Places of Interest

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Summer Solstice in the River Lands

Our thanks to everyone for joining us on this very important day - old friends and new friends.

Jaekob Faolan stands quietly at the altar as everyone gathers. He offers a smile and nods  to the gathering.

Master Druid Jaekob Faolan

Jaekob Faolan looks out amongst the gathering, his gaze calm and humble, "My brothers and sisters, all. I would ask you to open your minds and hearts, to find balance. Perhaps, watch the sky, feel the air as it dances on your flesh, listen to the water lap onto the banks or watch the fire within the circle."

Jaekob Faolan  nods a gentle smile, giving them a moment to reflect and feel the calm of the ceremony. Then he lifts his arms out, palms upward. He closes his eyes and looks upward as he wills his breathing to slow, his thoughts to become calm and balanced.

Jaekob Faolan  begins to speak softly, "Hear me, Spirits of the Land, you within the stones and streams, the beasts and air, you within the fire."

Jaekob Faolan moves closer to the fire and kneels onto one knee in front of altar whereupon sits a small ceramic bowl, lays a bundle of sage and rosemary and a small unlit candle.

Jaekob Faolan  breathes deeply, willing his body to seek balance as inaudible thoughts become words. "I invoke you, the elements. I ask humbly you receive this our offering as we pass from one season to the next.  During the Summer Solstice, the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest - the veil between our world and the world of the fay - the wee folks, the fairies. "

Jaekob Faolan looks toward the altar and slowly begins to gather items, a few well used sticks, several small worn stones and a small pouch of herbs, sage, chamomile and lavender. All of these he places into the small bowl of water. Then he rises. He takes the bowl, cradling it in his hands, gazing into it, swirling the contents and smiles as the bowl seems to come alive in his hands.

the Solstice Ceremony

Jaekob Faolan moves slowly around the inside of the circle, smudging all in his wake. He slowly makes his way back to the altar and sits the bowl beside the lit candle.

Jaekob Faolan looks amongst the gathering, from one to the next, his countenance balanced.

Jaekob Faolan looks to the South. Saphira, will you speak to the fire, invoke it to aid us as we pass from one season onto the next?

Saphira Mistwalker smiles and turns to the South, standing straight and puffing a small burst of flame into the air.

Saphira Mistwalker, Dragon

Saphira Mistwalker hisses out a chant in the tongue of her people, then translates it for all to hear:

Saphira Mistwalker:
Guardians of life's fire,
Fulfill our hearts' desire.
Bless us with warmth and light.
Bring Summer's bounty for our delight.
Guide us as the seasons turn.
Make passion and love within us burn.

Saphira Mistwalker turns back to face the center.

Jaekob Faolan: Thank you Lady Saphira

Jaekob Faolan  turns to the North, Xella will you speak to the earth, invoke it to aid us as we pass from one season to the next?

Xella Steward: smiles at the crowd that's gathered. She kneels on the earth and places a hand on it, so she can feel its pulse and life. She places her other hand on her heart and bows her head. In her foreign accent, she intones:

Xella, Siren, and Ron

Xella Steward: "Spirits of Earth, in root and tree,
Harken as I speak to Thee,
Guide us safely from the light,
To times of dark and longer nights.

Xella Steward: By rock and stone, by flower and leaf,
By mountains high and plains beneath,
Let your strength be ours, let us endure,
From Summer to Winter, each step be sure.

Xella Steward: I offer here my sacred token - let the circle be safe and unbroken!"

Xella Steward: rises and moves to the altar, where she places four twigs to represent the four directions, tied with green ribbon to represent the element of earth.

Jaekob Faolan nods and smiles at Xella. "Thank you my dear friend."

 Xella Steward steps back and nods
The words spoken for Earth was written by our friend, Daniella MacTire. Thank you Dani.

 Jaekob Faolan turns to the East, "Giselle will you speak to the air, invoke it to aid us as we pass from one season to the next?"

Gisele Leemon flies up and  raises her arms as if to embrace someone.

Gisele, Faery

Gisele Leemon: "Oh Sidhe Goddess of the wind come, fly down to us on the wings of the great Eagle, so that we may embrace you with our arms outstretched, blow our hair and let us feel your power. fill our lungs with your healing power. This we pray to you in our seeking hour."

"Beings of the Air, Guardians of the East. come be welcome in this sacred place. let us stand firm in your embrace. Whisper my wishes on every wind that circles the earth."

"Gaurdians of the air thank you for lending your energy to our celebration . Hail and farewell."

 Jaekob Faolan turns to the West, "Druid Sister Fitheach will you speak to the water, invoke it to aid us as we pass from one season to the next?"

Fitheach Eun turns to face the west; she bends down and cups a handful of water from the bowl and stands, letting it flow slowly back out onto the earth.

Arch Druid Fitheach Eun

Fitheach Eun speaks solemnly:

Fitheach Eun: "The turning Wheel of the Year has made the light ever stronger
And the light has kept growing longer, until today."

Fitheach Eun: "From here, the light begins to fade again,
Until once more the Wheel turns to the time of darkness."

Fitheach Eun: "Today we celebrate the light, for tomorrow that light will wane. Today we acknowledge the end of the waxing year, and the beginning of the waning time."

Fitheach Eun: "Spirits of the water; givers and maintainers of life; sustain us as the year ebbs and the world grows darker."

Fitheach Eun: "Lend us the joy of your flowing streams; the serenity of your still pools, as we face the growing dark."

Fitheach Eun: "Keep us ever focused on the light."

Jaekob Faolan smiles at Fitheach, "Thank you my Druid Sister."

Jaekob Faolan: As the last one speaks, he turns his gaze back to the fire and lifts his arms upward as if to touch the sky and speaks softly.

 "We have gathered, we have spoken words of praise and thanks and now we would give our brethren a moment to bestow their thanks upon this day."

Jaekob Faolan: "If any would like to speak please do so now."

Gisele Leemon steps forward.

Jaekob Faolan nods and smiles to Gisele.

Gisele Leemon: "I give my humble prayer for our lands and all our neighbors hope that we may overcome our difficulties."

Jaekob Faolan: "Thank you Gisele. Would any other like to speak?"

Talia.Sunsong steps forward'

Gisele Leemon nods to the King Druid

Jaekob Faolan: Lady Talia, please speak your words.

Talia.Sunsong: : "I pray for health bestowed on those here and all the beings of the land."

Jaekob Faolan closes his eyes and wills his breathing to slow, his mind to calm and feels a soothing tremble pulse through him, "The green returns to the earth, the rains and storms have come to cleanse the soil and prepare it for the seed.. We give you thanks for the one season which this day closes to us and thanks for the new season which opens to us."

Jaekob Faolan drops his arms to his side and meditates a moment before opening his eyes and letting his gaze move around the circle. "Our task is done, my friends. All go in peace and honour this season as you pass through it."

Jaekob Faolan: "If you wish to stay, let us celebrate Midsummer by dancing around the fire. Bonfires are lit throughout the lands to protect us against evil spirits which roam freely at this time."

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