Places of Interest

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Fitheach Heals Xella

Xella Steward enters Calenhad, holding her wrist lightly.

Fitheach Eun checks the small temple to see if anything is needed.

Xella Steward looks around, looking for someone to direct her to the Druid King.

Xella Steward goes to one of the guards and asks if he can direct her to the King,

Fitheach Eun hears someone asking for the Druid and sticks her head out of the temple door to see.

Fitheach Eun sees Xella talking to the guard and holding her wrist.

Xella Steward turns around and sees Fit.

Fitheach Eun: "Quel re Xella, Are you looking for the Druid?"

Xella Steward smiles and nods to her, "I am Lady Druid."

Fitheach Eun: "I do not think he is here at the moment but should be shortly."

Xella Steward winces slightly and touches her wrist gently.

Fitheach Eun: "Is there anything I can help with?"

Fitheach Eun notices the wince and looks concerned: "What happened to your wrist?"

Xella Steward:"I ummm," sighs.  "I got the Demon."

Fitheach Eun walks closer to her: "Burned by the Demon? That is not good."

Fitheach Eun: "Let's go take a look at it and make sure it will be all right?"

Xella Steward nods and offers her her wrist.

Fitheach Eun nods to the nearby building: " The infirmary is just over there."

Xella Steward follows her in>

Fitheach Eun looks at Xella's wrist carefully. She brings over a bucket of cold well water and asks Xella to submerge her wrist in it.

Xella Steward does so.

Fitheach Eun: "That should help cool the pain. Is it feeling better?"

Xella Steward pulls her wrist out and rubs it, "Yes, it is."

 Fitheach Eun goes over to the shelf and looks for the comfrey burn salve.

Fitheach Eun: "Don't rub it, that will make it worse."

Xella Steward stops rubbing and blushes.

Fitheach Eun: "Burns need to be cooled and then protected from the air to heal quickly."

Fitheach Eun: "And salt water might not be good for it."

 Xella Steward nods and offers her wrist.

Fitheach Eun: "Can you stay in the inland rivers until it heals?"

Fitheach Eun carefully spreads the salve lightly over the burn and then wraps it carefully in a soft bandage.

Fitheach Eun: "Do you want to tell me what happened?"

Xella Steward sighs and nods. "I was on the way to come here and I smelled fire."

Fitheach Eun sits down for a minute and rests.

Xella Steward looks at Fit and does so.

Fitheach Eun: "Fire, where was that?"

Xella Steward: "Just below the mountain here, near Remembrance  Bridge."

Fitheach Eun fishes out a roll of oiled silk and wraps it over the bandage carefully covering it all. "This will keep it from getting wet easily."

Fitheach Eun: "Near the bridge; that is close for a fire. And you saw the Demon there?"

Xella Steward nods. "He was burning the land."

Xella Steward: he was burning the land

Fitheach Eun frowns;  "That is most definitely not good."

Fitheach Eun: "How did you get burned?"

Xella Steward: "I had pulled some water to me to protect myself, he was circling me, the water hit him and he pushed me away."

Fitheach Eun: "Ah and he touched your wrist?"

Xella Steward: nods, "He no longer looked like a Drow. He looked like living fire."

Fitheach Eun: "Oh really? He is fully demon then; have you told the Druid yet? He needs to know about all of it."

Xella Steward rubs her wrist, "I will tell him when I see him."

Fitheach Eun: "Do you want me to warn him first or would you rather it comes from you?"

Xella Steward thinks "I will tell him,"

Fitheach Eun: "Okay, I will send him your way if I see him first."

Fitheach Eun looks seriously at Xella: " Try not to rub your wrist."

Fitheach Eun: "And remember what I said about salt water."

Xella Steward nods, "I'll just stay here then."

 Fitheach Eun: "That is a good idea; would you like something to eat or drink?"

Xella Steward nods, "That would be good."

 Fitheach Eun: "I will send something over; in the meantime there is a bed if you want to lie down for a while; I will go watch for the Druid."

Xella Steward nods and goes to the bed.

Fitheach Eun slips out the door looking for the Druid.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my poor Xella! Thank goodness Fit is near at hand at times like these! :)
