the armory," he murmured to himself. "Why would a King request his presence at such a place, a place for warriors and fighters?" As he waited, he ran a finger along one of the many blades on display. "Mighty fine weapons, extraordinary," he said bending down to inspect one of the swords more thoroughly. As he caught sight of the runes engraved on the blade, he ran his fingers over it. Then his eyes glanced down the table. He raised a brow curiously. All of the swords bore the same rune, an Elven rune of some sort.

Jaekob Faolan pushed open the heavy doors to the armory and stepped in. He saw the Mage with the swords and walked over to join him. His face was impassive as it had come to be of late. He didn't smile, but simply nodded his head. "Lord Mage," he said softly, "I thank you for making this journey and meeting with me."

the Mage and the Druid Meet

Gabriel Raynecrier turned as the door opened and then closed. His eyes met those of the elf and he bowed, not a low bow, but one of respect. He had never met the Elven King but he had no doubt he was in company of the Aran Tau'amandil, the Elven King of the River Lands. "Your Majesty, I am honored," he say midway into the bow, holding it until the King spoke.

Jaekob Faolan waved a hand through the air. "This is not a time for formalities mi'lord. We have more...important business to discuss" and he nodded to the swords. "I see you have found the......" and he bit his lip as he reached out to take one of the swords into his hand. "These are.....well....special weapons, mi'lord Mage. But, I brought you here to make them... even more special hmmm."

The Druid and the Mage

Gabriel Raynecrier looked at the Druid King and nodded. Then he turned to look at the swords, again running his fingers over a blade. "What would you have me do Your Majesty?" he asked in a very hushed voice. I am a simple Mage, not a smith or a craftsman of swords." And he looked back at the Elven King, "What could I possibly do to assist you?"

Jaekob Faolan bit his lip again, an old habit that he never could break. "You traveled a long way to meet with me so surely you know this is a matter of great urgency. Else, I would not have asked you to make such a journey."

Gabriel Raynecrier nods. "Ah, I would never turn down such an invitation as yours, Your Majesty.And I admit, I as to what you want of me."

Jaekob Faolan: "I want you to imbue these six blades," and he ran his hand over the blades, letting it hover above them. "I want you to imbue them with some manner of magic that will help the Elves defeat a.....a Demon" and he swallowed hard, turning his gaze from the Mage. "Have you heard about the troubles in our lands?" he asked softly, his face still a blank palette. "Have you heard that we are tormented by a Demon who is determined to claim our lands for his own?"

Gabriel Raynecrier nods, "I have heard rumors, yes. But, one can never believe rumors. Are you saying, then, that there is a Demon?" he asks as his eyes widen.

Jaekob Faolan: "The rumors are true, mi'lord Mage. Were that they were just rumors, but.....yes, they are true."

Gabriel Raynecrier turns to the swords, picking one up and holding it tight in his hand. He was awkward with the sword, but he turned from the Elven King and slashed it through the air. "I am not familiar with weapons Your Majesty, but this seems an extraordinary weapon. And what is this......this rune on the blade for?"

Jaekob Faolan steps closer to the table and lays his sword down, placing it gently in its place beside the others. "It is a rune holy to the Druids, mi'lord Mage, nothing more. Now tell me, have you the skills to imbue these weapons?"

Gabriel Raynecrier nods. "What would you have these blades do Your Majesty? Perhaps, some type of protection for the one who wields it?"

Jaekob Faolan nodded and offered a bit of a smile. "Do you read minds, mi'lord Mage?" and he laughed but it was a nervous laugh. "Yes, that was... is precisely what I had in mind, what I had hoped you could do."

Gabriel Raynecrier: "Yes," he said looking at the Elven King. "I can do what you ask, but it will take some time. I will have to secure the items I need and will need a place to work. I did not bring my scrolls with me so I would want to have access to the Library of the Elves." And he nods, looking over to the swords. "I will work as quickly as I can, Your Majesty."

Jaekob Faolan: "Our survival may be determined by your success mi'lord Mage. I will send a guard to you and he will assist you in all your needs. I have one request..."

Gabriel Raynecrier: "A request? What is that?"

Jaekob Faolan: "This must be kept quiet hmmm? I have not even discussed this with the Elven Council or my Druids. I wanted to make sure that I could secure someone with the ability to do this and that it was...well...doable."

Gabriel Raynecrier: "As you wish, Your Majesty. I will keep my work to myself and speak of it only to you."

Jaekob Faolan reaches over and lays his hand on the Mage's shoulder, "Have the guard send for me if I am needed and I shall come to you forthwith." And with that, the Elven King turned and left the Mage alone in the armory.


1 comment:

  1. Welcome Gabriel, we hope you enjoy being in the Lands and hope to meet you soon (as soon as the Druid lets you away from your work, of course!) :)
